Analysis and control of polynomial nonlinear systems using optimization methods
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Johnston MD; Siegel D; Szederkényi G: Computing weakly reversible linearly conjugate chemical reaction networks with minimal deficiency, Mathematical Biosciences 241:88-98, 2013 | Tuza ZA; Szederkényi G; Hangos KM; Alonso AA; Banga JR: Computing all sparse kinetic structures for a Lorenz system using optimization, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23: 1350141.1-1350141.17, 2013 | Szederkényi G; Banga JR; Alonso AA: CRNreals: a toolbox for distinguishability and identifiability analysis of biochemical reaction networks, Bioinformatics 28:1549-1550, 2012 | Alonso AA; Szederkényi G: On the geometry of equilibrium solutions of kinetic systems obeying the mass action law, 8th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Singapore, pp. 469-474, 2012 | Csercsik D; Szederkényi G: Realization theory as a tool of stability analysis for kinetic systems, Proceedings of the IASTED Conference Control and Applications (CA 2013), Honolulu, USA, pp. 122-127, 2013 | Szederkényi G; Tuza ZA; Hangos KM: Determining biochemical reaction network structures for kinetic polynomial models with uncertain coefficients, AIP Conference Proceedings 1479: 2427-2430, 2012 | Szederkényi G; Lipták G; Rudan J; Hangos KM: Optimization-based design of kinetic feedbacks for nonnegative polynomial systems, IEEE 9th International Conference of Computational Cybernetics, July 8-10, Tihany, Hungary, pp-. 67-72, 2013 | Veres J; Cserey G; Szederkényi G: Bio-inspired backlash reduction of a low-cost robotic joint using closed-loop-commutated stepper motors, Robotica 31:789-796, 2013 | Szederkényi G; Tuza ZA; Hangos KM: Dynamical equivalence and linear conjugacy of biochemical reaction network models, 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (BMS 2012), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 125-130, 2012 | Csercsik D; Szederkényi G: ATP production optimization in biochemical mass action models with protein turnover, IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundations of Mathematical Systems Theory, July 13-16, Lyon, France, pp. 0017.1-0017.6, 2013 | Hangos KM; Szederkényi G: The effect of conservation on the dynamics of chemical reaction networks, IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundations of Mathematical Systems Theory, July 13-16, Lyon, France, pp. 0008.1-0008.6, 2013 | Szederkényi G: Computational Methods for the Analysis of Nonnegative Polynomial Systems, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2013 | Hannemann-Tamás, R.; Gábor, A.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos K.M.: Model complexity reduction of chemical reaction networks using mixed-integer quadratic computing, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 65, 1575-1595, 2013 | Rudan, J.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.: Efficient Computation of Alternative Structures for Large Kinetic Systems Using Linear Programming, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 71, 71-92, 2014 | Rudan, J.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.; Péni, T.: Polynomial time algorithms to determine weakly reversible realizations of chemical reaction networks, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 52, 1386-1404, 2014 | Hangos, K. M.; Szederkényi, G.: A model structure-driven hierarchical decentralized stabilizing control structure for process networks, Journal of Process Control, 24, 1358-1370, 2014 | Siegal-Gaskins, D.; Tuza, Z.A.; Kim, J.; Noireaux, V.; Murray, R.M.: Gene circuit performance characterization and resource usage in a cell-free "breadboard", ACS Synthetic Biology, 3, 416-425, 2014 | Csercsik, D.; Sziklai, B.: Traffic routing oligopoly, Central European Journal of Operations Research, in press, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-013-0316-5, pp. 1-20, 2013 | Gábor, A.; Hangos, K. M.; Szederkényi, G.: On the Verification and Correction of Large-Scale Kinetic Models in Systems Biology, A. Gupta and T.A. Henzinger (Eds.): CMSB 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNBI 8130, 206-219, 2013 | Hangos, K. M.; Szederkényi, G.: Analysis of Qualitative Dynamic Properties of Positive Polynomial Systems Using