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Közleményjegyzék |
A. Balogh, B. Farkas, Á. Pálvölgyi, A. Domokos, B. Démuth, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy: Novel alternating current electrospinning of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose acetate succinate (HPMCAS) nanofibers for dissolution enhancement..., Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 106 (2017) 1634–1643, 2017 | A. Balogh, B. Farkas, A. Domokos, A. Farkas, B. Démuth, E. Borbás, B. Nagy, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy: Controlled-release solid dispersions of Eudragit® FS 100 and poorly soluble spironolactone prepared by electrospinning and melt extrusion, European Polymer Journal 95 (2017) 406–417, 2017 | G. Varró, L. Hegedűs, A. Simon, A. Balogh, A. Grün, I. Leveles, B.G. Vértessy, I. Kádas: The First Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (−)-trans-Dihydronarciclasine, Journal of Natural Products 80 (2017) 1909–1917, 2017 | A. Balogh, A. Domokos, B. Farkas, A. Farkas, Z. Rapi, D. Kiss, Z. Nyiri, Z. Eke, G. Szarka, R. Örkényi, B. Mátravölgyi, F. Faigl, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy: Continuous End-to-End Production of Solid Drug Dosage Forms: Coupling Flow Synthesis and Formulation by Electrospinning, Chemical Engineering Journal 350 (2018) 290–299, 2018 | B. Démuth, D.L. Galata, E. Szabó, B. Nagy, A. Farkas, A. Balogh, E. Hirsch, H. Pataki, Z. Rapi, L. Bezúr, T. Vigh, G. Verreck, Z. Szalay, Demeter, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy: Investigation of Deteriorated Dissolution of Amorphous Itraconazole: Description of Incompatibility with Magnesium Stearate and Possible Solutions, Molecular Pharmaceutics 14 (2017) 3927–3934, 2017 | T. Vigh, B. Démuth, A. Balogh, D.L. Galata, I. Van Assche, C. Mackie, M. Vialpando, B. Van Hove, P. Psathas, E. Borbás, H. Pataki, P. Boeykens, G. Marosi, G. Verreck, Z.K. Nagy: Oral bioavailability enhancement of flubendazole by developing nanofibrous solid dosage forms, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy (2017) 1–8, 2017 | B. Démuth, A. Farkas, B. Szabó, A. Balogh, B. Nagy, E. Vágó, T. Vigh, A.P. Tinke, Z. Kazsu, Demeter, J. Bertels, J. Mensch, A. Van Dijck, G. Verreck, I. Van Assche, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy: Development and tableting of directly compressible powder from electrospun nanofibrous amorphous solid dispersion, Advanced Powder Technology 28 (2017) 1554–1563, 2017 | G. Fülöp, A. Balogh, B. Farkas, A. Farkas, B. Szabó, B. Démuth, E. Borbás, Z.K. Nagy, G. Marosi: Homogenization of amorphous solid dispersions prepared by electrospinning in low-dose tablet formulation, Pharmaceutics 10 (2018), 2018 | B. Farkas, A. Balogh, A. Farkas, A. Domokos, E. Borbás, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy: Medicated straws based on electrospun solid dispersions, Periodica Polytechica Chemical Engineering 62 (2018) 310–316, 2018 | E. Szabó, B. Démuth, B. Nagy, K. Molnár, A. Farkas, B. Szabó, A. Balogh, E. Hirsch, B. Nagy, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy,: Scaled-up preparation of drug-loaded electrospun polymer fibres and investigation of their continuous processing to tablet form, Express Polymer Letters, 2018 | E. Borbás, Z.K. Nagy, B. Nagy, A. Balogh, B. Farkas, O. Tsinman, K. Tsinman, B. Sinkó: The effect of formulation additives on in vitro dissolution-absorption profile and in vivo bioavailability of telmisartan from brand and generic formulations, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 114 (2018), 2018 | A. Domokos, A. Balogh, D. Dénes; G. Nyerges, L. Ződi, B. Farkas, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy: Continuous manufacturing of orally dissolving webs containing a poorly soluble drug via electrospinning, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 130 (2019) 130: 91-99, 2019 | K. Ilyés, N.K. Kovács, A. Balogh, E. Borbás, B. Farkas, T. Casian, G. Marosi, I. Tomuta, Z.K. Nagy: The 3D-FDM printability assessment in terms of pharmaceutical polymers / polymeric blends, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 129 (2019) 110-123, 2019 | T. Casian, E. Borbás, K. Ilyés, B. Démuth, A. Farkas, Z. Rapi, C. Bogdan, S. Iurian, V. Toma, R. Stiufiuc, B. Farkas, A. Balogh, G. Marosi, I. Tomută, Z.K. Nagy: Electrospun amorphous solid dispersions of meloxicam: influence of polymer type and downstream processing to orodispersible dosage forms, Int. J. Pharm. 569 (2019) 118593, 2019 | T. Casian, A. Farkas, K. Ilyés, B. Démuth, E. Borbás, L. Madarász, Z. Rapi, B. Farkas, A. Balogh, A. Domokos, G. Marosi, I. Tomută, Z.K. Nagy: Data fusion strategies for performance improvement of a Process Analytical Technology platform consisting of four instruments: An electrospinning case study, Int. J. Pharm. 567 (2019) 1-13, 2019 | A. Balogh: Innovatív megoldások a folyamatos készítménygyártásban, Gyógyszerészet 63 (2019) 267-273, 2019 | B. Farkas, A. Balogh, R. Cselkó, K. Molnár, A. Farkas, E. Borbás, G. Marosi, Z.K. Nagy: Corona Alternating Current Electrospinning: A combined approach for increasing the productivity of electrospinning, Int. J. Pharm 561 (2019) 219-227, 2019 |




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