Discrete element analysis of the mechanics of masonry structures
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Forgács, T. - Sarhosis, V. - Bagi, K.: Effect of construction method on the load bearing capacity of skew masonry arches, nyelvi lektorálás alatt; tervezett benyújtás: Engineering Structures;, 2017 | Kassotakis N - Sarhosis V - Forgács T - Bagi K: Discrete element modelling of multi-ring brickwork masonry arches, 13th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Halifax, Canada, 04-07 June 2017 (11 oldal, lektorált), 2017 | Lengyel, G.: Minimum thickness of the gothic barrel vault, Archive of Applied Mechanics, bírálat alatt, 2017 | Lengyel, G.: Discrete element analysis of gothic vaults for self-weight and horizontal support displacement, Engineering Structures, bírálat alatt, 2017 | Lengyel, G. - Németh, R.: The mechanical role of the ribs in masonry groin vaults for seismic action, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, bírálat alatt, 2017 | Bagi, K.: Fundaments of the discrete element method, https://www.me.bme.hu/en/profil/katalin-bagi, BME Tartószerkezetek Mechanikája Tanszék, 2012 | Turi, N. - Bagi, K. - Kiss, R.M. - Török, Á.: A prágai Károly-híd modellezése, Magyar Építőipar, 2013 | Simon, J. - Bagi, K.: Ovális alaprajzú falazott boltozatok diszkrét elemes vizsgálata, Magyar Építőipar 2012/5. pp. 180-186, 2012 | Simon, J. - Bagi, K.: Discrete element analysis of the minimum thickness of oval masonry domes, Int. J. Solids and Structures, bírálatok után javítás alatt, 2012 | Bagi, K.: When the Safe Theorem fails: Non-Heymanian collapse modes of masonry structures, Int. J. Solids and Structures, benyújtva, bírálatra vár, 2013 | Simon, J. - Bagi, K.: Discrete element analysis of masonry domes with oval plan, 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, 9-13 July 2012, Graz, Austria; előadás, 2012 | Bagi, K.: When Heyman’s Safe Theorem for Rigid Block Sytems Fails: Non-Heymanian Collapse Modes of Masonry Structures, Int. J. Solids and Structures, elfogadva, nyomdában, 2014 | Lengyel, G. - Bagi, K.: Discrete element analysis of the mechanical role of the ribs in groin vaults, 7th MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 12-14 June 2013, Cambridge, Boston, USA; előadás, 2013 | Lengyel, G. - Bagi, K.: Mechanical behaviour of masonry chimneys, 19th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, 11-12 Oct 2013, Vienna; előadás, 2013 | Bagi, K.: When Limit State Analysis Fails: Collapse of Masonry Structures, COMPLAS 2013 Conference, 03-05 Sept 2013, Barcelona, 2013 | Simon, J. - Bagi, K.: Discrete element analysis of the minimum thickness of oval masonry domes, Int. J. Architectural Heritage, elfogadva, nyomdában, DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2014.996921, 2015 | Bagi, K.: When Heyman’s Safe Theorem for Rigid Block Sytems Fails: Non-Heymanian Collapse Modes of Masonry Structures, Int. J. Solids and Structures 51 (14), 2696–2705, 2014 | Rigó, B. - Bagi, K.: Discrete element analysis of stone cantilever stairs, Engineering Structures, benyújtva: 2014 november, 2015 | Szakály, F. Hortobágyi, Zs. - Bagi, K.: Discrete element analysis of the shear resistance of planar walls with different bond patterns, The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal, benyújtva: 2015 január, 2015 | Lengyel, G. - Bagi, K.: Analysis of the horizontal reaction of pointed barrel and cross vaults, The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal, benyújtva: 2015 február, 2015 | Lengyel, G. - Bagi, K.: Numerical analysis of the mechanical role of the ribs in groin vaults, Computers & Structures, benyújtva: 2014 július, javított változat benyújtva: 2015 április, 2015 | Szakály, F. - Bagi, K.: Falazott szerkezetű síkfalak kvázi-statikus vizsgálata, XII. MAMEK, Miskolc, 2015. augusztus 25-27., bírálat alatt, 2015 | Simon, J. - Bagi, K.: Discrete element analysis of the minimum thickness of oval masonry domes, Int. J. Architectural Heritage, Vol. 10(4), pp. 457-475, DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2014.996921, 2016 | Szakály, F. - Hortobágyi, Zs. - Bagi, K.: Discrete element analysis of the shear resistance of planar walls with different bond patterns, The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 190:202, 2016 | Lengyel, G. - Bagi, K.: Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults, International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, accepted, in press, 2016 | Szakály, F. - Bagi, K.: Falazott szerkezetű síkfalak kvázi-statikus vizsgálata, XII. MAMEK, Miskolc, 2015. augusztus 25-27. (7 oldal), 2015 | Bagi, K.: The DDA Method, Sarhosis et al (eds): Computational Modeling of Masonry Structures Using the Discrete Element Method. IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 91-104, 2016 | Bagi, K.: The Contact Dynamics Method, Sarhosis et al (eds): Computational Modeling of Masonry Structures Using the Discrete Element Method. IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 105-125, 2016 | Lengyel, G., Bagi, K.: Analysis of the horizontal reaction of pointed barrel and cross vaults, Procs. 8th Intl. Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 29 Sept – 2 Oct 2015, Opatija, Croatia (23 pages), 2015 | Szakály, F., Bagi, K.: Quasi-static modelling of masonry structures, Procs. 8th Intl. Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 29 Sept – 2 Oct 2015, Opatija, Croatia (9 pages), 2015 | Forgács, T. - Sarhosis, V. - Bagi, K.: Influence of construction method on the mechanical behaviour of skewed masonry arches, Procs. 8th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 29 September – 2 October 2015, Opatija, Croatia, 2015 | Forgács, T. - Sarhosis, V. - Bagi, K.: Influence of Construction Method on the Mechanical Behaviour of Skewed Masonry Arches, 20th Inter-Institute Seminar, 9-10 October 2015, Cracow, Poland, 2015 | Forgács, T. - Sarhosis, V. - Bagi, K.: Modelling of skew masonry arches, International Journal of Architectural Heritage (előkészületben, nyelvi lektorálás alatt), 2016 | Lengyel, G. - Bagi, K.: Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults, International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, 1(4), pp. 398-420, DOI: 10.1504/IJMRI.2016.10002047, 2016 | Lengyel, G. - Bagi, K.: Numerical analysis of the mechanical role of the ribs in groin vaults, Computers & Structures 158, pp. 42-60, 2015 | Szakály, F. - Bagi, K.: Falazott szerkezetű síkfalak kvázi-statikus vizsgálata, XII. MAMEK, Miskolc, 2015. augusztus 25-27. (7 oldal, lektorált), 2015 | Forgács, T. - Sarhosis, V. - Bagi, K.: Minimum thickness of semi-circular skewed masonry arches, Engineering Structures 140, pp. 317-336, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.02.036, 2017 |





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