Transformations, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Hartung, F.; Pituk, M. (Eds.), Springer, 94, 105-119, 2014 | Tuza, Z.A.; Singhal, V.; Kim, J.; Murray, R.M.: An in silico modeling toolbox for rapid prototyping of circuits in a biomolecular "breadboard" system, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2013; Florence; Italy; 10 December 2013 through 13 December 2013; 1404-1410; Code: 105599, 2013 | Lakatos, E.; Meszéna, D.; Szederkényi, G.: Identifiablity Analysis and Improved Parameter Estimation of a Human Blood Glucose Control System Model, 11th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology - CMSB 2013, Klosterneuburg, Austria, 22-24 September, 248-249, 2013 | Magyar, A.; Hangos, K. M.: Stabilizing dynamic feedback design of quasi-polynomial systems using their underlying reduced linear dynamics, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013), Dec. 10-13, Florence, Italy, 636-641, 2013 | Magyar, A.; Hangos, K. M.: Control Lyapunov function based feedback design for quasi-polynomial systems, 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2013), Sep. 4-6, Toulouse, France, 128-133, 2013 | Lipták, G.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.: Kinetic feedback computation for polynomial systems to achieve weak reversibility and minimal deficiency, 13th European Control Conference, ECC 2014, 06. 24 - 06. 27, Strasbourg, France, 2691-2696, 2014 | Csercsik, D.; Szederkényi, G.: Parametric analysis of dynamically equivalent reaction network models, Proceedings of the 22th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 16-19, Palermo, Italy, pp. 1365-1370, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2836-1, 2014 | Csercsik, D.; Imre, S.: Comparison of router intelligent and cooperative host intelligent algorithms in a continous model of fixed telecommunication networks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications and Network Engineering, September 12-13, Singapore, pp. 719-727, ISSN: 1307-6892, 2013 | Rudan, J.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.: Computing dynamically equivalent realizations of biochemical reaction networks with mass conservation, ICNAAM 2013: 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 21–27 September, Rhodes, Greece, 2013, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1558, 2356-23, 2013 | Rudan, J.: Optimization-based analysis and control of complex networks with nonlinear dynamics, PhD thesis, Multidisciplinary PhD School of Engineering and Science, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary, 2014, 2014 | Lipták, G.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.: Computing zero deficiency realizations of kinetic systems, Systems and Control Letters, 81, 24-30, 2015 | Ács, B.; Szederkényi, G.; Tuza, Z. A.; Tuza, Zs.: Computing Linearly Conjugate Weakly Reversible Kinetic Structures Using Optimization and Graph Theory, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 74, 489-512, 2015 | Hangos, K. M.; Magyar, A. & Szederkényi, G.: Entropy-inspired Lyapunov Functions and Linear First Integrals for Positive Polynomial Systems, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 10, 105-123, 2015 | Csercsik, D.; Habis, H.: Cooperation with externalities and uncertainty, Networks and Spatial Economics, 15, 1-16, 2015 | Csercsik, D.: Lying generators: manipulability of centralized payoff mechanisms in electrical energy trade, Central European Journal of Operations Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-015-0387-6, 2015 | Lipták, G.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.: On the parametric uncertainty of weakly reversible realizations of kinetic systems, Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry, 42, 103-107, 2014 | Fodor, A.; Bálint, R.; Magyar, A.; Szederkényi, G.: Stability and Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of an Induction Motor, Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry, 42, 109-113, 2014 | Lipták, G.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.: Hamiltonian Feedback Design for Mass Action Law Chemical Reaction Networks, 5th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, 07. 04. - 07. 07., Lyon, France, pp. 1-6, 2015 | Tuza, Z. A.; Szederkényi, G.: Computing Core Reactions of Uncertain Polynomial Kinetic Systems, 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 06. 