Analytical, combinatorial and computational number theory
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List of publications |
Hegyvári N., Hennecart F: On the distribution of the values of multivariate rational functions, Uniform Distribution Theory 9(2): 103-123, 2014 | Mérai L.: On the typical values of the cross-correlation measure, Monatshefte Math. 180(1): 83-99, 2016 | Sárközy A.: On pseudorandomness of families of binary sequences, J. Applied Discrete Math. 216(3): 670-676, 2017 | Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Sárközy A.: On finite pseudorandom binary lattices, J. Applied Discrete Math. 216(3): 589-597, 2017 | Erdélyi M., Zábrádi G.: Links between generalized Montréal functors, Math. Zeitschrift (közlésre elfogadva), 2014 | Károlyi Gy, Komjáth P: Well ordering groups with no monotone arithmetic progressions, Order (közlésre elfogadva), 2015 | Dartyge C.; Szalay M.: On a phenomenon of Turán concerning the summands of partitiona, Acta Math. Hungar. 149(2): 375-395, 2016 | Mérai L.: The cross-correlation measure of families of finite binary sequences: limiting distributions and minimal values, Discrete Applied Math. 214: 153-168, 2016 | Mérai L.; Winterhof A.: On the linear complexity profile of some sequences derived from elliptic curves, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 81(2): 259-267, 2016 | Zábrádi G.: Multivariate (phi,gamma)-modules and smooth o-torsion representations, Selecta Math. (közlésre elfogadtva), 2016 | Hegyvári N.: On deterministic and random rolling of polyhedra, Int.Electron. J. Geom. 9(1): 85-88, 2016 | Dartyge C., Gyarmati K., Sárközy A.: On iiregularities of distribution of binary sequences relative to arithmetic progressions, II (Special sequences), Unif. Distr. Theory (közlésre benyujtva), 2016 | Zábrádi G.: Multivariable (phi.Gamma)-modules and product of Galois groups, Math. Research Letters (közlésre benyujtva), 2016 | Szamuely T; Zábrádi G: The p-adic Hodge decomposition according to Beilinson, Procof the 2015 AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geomettry (közlésre elfogadva), 2016 | Csapodi C; Hegyvári N: On some irrational decimal fractions, revisited, Elemente Math. (közlésre benyujtva), 2016 | Hegyvári N; Hennecart F;: A note on the set A+A^2, Ramanujan J. (közlésre benyujtva), 2016 | Pintz J.: Distribution of zeta zeros and the oscillation of the error term of the prime number theorem, Festschrift for the 125th anniversary of the birth of I. M. Vinogradov, Proc. of the Steklov Institute (közlésre elfogadva), 2016 | Pintz J.: Patterns of primes in arithmetic progressions, Number Theory - Diophantine Problems, Uniform Distribution and Applications, Festschrift in Honour of R. F. Tichy, eds. C. Elsholtz et al., Springer (közlésre elfogadva), 2016 | Hegyvári N.: Note on character sums of Hilbert cubes, J. Number Theory 160: 526-535, 2016 | Hegyvári N; Ruzsa I. Z.: Additive structure of difference sets and a theorem of Folner, Australian J. Combinatorics 64: 437-443, 2016 | Gyarmati K: Measures of pseudorandomness,, Finite fields and applications: character sums and polynomials, eds. P. Charpin et al.,Random Series in Computational and applied Math., de Gruyter, 43-64, 2013 | Dartyge C; Mauduit C; Sárközy A: Values of polynomials and generators with "missing digits" in finite fields, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. (közlésre elfogadva), 2013 | Gyarmati K; Konyagin S; Sárközy A: On the reducibility of large sets of residues modulo p, J. Number Theory 133(7): 2374-2397, 2013 | Gyarmati K; Mauduit C; Sárközy A: On linear complexity of binary lattices, II, Ramanujan J. (közlésre elfogadva), 2013 | Mauduit C; Sárközy A: Family complexity and VC-dimension, Ahlswede Festschrift, eds. H. Aydinian et al., LNCS 7777, Springer, Berlin, 346-363, 2013 | Goldston DA; Pintz J; Yildirim CY: Primes in tuples IV: Density of small gaps between consecutive primes, Acta Arith. 160: 37-53, 2013 | Pintz J: The bounded gap conjecture and bounds between consecutive Goldbach numbers, Acta Arith. 155: 297-305, 2012 | Hegyvári N; Hennecart F: Conditional expanding bounds for two-variable functions over prime fields, Europ. J. Combin. 