Signal transduction of heavy metal-induced root morphological responses in Brassicaceae: from model to crop
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Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Ágnes Koós, Andrea Pető, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Relationship between cytokinin and nitric oxide in selenium treated Arabidopsis plants, Biomedica 2013 Congress, Kutatások az SZTE Biológus Tanszékein, 13th December 2013, Szeged, Hungary, Abstract Book pp. 51, 2013 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Nóra Lehotai, Andrea Pető, Gábor Feigl, Devanand Kumar, László Erdei: Selenium-Induced Growth Responses and Their Hormonal Background, International Conference Plant Growth, Nutrition & Environment Interactions, 18-21 February 2012, Wien, Austria, Abstract Book pp 59, 2012 | Nóra Lehotai, Andrea Pető, Gábor Feigl, Devanand Kumar, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Study of selenite-induced hormonal and signalling mechanisms during root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana L. by light and fluorescence microscopy, 7th Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society PhD Student Conference, 12-15 September 2012, Laulasmaa, Estonia, Abstract Book pp. 54, 2012 | Gábor Feigl, Devanand Kumar, Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Ágnes Szepesi, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Studying the effect of copper in Brassica juncea and Brassica napus root tips: metabolism of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and morphological adaptation., 7th Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society PhD Student Conference, 12-15 September, Laulasmaa, Estonia, Abstract Book pp. 51, 2012 | Gábor Feigl, Devanand Kumar, Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Attila Ördög, Árpád Molnár, Zsuzsanna Kolbert, László Erdei: The effect of zinc on the microelement homeostasis and the metabolism of reactive signal molecules in Brassica juncea and Brassica napus, Third Annual Workshop of COST Action FA 0905 – Mineral improved crop production for healthy food and feed, 23-26 October, Lisbon, Portugal, Abstract Book, 2012 | Nóra Lehotai, Andrea Pető, Gábor Feigl, Devanand Kumar, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Early responses in root meristem of Pisum sativum and Arabidopsis thaliana induced by copper and selenium, Second Annual Conference and MC Meeting COST Action FA 0905, Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed. 23-26 November 2012, Venice, Italy, Abstract Book, 2012 | Nóra Lehotai, Andrea Pető, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: The effect of selenium (Se) on development and nitric oxide levels in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings, Acta Biologica Szegediensis 55(1):105-107, 2012 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Attila Ördög, László Erdei: In vivo and in vitro studies on fluorophore-specificity, Acta Biologica Szegediensis 56(1):37-41, 2012 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, László Erdei: Long-term copper (Cu2+) exposure impacts on auxin, nitric oxide (NO) metabolism and morphology of Arabidopsis thaliana L., Plant Growth Regulation 68:151-159, 2012 | Nóra Lehotai, Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Andrea Pető, Gábor Feigl, Attila Ördög, Devanand Kumar, Irma Tari, László Erdei: Selenite-induced hormonal and signalling mechanisms during root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana L., Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (15):5677-5687, 2012 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Nóra Tugyi, Attila Ördög, László Erdei: Relationship between nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in copper-exposed Arabidopsis roots., SEB Annual Main Meeting, 3-6 July 2013, Valencia, Spain. Abstract Book pp. 189., 2013 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Nóra Lehotai, Andrea Pető, Gábor Feigl, Nóra Tugyi, László Erdei: Cytokinin overproducing ipt-161 Arabidopsis shows altered NO generation and insensitivity to selenite., 11th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, 17-19 July 2013, Warsaw, Poland. Abstract Book pp. 238, 2013 | Gábor Feigl, Devanand Kumar, Nóra Lehotai, Nóra Tugyi, Árpád Molnár, Attila Ördög, Ágnes Szepesi, Katalin Gémes, Gábor Laskay, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL RESPONSES OF THE ROOT SYSTEM OF INDIAN MUSTARD (BRASSICA JUNCEA L. CZERN.) AND RAPESEED (BRASSICA NAPUS L.) TO COPPER STRESS, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 94:179-189, 2013 | Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Nóra Tugyi, Attila Ördög, Katalin Gémes, Irma Tari, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: NITRIC OXIDE CONTRIBUTES TO COPPER TOLERANCE BY INFLUENCING ROS METABOLISM IN ARABIDOPSIS, Plant Cell Reports 32:1913-1923, 2013 | Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Ágnes Koós, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Cytokinin-nitric oxide interaction: an antagonistic relationship in selenite-exposed Arabidopsis., Society for Experimental Biology Annual Main Meeting, 1-3 July 2014, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2014 | Gábor Feigl, Nóra Lehotai, Árpád Molnár, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Zinc excess affects root architecture and reactive oxygen- and nitrogen species metabolism in Brassica juncea and Brassica napus., Society for Experimental Biology Annual Main Meeting, 1-3 July 2014, Manchester, United Kingdom, Abstract Book, 2014 | Gábor Feigl, Nóra Lehotai, Árpád Molnár, Marta Rodríguez-Ruiz, José M. Palma, Fransico J. Corpas, László Erdei L, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Zinc induced a nitro-oxidative stress in roots of Brassica species., 5th Plant NO Club Meeting, 24-25 July 2014, Munich, Germany, 2014 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, László Erdei: Growth responses induced by microelement excess: the role of reactive nitrogen species., Socieatas Biologiae Plantarum Hungarica, 11th Congress, 27-29 Aug, Szeged, Hungary, Abstract Book pp 20, 2014 | Gábor Feigl, Nóra Lehotai, Árpád Molnár, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Detection of protein tyrosine nitration in zinc-treated Brassica plants., Socieatas Biologiae Plantarum Hungarica, 11th Congress, 27-29. Aug, 2014, Szeged, Hungary, Abstract Book pp 40, 2014 | Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Ágnes Koós, Andrea Pető, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: The role of nitric oxide under selenium tolerance., Socieatas Biologiae Plantarum Hungarica, 11th Congress, 27-29 Aug, 2014, Szeged, Hungary, Abstract Book pp 46, 2014 | Árpád Molnár, Gábor Feigl, Nóra Lehotai, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Microscopic study of zinc localization in Brassica roots., Socieatas Biologiae Plantarum Hungarica, 11th Congress, 27-29 Aug 2014, Szeged, Hungary, Abstract Book pp 51, 2014 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Attila Ördög, László Erdei: In vivo and in vitro studies on fluorophore-specificity, Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 2012 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, László Erdei: Long-term copper (Cu2+) exposure impacts on auxin, nitric oxide (NO) metabolism and morphology of Arabidopsis thaliana L., Plant Growth Regulation, 2012 | Nóra Lehotai, Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Andrea Pető, Gábor Feigl, Attila Ördög, Devanand Kumar, Irma Tari, László Erdei: Selenite-induced hormonal and signalling mechanisms during root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana L., Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012 | Gábor Feigl, Devanand Kumar, Nóra Lehotai, Nóra Tugyi, Árpád Molnár, Attila Ördög, Ágnes Szepesi, Katalin Gémes, Gábor Laskay, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL RESPONSES OF THE ROOT SYSTEM OF INDIAN MUSTARD (BRASSICA JUNCEA L. CZERN.) AND RAPESEED (BRASSICA NAPUS L.) TO COPPER STRESS, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013 | Andrea Pető, Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Nóra Tugyi, Attila Ördög, Katalin Gémes, Irma Tari, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: NITRIC OXIDE CONTRIBUTES TO COPPER TOLERANCE BY INFLUENCING ROS METABOLISM IN ARABIDOPSIS, Plant Cell Reports, 2013 | Nóra Lehotai, Gábor Feigl, Ágnes Koós, Andrea Pető, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert.: : RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CYTOKININ AND NITRIC OXIDE IN SELENIUM-TREATED ARABIDOPSIS PLANTS., MTMT, 2013 | Gábor Feigl, Devanand Kumar, Nóra Lehotai, Andrea Pető, Árpád Molnár, Éva Rácz, Attila Ördög, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Gábor Laskay: Comparing the effects of excess copper in the leaves of Brassica juncea (L. Czern) and Brassica napus (L.) seedlings: growth inhibition, oxidative stress and photosynthetic damage., Acta Biologica Hungarica, 2015 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Nóra Lehotai, Andrea Pető, Gábor Feigl, Nóra, Tugyi, László Erdei: CYTOKININ OVERPRODUCING IPT-161 ARABIDOPSIS SHOWS ALTERED NO GENERATION AND INSENSITIVITY TO SELENITE, MTMT, 2013 | Gábor Feigl, Nóra Lehotai, Árpád Molnár, Attila Ördög, Marta Rodríguez-Ruiz, José M. Palma, Francisco J. Corpas, László Erdei, Zsuzsanna Kolbert: Zinc induces distinct changes in the metabolism of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS) in the roots of two Brassica species with different sensitivity to zinc stress., Annals of Botany DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcu246, 2014 | Tugyi Nóra, Pető Andrea, Lehotai Nóra, Feigl Gábor, Erdei László, Kolbert Zsuzsanna: A nitrogén-monoxid és a prolin kapcsolatának vizsgálata Arabidopsis thaliana L. növényekben réz stressz alatt., A biológia jövője, a jövő biológusai, avagy szemelvények a magyarországi felsőoktatási intézményekben végzett tudományos munka eredményeiből, JATEPress, 91-101 o., 2014 | Megyeriné Pető Andrea: A nitrogén-monoxid (NO) szerepe, reaktív oxigénformákkal (ROF) és auxinnal való kapcsolata réz stressz során, http://doktori.bibl.u-szeged.hu/2290/, 2014 | Lehotai Nóra: Szelén-indukált stresszválaszok vizsgálata Arabidopsis thaliana L. és Pisum sativum L. növényekben, a biofortifikáció lehetősége, http://doktori.bibl.u-szeged.hu/2325/, 2014 |




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