Household-based complex network The complex household network analysis of the Late Neolithic settlemet at Polgár-Csőszhalom
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Anders, Aexandra–Siklósi, Zsuzsanna: The times of their death – question of contemporaneity in burials from a Late Neolithic settlement in Polgár-Csőszhalom (NE-Hungary)., Homines Funera Astra. Alba Iulia. In press, 2017 | Anders A.: Újkőkori nőtörténet – bioszociális régészet Polgáron, közlésre elfogadva, 2017 | Anders Alexandra: From bones to human beings. New advances in the study of Neolithic burials in the Polgár Area I., Hungarian Archaeology Online Summer, 2016 | Anders A: Mediating between Earth and Sky? “Shamans” in the Late Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin?, közlésre elfogadva, 2017 | Anders Alexandra: Csontváztól az emberig. Neolitikus temetkezések kutatásának újabb eredményei Polgár környékén, Magyar Régészet online magazin 2016 nyár, 2016 | Faragó Norbert: Differences in the raw material preferences in Polgár-Csőszhalom, Northeast Hungary, Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology in press, 2017 | Raczky P., Anders A.: The chosen ones. Unconventional burials at Polgár-Csőszhalom (NE Hungary) from the fifth millennium BC., közlésre elfogadva, 2017 | Faragó Norbert: Differences in the raw material preferences in Polgár-Csőszhalom, Northeast Hungary., 22st Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists Vilnius, 2016 31th September – 4th September. Abstracts, 2016 | Raczky, Pál-Anders, Alexandra: Assemblages of material-social interaction and the creation of space at Polgár-Csoszhalom, 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 2016.08.31.-2016.09.04. Abstracts, 2016 | Anders Alexandra: The dog and its owner – a burial from a Late Neolithic settlement in Polgár-Csőszhalom (NE-Hungary), Homines, Funera, Astra. Death and Animals from Prehistory to Middle Ages. International Symposium on Funeray Anthropology. Alba Iulia, 37.Alba Iulia, 2015 | Raczky Pál, Anders Alexandra, Sebők Katalin: A century of changing archaeological perspectives at PolgáInternational Open Workshop. Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: Ther-Csőszhalom (Hungary), International Open Workshop. Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes IV. Ed.: J. N. Menke, Kiel, 27., 2015 | Raczky Pál, Anders Alexandra, Sebők Katalin: One site – several stages: Multi-faceted localities for social places at the Late Neolithic site of Polgár-Csőszhalom (Hungary), International Open Workshop. Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes IV. Ed.: J. N. Menke, Kiel, 94., 2015 | Sebők Katalin: What’s melting in the pot? Cultural interaction and everyday life in the settlement of Polgár-Csőszhalom as reflected by the ceramic material, International Open Workshop. Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes IV. Kiel, 24-25.124-125., 2015 | Faragó Norbert: Houses, households, activity zones in the post-LBK world. Results of the raw material analysis of the chipped stone tools of Polgár-Csőszhalom, Northeast Hungary., 21 ST ANNUAL MEETING OF TH E EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS 2 - 5 SEPTEMBER 2015 UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, SCOTLAND. Abstracts. Ed. L. Campbell. Glasgow, 179., 2015 | Pál Raczky–Alexandra Anders: A special oven type from the 5th millennium BC in the Hungarian Plain, In: K. Bacvarov–R. Gleser (eds): Southeast Europe and Anatolia in prehistory. Essays in honor of Vassil Nikolov on his 65th anniversary. Bonn, 2016 | Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo–Enikő K. Magyari–Maria Lityńska-Zając–Pál Raczky–Alexandra Anders: Character of the Atlantic oak-woods of the Great Hungarian Plain., Quaternary International in press, 2017 | Raczky, P.