16. - 06. 19. 2015, Torremolinos, Spain, 1187-1194, 2015 | Tuza, Z. A.; Siegal-Gaskins, D.; Kim, J.; Szederkényi, G.: Analysis-based Parameter Estimation of an in vitro Transcription-Translation System, 14th Annual European Control Conference, ECC 2015, 07. 15. - 07. 17., Linz, Austria, pp. 1554-1560, 2015 | Csercsik, D.; Imre, S.: Position guided local routing and reconfiguration in mobile telecommunication networks with scale-free topology, 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2015, 06. 16. - 06. 19., Torremolinos, Spain, pp. 987-992, 2015 | Szederkényi, G.: A computation-oriented representation of kinetic systems with rational reaction rates, In: C. Wiuf, E. Feliu (eds.) Workshop on Mathematical Trends in Reaction Network Theory, 07. 01. - 07. 03., Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015 | Z. A. Tuza: Structural Analysis of Kinetic Systems with Application to Cell-free Expression Systems, PhD thesis, Roska Tamás PhD School of Engineering and Science, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary, 2015 | Johnston MD; Siegel D; Szederkényi G: Computing weakly reversible linearly conjugate chemical reaction networks with minimal deficiency, Mathematical Biosciences 241:88-98, 2013 | Tuza ZA; Szederkényi G; Hangos KM; Alonso AA; Banga JR: Computing all sparse kinetic structures for a Lorenz system using optimization, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23: 1350141.1-1350141.17, 2013 | Hannemann-Tamás, R.; Gábor, A.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos K.M.: Model complexity reduction of chemical reaction networks using mixed-integer quadratic computing, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 65, 1575-1595, 2013 | Szederkényi G: Computational Methods for the Analysis of Nonnegative Polynomial Systems, Scholar's Press, Saarbrücken, 169 p., ISBN:978-3639660135, 2014 | Rudan, J.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.: Efficient Computation of Alternative Structures for Large Kinetic Systems Using Linear Programming, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 71, 71-92, 2014 | Rudan, J.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.; Péni, T.: Polynomial time algorithms to determine weakly reversible realizations of chemical reaction networks, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 52, 1386-1404, 2014 | Hangos, K. M.; Szederkényi, G.: A model structure-driven hierarchical decentralized stabilizing control structure for process networks, Journal of Process Control, 24, 1358-1370, 2014 | Siegal-Gaskins, D.; Tuza, Z.A.; Kim, J.; Noireaux, V.; Murray, R.M.: Gene circuit performance characterization and resource usage in a cell-free "breadboard", ACS Synthetic Biology, 3, 416-425, 2014 | Ács, B.; Szederkényi, G.; Tuza, Z. A.; Tuza, Zs.: Computing Linearly Conjugate Weakly Reversible Kinetic Structures Using Optimization and Graph Theory, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 74, 489-512, 2015 | Hangos, K. M.; Magyar, A. & Szederkényi, G.: Entropy-inspired Lyapunov Functions and Linear First Integrals for Positive Polynomial Systems, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 10, 105-123, 2015 | Csercsik, D.; Habis, H.: Cooperation with externalities and uncertainty, Networks and Spatial Economics, 15, 1-16, 2015 | Csercsik, D.: Lying generators: manipulability of centralized payoff mechanisms in electrical energy trade, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 24, 923-937, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-015-0387-6, 2016 | B. Boros: The Dependence of the Existence of Positive Steady States on the Rate Coefficients for Deficiency-One Mass Action Systems, 2014 SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, Charlotte, NC, USA, Aug. 4-7, 2014, 2014 | Rudan, J.