34: 1365-1382, 2013 | Hegyvári N; Hennecart F: Structure of product set in the Heisenberg groups, Moscow J. Combin. Number Th. 3: 57-69, 2013 | Károlyi Gy; Paulin R: On the exterior algebra method applied to restriscted set addition, European J. Combin. 34: 1383-1389, 2013 | Károlyi Gy; Lascoux A; Warnaar SO: Constant term identities and Poincare polynomials, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (közlésre elküldve), 2013 | Károlyi Gy: A Lie algebra approach to difference sets, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös (közlésre elküldve), 2013 | Mérai L: The higher dimensional analogue of certain estimates of Roth and Sárközy, Periodica Math. Hungar. (közlésre elfogadva), 2013 | Schneider P; Vigneras MF; Zábrádi G: From étale P_+ representations to G equivariant sheaves on G/P, in Proc. LMS Durham Symposium on Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series (közlésre elfofadva), 2013 | Zábrádi G: (phi,gamma)-modules over noncommutative overconvergent and Robba rings, J. Algebra Number Th. (közlésre beküldve), 2013 | Sárközy A: On multiplicative decompositions of the set of the shifted quadratic residues modulo p, Number Theory, Analysis and Combinatorics, W. De Gruyter, Berlin, 295-306, 2013 | Gyarmati K; Mauduit C; Sárközy A: The cross-correlation measure for families of binary sequences, Applications of Algebra and Number Theory (Lectures on the Occasion of Harald Niederreiter's 70th Birthday), 2014 | Balog A; Rivat J; Sárközy A: On arithmetic properties of sumsets, Acta Math. Hungar. (közlésre elfogadva), 2014 | Gyarmati K; Sárközy A: On reducible and primitive subsets of F_p, Integers (EJCNT), 2014 | Mérai L: On the elliptic curve power generator, Uniform Distribution Theory, 2014 | Bárász M; Ligeti P; Lónya K; Mérai L; Nagy D. A.: An another twist in the Dining Cryptographers' protocol, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 2014 | Farkas B; Pintz J; Révész Sz. Gy: On the weight function in GPY for small gaps between primes, Number Theory, Combinatorics and Analysis, W. de Gruyter, 75-104, 2013 | Goldston D. A; Graham S. W; Pintz J; Yildirim C. Y: Corrigendum: Small gaps between products of two primes, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 106: 477-480, 2013 | Pintz J: Paul Erdős and the difference of primes, Bolyai Soc. Math. Studies 25, Erdős centennial, eds. L. Lovász et al., Springer, 485-513, 2013 | Pintz J: Some new results on small gaps between consecutive primes, Number Theory, Analysis and Combinatorics, W. de Gruyter, Berlin, 231-247, 2013 | Pintz J: The twin prime conjecture, bounded gaps between consecutive primes, and Polignac numbers, Eureca, The Archimdians Journal, 2014 | Károlyi Gy: Proof of a conjecture of Farhi, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (közlésre elfogadva), 2014 | Károlyi Gy; Nagy Z. L; Petrov F. V; Volkov V: A new approach to constant term identities and Selberg-type integrals, Advances in Mathematics (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Gyarmati K; Mauduit C; Sárközy A: On linear complexity of binary lattices, II, Ramanujan J. 34(2): 237-263, 2014 | Mérai L: The higher dimensional analogue of certain estimates of Roth and Sárközy, Periodica Math. Hungar. 68: 77-91, 2014 | Schneider P; Vigneras MF; Zábrádi G: From étale P_+ representations to G equivariant sheaves on G/P, Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series 415, eds. F Diamond et al., Vol. 2, 248-366, 2014 | Zábrádi G: (phi,gamma)-modules over noncommutative overconvergent and Robba rings, Algebra and Number Theory 8(1): 191-242, 2014 | Gyarmati K; Mauduit C; Sárközy A: The cross-correlation measure for families of binary sequences, Applied Algebra and Number Theory, Essays in Honor of Harald Niederreiter on the occasion of his 70th birthday, eds. G. Larcher et al., Cambridge Univ. Press, 126-143, 2014 | Gyarmati K; Sárközy A: On reducible and primitive subsets of F_p, Integers (EJCNT) (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Mérai L: On the elliptic curve power generator, Uniform Distribution Theory 9(2): 59-65, 2014 | Pintz J: The twin prime conjecture, bounded gaps between consecutive primes, and Polignac numbers, Eureca, The Archimedians Journal (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Károlyi Gy: Proof of a conjecture of Farhi, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 7: 145002 (5 pages), 2014 | Bíró A.: An identity related to Wilson functions, Acta Math. Hungar. 