–Anders. A.: The chosen ones. Unconventional burials at Polgár-Csőszhalom (NE Hungary) from the fifth millennium BC, Penny Bickle, Vicki Cummings, Daniela Hofmann and Joshua Pollard (eds): The Neolithic of Europe: essays in honour of Professor Alasdair Whittle. Oxford 2017, 63–80., 2017 | Füzesi András–Mesterházy Gábor–Serlegi Gábor–Márkus Gábor–Raczky Pál: Polgár-Csőszhalom. A Tisza-vidéki újkőkor településének legújabb, multidiszciplináris vizsgálati eredményei., Magyar Régészet Online ősz, 2016 | Füzesi András–Mesterházy Gábor–Serlegi Gábor–Márkus Gábor–Raczky Pál: Results of the new multidisciplinary investigations of a Late Neolithic settlement in the Tisza region, Hungarian Archaeology Online Autumn, 2016 | Csippán Péter: Consumption patterns and morphology of cattle in a Late Neolithic settlement Polgár–Csőszhalom, 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 2016.08.31.-2016.09.04., Vilnius Abstracts, 2016 | Faragó Norbert: Houses, Households, Activity Zones in the Post-LBK World. Results of the Raw Material Analysis of the Chipped Stone Tools at Polgár-Csőszhalom, Northeast Hungary., Open Archaeology 2, 346–367., 2016 | Raczky P, Anders A: Shaping places – changing time: Late Neolithic cultural dynamics at Polgár-Csőszhalom (Hungary), In: 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologist. Abstracts. Ed: Yilmaz, Ö. Istanbul, 135., 2014 | Csippán P: Brothers, Sisters, Neighbours – Dietary Differences between the Households of the Neolithic Site of Polgár-Csőszhalom (NE Hungary), In: 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologist. Abstracts. Ed: Yilmaz, Ö. Istanbul, 522., 2014 | Sebők K: Memory, identity, possibility: a symbolic decorational system as a medium of cultural remembrance and social signalling in the Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin, Abstracts. 2014 Burgos. XVII World UISPP Congress. 328-329., 2014 | Tóth Zs: The role of use-wear analysis in the identification of tool uses and household activities on the Late Neolithic settlement of Polgár–Csőszhalom, Hungary, Abstracts. 2014 Burgos. XVII World UISPP Congress. 423-424., 2014 | Csippán Péter: Azonosságok és különbségek Polgár-Csőszhalom neolitikus település háztartásainak állatcsontanyagában – Similarities and differences in the meat consuption of the househol, Archaeologiai Értesítő 140, 7-27., 2015 | Csippán Péter: Nyájak, állatok, lakomák a 7000 évvel ezelőtti Alföldön, Élet és Tudomány, 2015:(14), 434-436, 2015 | Pál Raczky, Alexandra Anders, Katalin Sebők, Péter Csippán, Zsuzsanna Tóth: The times of Polgár-Csőszhalom. Chronologies of human activities on the Polgár-Csőszhalom horizontal settlement., In: Svend Hansen, Pál Raczky, Alexandra Anders, Agathe Reingruber (szerk.) (szerk.) Neolithic and Copper Age between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea. Chronologies and Technologies from the 6th to the 4th Millennium BCE. International Workshop Budapest 2012.. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Verlag, 2015. pp. 21-48. (Archäologie in Eurasien; 31.) Neolithic and Copper Age between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea. Chronologies and Technologies from the 6th to the 4th Millennium BCE. International Workshop Budapest 2012., 2015 | Raczky Pál, Anders Alexandra, Faragó Norbert, Márkus Gábor: Short report on the 2014 excavations at Polgár-Csőszhalom., DISSARCH 3: (2) 363-375, 2014 | Raczky Pál, Anders Alexandra, Siklósi Zsuzsanna: Trajectories of Continuity and Change between the Late Neolithic and the Copper Age in Eastern Hungary, In: Schier W, Draşovean F (szerk.) (szerk.) The Neolithic and Eneolithic in Southeast Europe. New approaches to dating and cultural Dynamics in the 6th to 4th Millennium BC.. Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2014. pp. 319-346., 2014 | Anders Alexandra, Kalla Gábor: New possibilities for the interpretation of the so-called sanctuaries in the Neolithic, Settlement, culture and population dynamics in Balkan prehistory. International conference. Ed. V. Dimitrovska. Skopje, 30-31.., 2015 | Sebők Katalin: Pride and prefiguration: roles of decorated pottery in the Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin, Settlement, culture and population dynamics in Balkan prehistory. International conference. Ed. V. Dimitrovska. Skopje, 24-25., 2015 | Raczky P, Anders A: Szentpéterszeg-Kovadomb. Egy késő neolitikus lelőhely tér-képei - Szentpéterszeg-Kovadomb Image-scapes of a Late Neolithic settlement, In: Anders A.–Balogh Cs.–Türk A. (szerk.): Avarok pusztái. Régészeti tanulmányok Lőrinczy Gábor 60. születésnapjára — Avarum solitudines. Archaeological studies presented, 2014 | Tóth Zsuzsanna: Possible evidence for the method of debitage by extraction in the Hungarian Neolithic / Posibila prezenţă a metodei de debitaj prin extracţie în neoliticul din Ungaria, M. Mărgărit, G. Le Dosseur, Al. Averbouh (eds): An overwiew of the exploitation of hard animal materials during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic. Târgovişte, 57-70., 2014 | Csippán P: The invisible home. Identifying household clusters in the Late Copper Age: a case study from Balatonkeresztúr-Réti-dűlő, 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists – Abstracts. Ed. Turek, J. Praha, 433, 2013 | Sebők K, Szilágyi M: Contact, coexistence, coaction. First thoughts about the ways of interference as reflected by the ceramic material of Polgár-Csőszhalom, Hungary, 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists – Abstracts. Ed. Turek, J. Praha, 236, 2013 | Faragó N: Some preliminary results of the intrasite analysis of the late neolithic chipped stone assemblages of Polgár-Csőszhalom, Northeast Hungary, 10th SKAM Lithic Workshop, Book of Abstracts, Torun, 19, 2013 | Mester Zs: From on-site raw material economy to interregional social contacts: a case study from northern Hungary, 10th SKAM Lithic Workshop, Book of Abstrakts. Torun, 51., 2013 | Raczky Pál, Sebők Katalin: The outset of Polgár-Csőszhalom tell and the archaeological context of a special central building, In: Sorin Forţiu, Adrian Cîntar (szerk.) (szerk.) Arheovest II1 –in honorem Gheorghe Lazarovici. Interdisciplinaritate în Arheologie. Timişoara, 6 decembrie 2014. Szeged: JATE Press, 2014. pp. 51-100., 2014 | Mester Zs, Faragó N, Lengyel Gy: - The lithic raw material sources and interregional human contacts in the Northern Carpathian regions: A research program, Anthropologie L/3 275-293, 2012 | Tóth Zs: Débitage par extraction in the Hungarian Neolithic, GDRE PREHISTOS – THEMATIC WORK SESSION 2: Exploitation of hard animal materials during Neolithic and Chalcolithic. Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania, 5-9 november, 2013 | Tóth Zs: Exploitation and economical importance of wild species in the worked osseous industry on some Hungarian Late Neolithic sites, GDRE PREHISTOS – THEMATIC WORK SESSION 2: Exploitation of hard animal materials during Neolithic and Chalcolithic. Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania, 5-9 november, 2013 | Fábián Sz, Csippán P. Daróczi-Szabó M: Hajléktalan badeniek? – Háztartások lokalizációjának lehetőségei Balatonkeresztúr-Réti-dűlő késő rézkori lelőhelyén., Ősrégészeti Levelek 13 (2011) 128-162., 2013 | Csippán, P: Az állatcsont, mint információhordozó leletanyag, Dissertationes Archaeologicae Ser. 3., No. 1., 53-84, 2013 | Raczky P, Anders A: Space time correlations of a Late Neolithic settlement complex, Polgár-Csőszhalom (North-Eastern Hungary), 2. 