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, K. M.: Effectively computing dynamically equivalent structures of large biochemical reaction networks, International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology – BIOCOMP BG 2012, 20-‐21 September, Varna, Bulgaria, p. 80, 2012 | Johnston, M. D.; Siegel, D.; Szederkényi, G.: A linear programming approach to weak reversibility and linear conjugacy of chemical reaction networks, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 50, 274-288, 2012 | Rudan, J.; Kersbergen, B.; van den Boom, T.; Hangos, K.: Performance analysis of MILP based model predictive control algorithms for dynamic railway scheduling, European Control Conference (ECC2013), Juli 17-19 2013, Zurich', ISBN: 978-3-952-41734-8, 4562-4567, 2013 | Hangos, K. M.; Szederkényi, G.; Alonso, A. A.: Reaction kinetic form of lumped process system models, IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundations of Mathematical Systems Theory, July 13-16, Lyon, France', ISBN: 978-3-902823-40-3, 48-53, 2013 | Hangos, K.; Gábor, A.; Szederkényi, G.: Model reduction in bio-chemical reaction networks with Michaelis-Menten kinetics, European Control Conference (ECC 2013), July 17-19 2013, Zurich', 4478-4483, 2013 | Hangos, K. M.; Szederkényi, G.: The effect of transformations on the structural dynamical properties of chemical reaction networks, The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2014, 07. 07 - 07. 11, 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands', ISBN:978-90-367-6321-9, 89, 2014 | Polcz, P.; Szederkényi, G.; Péni, T.: An improved method for estimating the domain of attraction of nonlinear systems containing rational functions, Journal of Physics - Conference Series, 659, 012038 (1-12), 2015 | Gábor, A.; Hangos, K. M.; Banga, J. R.; Szederkényi, G.: Reaction network realizations of rational biochemical systems and their structural properties, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 53, 1657-1686, 2015 | Tuza, Z. A.; Ács, B.; Szederkényi, G.; Allgöwer, F.: Efficient Computation of all distinct realization structures of kinetic systems, 6th IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering', paper id: MoA2.5, 1-7., 2016 | Szederkényi, G.; Ács, B.; Szlobodnyik, G.: Structural analysis of kinetic systems with uncertain parameters, 2th IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundations for a Mathematical Systems Theory - TFMST 2016, Vigo, Spain, 28—30 September 2016', IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 49, Issue 24,, 2016 | Lipták, G.; Rudan, J.; Hangos, K. M.; Szederkényi, G.: Stabilizing kinetic feedback design using semidefinite programming, 2th IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundations for a Mathematical Systems Theory - TFMST 2016, Vigo, Spain, 28—30 September 2016', IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 49, 12-17, 2016 | Lipták, G.; Szederkényi, G.; Hangos, M.: Kinetic feedback design for polynomial systems, Journal of Process Control 41, 56-66, 2016 | Gábor, A.; Hangos, K. M.; Szederkényi, G.: Linear conjugacy in biochemical reaction networks with rational reaction rates, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 54, 1658-1676, 2016 | Csercsik, D.; Kádár, P.: A distributed optimal power flow approach based on the decomposition of generation characteristics, 16th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, June 7-10, Florence, Italy', ISBN: 978-1-5090-2320-2., 2016 | Csercsik, D.: A one-sided flow based combinatorial auction electricity market model, WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems 11, 309-315, 2016 | Csercsik, D.: Competition and cooperation in a bidding model of electrical energy trade, Networks and Spatial Economics, 2016, available in electronic form, 1-31, DOI: 10.1007/s11067-015-9310-x, 2016 | Csercsik, D.; Imre, S.: Cooperation and coalitional stability in decentralized wireless networks, Telecommunication Systems, 2016, available in electronic form, 1-14, DOI: 10.1007/s11235-016-0193-z, 2016 | Alonso, A. A.; Szederkényi, G.: Uniqueness of feasible equilibria for mass action law (MAL) kinetic systems, Journal of Process Control 48, 41-71, 2016 | Ács, B.; Szederkényi, G.; Tuza, Z. A.; Tuza, Z.: Computing all possible graph structures describing linearly conjugate realizations of kinetic systems, Computer Physics Communications 204, 11-20, 2016 | Ács, B.; Szederkényi, G.; Csercsik, D.: A New efficient algorithm for determining all structurally different realizations of kinetic systems, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 77, 299-320, 2017 | Csercsik, D.; Sziklai, B.: Traffic routing oligopoly, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 23:743-762, DOI: 10.1007/s10100-013-0316-5, pp. 1-20, 2015 |





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