Experimental study of the structural function and antioxidant role of eggshell pigments in wild birds
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Hargitai R, Boross N, Nyiri Z, Eke Zs: Biliverdin- and protoporphyrin-based eggshell pigmentation in relation to antioxidant supplementation, female characteristics and egg traits in the canary (Serinus canari, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70:2093-2110., 2016 | Hargitai R, Herényi M, Nagy G, Nyiri Z, Eke Zs, Török J: Effects of environmental conditions on the egg mass, yolk antioxidant level, eggshell thickness and eggshell spotting pattern of Great Tits (Parus major)., Journal of Ornithology 157:995-1006., 2016 | Hargitai R, Nagy G, Herényi M, Nyiri Z, Laczi M, Hegyi G, Eke Zs, Török J: Darker eggshell spotting indicates lower yolk antioxidant level and poorer female quality in the Great Tit (Parus major)., Auk 133:131-146., 2016 | Hargitai R, Nagy G, Nyiri Z, Bervoets L, Eke Zs, Eens M, Török J: Effects of breeding habitat (woodland versus urban) and metal pollution on the egg characteristics of great tits (Parus major)., Science of Total Environment 544:31-38., 2016 | Hargitai R, Nyiri Z, Eke Zs, Török J: Effects of temperature and duration of storage on the stability of antioxidant compounds in egg yolk and plasma., Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89:161-167., 2016 | Hargitai R; Nagy G; Herényi M; Török J: Eggshell pigmentation pattern in relation to experimental calcium availability, egg parameters, and laying order in the Great Tit (Parus major), Ibis (közlésre elküldve), 2013 | Hargitai R; Nagy G; Herényi M; Török J: Effects of experimental calcium availability, egg parameters and laying order on Great Tit Parus major eggshell pigmentation patterns., Ibis 155:561-570, 2013 | Hargitai R; Nagy G; Herényi M; Costantini D; Nyíri Z; Eke Zs; Török J: Does eggshell pigmentation pattern signal female and egg quality in the Great Tit (Parus major)?, XXXIII International Ethological Conference (Anglia, Newcastle), poszter (P210, 196-197. oldal), 2013 | Nyíri Z; Hargitai R; Eke Zs: Determination of biliverdin and protoporhyrin from avian eggshells by high performance liquid chromatography, IXth Balaton Symposium on High-Performance Separation Methods. (Magyarország, Siófok), poszter, 2013 | Hargitai R, Boross N, Nyiri Z, Eke Zs: Biliverdin- and protoporphyrin-based eggshell pigmentation in relation to antioxidant supplementation, female characteristics and egg traits in the canary (Serinus canari, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (online megjelent; DOI 10.1007/s00265-016-2214-z), 2016 | Hargitai R, Herényi M, Nagy G, Nyiri Z, Eke Zs, Török J: Effects of environmental conditions on the egg mass, yolk antioxidant level, eggshell thickness and eggshell spotting pattern of Great Tits (Parus major)., Journal of Ornithology 157:995-1006., 2016 | Hargitai R, Nagy G, Herényi M, Nyiri Z, Laczi M, Hegyi G, Eke Zs, Török J: Darker eggshell spotting indicates lower yolk antioxidant level and poorer female quality in the Great Tit (Parus major)., Auk 133:131-146., 2016 | Hargitai R, Nagy G, Nyiri Z, Bervoets L, Eke Zs, Eens M, Török J: Effects of breeding habitat (woodland versus urban) and metal pollution on the egg characteristics of great tits (Parus major)., Science of Total Environment 544:31-38., 2016 | Hargitai R, Nyiri Z, Eke Zs, Török J: Effects of temperature and duration of storage on the stability of antioxidant compounds in egg yolk and plasma., Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89:161-167., 2016 | Hámori S, Bodai Zs, Nyiri Z, Hargitai R, Eke Zs: Protoporfirin és biliverdin UPLC-MS/MS meghatározása vérplazmából., Elválasztástudományi Vándorgyűlés (Egerszalók), 2014 | Hargitai R, Boross N, Hámori S, Neuberger E, Nyiri Z: Eggshell biliverdin and protoporphyrin pigments in a songbird: are they derived from erythrocytes, from blood plasma or from the shell gland?, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology DOI: 10.1086/694297, 2017 | Hargitai R, Boross N, Nyiri Z, Eke Zs: Effects of food limitation on the intensity of blue-green and brown eggshell coloration: an experimental study with the canary, Journal of Avian Biology DOI: 10.1111/jav.01486, 2017 |




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