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists – Abstracts. Ed. Turek, J. Praha, 170., 2013 | Faragó N: Possibilities and limits of spatial analysis: the chipped stone tools of the Late Neolithic site of Polgár-Csőszhalom, Northeast Hungary, 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists – Abstracts. Ed. Turek, J. Praha, 138, 2013 | Csippán P: Never desire to take your neighbour’s household..., 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists – Abstracts. Ed. Turek, J. Praha, 358, 2013 | Anders A: Connecting earth and sky: “shamans” or mediators in the Late Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin, 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists – Abstracts. Ed. Turek, J. Praha, 23, 2013 | Raczky P. Anders A., Sebők K., Csippán P, Tóth Zs: Chronologies of human activities on the Polgár-Csőszhalom site., Chronologies, Lithics and Metals. Late Neolithic and Copper Age in the Eastern Part of the Carpathian Basin and in the Balkans. PAS-Berlin.(közlésre elfogadva), 2013 | Faragó N: Space-time characteristics of the chipped stone industry at the Polgár-Csőszhalom horizontal settlement, Chronologies, Lithics and Metals. Late Neolithic and Copper Age in the Eastern Part of the Carpathian Basin and in the Balkans. PAS-Berlin. (közlésre elfogadva), 2013 | Mester Zs, J K Kozłowski: Modes de contacts des Aurignaciens du site d’Andornaktálya (Hongrie) à la lumière de leur économie particulière de matières premières, Modes de contacts des Aurignaciens du site d’Andornaktálya (Hongrie) à la lumière de leur économie particulière de matières premières, Liege, 27, 2012 | Mester Zs, Faragó N. Lengyel Gy: The lithic raw material sources and interregional human contacts in the Northern Carpathian regions: a research program, Abstract Book and Conference Guide. 9th SKAM Workshop – Lithic Raw Materials – Phenomena of the Stone Age. Brno , 21, 2012 | Sebők K: Pottery decoration in the Late Neolithic of the Great Hungarian Plain: a multiple-way approach, Abstract Book. Theory and Method in the Prehistoric Archaeology of Central Europe Mikulov, 2012. october 24-26, 23. http://theoryandmethod.gofs.cz/abstract-book/, 2012 | Tóth Zs.: Some New Results in the Research of Worked Osseous Materials of the Late Neolithic Period in Hungary, Abstract Book. The 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists in Helsinki, Finland, 29th August – 1st September. B6. Helsinki, 2012 | Anders A, Raczky P: Háztartások és települési egység viszonya Polgár-Csőszhalom késő neolitikus lelőhelyén – The relation between households and settlement units at the Late Neolithic settle, Ősrégészeti Levelek 13 (2011) 78–101., 2013 | Sebők K, Faragó N, Hajdú , Anders A, Raczky P: Egy különleges kút és leletei Polgár-Csőszhalom késő neolitikus településéről — An unusual well and its finds from the Late Neolithic settlement at Polgár-Csőszhalom, Archaeologiai Értesítő 138, 29–79, 2013 | Raczky P, Anders A: Neolithic enclosures in Eastern Hungary and their survival into the Copper Age., Neolithische Kreisgrabenanlagen in Europa / Neolithic Circular Enclosures in Europe. Internationale Arbeitstagung 7.–9. Mai 2004 in Goseck (Sachsen-Anhalt) / Internationa, 2012 | Kalla G, Raczky P, V. Szabó G: Ünnep és lakoma a régészetben és az írásos forrásokban. Az őskori Európa és Mezopotámia példái alapján., Déri B. (szerk.): Convivium. Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Karán 2012. november 6–7-én tartott vallástudományi konferencia előadásai. AΓION könyvek, 2013 | Mester Zs, Faragó N,: - The lithic raw material sources and interregional human contacts in the Northern Carpathian regions: Report and preliminary results of the field surveys., Mester Zs. (ed.), The lithic raw material sources and interregional human contacts in the Northern Carpathian regions. Kraków-Budapest, 23-39, 2013 |





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