144(2): 367-406, 2014 | Gyarmati K.: On the complexity of a family based on irreducible polynomials, Finite Fields and Their Applications (közlésre elfogadva), 2014 | Hegyvári N., Hennecart F: On the distribution of the values of multivariate rational functions, Uniform Distribution Theory (közlésre elfogadva), 2014 | Hegyvári N., Hennecart F.: Note on a result of Chung on Weil type sums, Integers (EJCNT) (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Mérai L.: On the typical values of the cross-correlation measure, Monatshefte Math. (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Mérai L.: Pseudorandomness of binary sequences derived from linear recursions, Periodica Math. Hungar. (közlésre elfogadva), 2014 | Mérai L., Yayla O.: Improving results on the pseudorandomness of sequences generated via the additive order, Discrete Math. (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Pintz J.: New equidistribution estimates of Zhang type, and bounded gaps between primes, D. H. J. Polymath, Algebra and Nunber Theory (közlésre elfogadva), 107 oldal, 2014 | Pintz J.: On the ratio of consecutive gaps between primes, arXiv:1406.2658v2 (24 oldal), 2014 | Pintz J.: On the distribution of gaps between consecutive primes, arXiv:1407.2213v2 (22 oldal), 2014 | Rivat J., A. Sárközy: On arithmetic properties of products and shifted products, Analytic Number Theory, In Honor of Helmut Maier's 60th Birthday, Springer (közlésre elfogadva), 2014 | Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Sárközy A: Generation of further pseudorandom binary sequences, I (Blowing up a single sequence), Uniform Distribution Theory (közlésre elfogadva), 2014 | Sárközy A.: On pseudorandomness of families of binary sequences, J. Applied Discrete Math. (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Sárközy A.: On finite pseudorandom binary lattices, J. Applied Discrete Math. (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Sebők R.: On a connection berween pseudorandom measures, Uniform Distribution Theory (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Sebők R.: On pseudorandom binary sequences constructed by using finite fields, Periodica Math. Hungar. (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Backhausz T., Zábrádi G.: Algebraic functional equations and completely faithful Selmer groups, International J. Number Theory (közlésre benyujtva), 2014 | Erdélyi M., Zábrádi G.: Links between generalized Montréal functors, http://www.cs.elte.hu/~zger/SVtoB.pdf, 2014 | Goldston D. A., Pintz J., Yildirim C. Y.: Small gaps between primes, ICM Proceedings, Soeul, 2014 | Dartyge C; Mauduit C; Sárközy A: Polynomial values and generators with missing digits in finite fields, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 52(1): 65-74, 2015 | Károlyi Gy; Lascoux A; Warnaar SO: Constant term identities and PoincarÉ polynomials, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367: 6809-6836, 2015 | Károlyi Gy.: A Lie algebra approach to difference sets: Homage to Yahia Ould Hamidoune, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös, Sectio Math. 57: 77-83, 2014 | Balog A; Rivat J; Sárközy A: On arithmetic properties of sumsets, Acta Math. Hungar. 144(1): 18-42, 2014 | Gyarmati K; Sárközy A: On reducible and primitive subsets of F_p, Integers (EJCNT) 15A: No. A6, 21 pp, 2015 | Bárász M; Ligeti P; Lónya K; Mérai L; Nagy D. A.: An another twist in the Dining Cryptographers' protocol, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 57: 85-99, 2013 | Károlyi Gy; Nagy Z. L; Petrov F. V; Volkov V: A new approach to constant term identities and Selberg-type integrals, Advances in Mathematics 277: 252-282, 2015 | Gyarmati K.: On the complexity of a family of Legendre sequences with irreducible polynomials, Finite Fields and Their Applications 33: 175-186, 2015 | Hegyvári N., Hennecart F.: Note on a result of Chung on Weil type sums, Integers (EJCNT) 15, No. A37, 9 pp, 2015 | Mérai L.: Pseudorandomness of binary sequences derived from linear recursions, Periodica Math. Hungar. 71: 64-77, 2015 | Mérai L., Yayla O.: Improving results on the pseudorandomness of sequences generated via the additive order, Discrete Math. 338: 2020-2025, 2015 | Pintz J.: New equidistribution estimates of Zhang type, and bounded gaps between primes, D. H. J. Polymath, Algebra and Nunber Theory: 2067-2199, 2014 | Pintz J.: On the ratio of consecutive gaps between primes, Analytic Number Theory, In Honor of Helmut Maier's 60th Birthday, eds. C. Pomerance et al., Springer: 285-304, 2015 | Rivat J., A. Sárközy: On arithmetic properties of products and shifted products, Analytic Number Theory, In Honor of Helmut Maier's 60th Birthday, eds. C. Pomerance et al., Springer, 343-355, 2015 | Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Sárközy A: Generation of further pseudorandom binary sequences, I (Blowing up a single sequence), Uniform Distribution Theory 10(1): 35-61, 2015 | Sebők R.: On a connection berween pseudorandom measures, Uniform Distribution Theory 10: 107-113, 2015 | Sebők R.: On pseudorandom binary sequences constructed by using finite fields, Periodica Math. Hungar. 71: 210-223, 2015 | Backhausz T., Zábrádi G.: Algebraic functional equations and completely faithful Selmer groups, International J. Number Theory 11(4): 1233-1257, 2015 | Károlyi Gy, Komjáth P: Well ordering groups with no monotone arithmetic progressions, Order (közlésre benyujtva), 2015 | Dartyge C.; Szalay M.: On a phenomenon of Turán concerning the summands of partitiona, Acta Math. Hungar. (közlésre benyujtva), 2015 | Mérai L.: The cross-correlation measure of families of finite binary sequences: limiting distributions and minimal values, Discrete Applied Math. (közlésre elfogadva), 2015 | Mérai L.; Winterhof A.: On the linear complexity profile of some sequences derived from elliptic curves, Des. Codes Cryptogr. (közlésre elfogadva), 2015 | Mérai L.; Winterhof A.: On the pseudorandomness of the Liouville function of polynomials over a finite field, Unif. Distr. Theory (közlésre elfogadva), 2015 | Dartyge C.; Gyarmati K.; Sárközy A.: On irregularities of distribution of binary sequences relative to arithmetic progressions, I. (General results), Unif. Distrib. Theory (közlésre elfogadva), 2015 | Gyarmati K.; Sárközy A.: On reducible and primitive subsets of F_p, II, Quart. J. Math. Oxford, Quart. J. Math. Oxford (közlésre elfogadva), 2015 | Mauduit C.; Rivat J.; Sárközy A.: On the digits of sumsets, Canadian J. Math. (közlésre banyujtva), 2015 | Pintz J.: Polignac Numbers, Conjectures of Erdős on Gaps Between Primes, Arithmetic Progressions in Primes, and the Bounded Gap Conjecture, From Arithmetic to Zeta Functions - Number Theory on Memory of Wolfgang Schwarz, eds. J. Sander et al., Springer (közlésre benyujtva), 2015 | Pintz J.: An approximation to the twin prime conjecture and the parity phenomenon, Indag. Math. 26: 883-896, 2015 | Zábrádi G.: Multivariate (phi,gamma)-modules and smooth o-torsion representations, J. European Math. Soc. (közlésre benyujtva), 2015 | Chen Y.-G.; Fang J.-H.; Hegyvári N.: On the subset sums of exponential type sequences, Acta Arith. (közlésre elfogadva), 2015 | Chen Y.-G.; Fang J.-H.; Hegyvári N.: Erdős-Birch type question in N^r, Monatshefte Math. (közlésre benyujtva), 2015 | Hegyvári N.; Hennecart F.: Expansion for cubes in the Heisenberg group, Forum Mathematicum (közlésre benyujtva), 2015 | Hegyvári N.: On deterministic and random rolling of polyhedra, Int.Electron. J. Geom. (közlésre benyujtva), 2015 | Bíró A.; Lapkova K.: The class number one problem for the real quadratic fields Q[(an^2+4a)^1/2], Acta Arith. (közlésre elfogadva), 2015 | Jha S.; Ochiai T.; Zábrádi G.: On twists of modules over non-commutative Iwasawa algebras, Algebra and Number Theory (közlésre benyujtva), 2015 |





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