Analysis of hydrogen peroxide signaling in mammalian cells using novel molecular tools
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Booth DM, Enyedi B, Geiszt M, Várnai P, Hajnóczky G.: Redox Nanodomains Are Induced by and Control Calcium Signaling at the ER-Mitochondrial Interface., Molecular Cell, 2016 | Donkó A, Moranda S, Korzeniowska A, Boudreaua HE, Zanab M, Hunyady L, Geiszt M, Leto TL: Hypothyroidism-associated missense mutation impairs NADPH oxidase activity and intracellular trafficking of Duox2, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 2014 | Péterfi Z, Tóth ZE, Kovács HA, Lázár E, Sum A, Donkó Á, Sirokmány G, Shah AM, Geiszt M: Peroxidasin-like protein: A novel peroxidase homologue in the human heart, CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 2014 | Péterfi Z, Geiszt M: Peroxidasins: novel players in tissue genesis, TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 2014 | Kovacs I, Horvath M, Kovacs T, Somogyi K, Tretter L, Geiszt M, Petheo GL: Comparison of proton channel, phagocyte oxidase, and respiratory burst levels between human eosinophil and neutrophil granulocytes., FREE RADICAL RESEARCH, 2014 | Kovacs I, Horvath M, Lanyi A, Petheo GL, Geiszt M: Reactive oxygen species-mediated bacterial killing by B lymphocytes., J LEUKOCYTE BIOL 97: (6) 1133-1137, 2015 | Lázár E, Péterfi Z, Sirokmány G, Kovács HA, Klement E, Medzihradszky KF, Geiszt M: Structure-function analysis of peroxidasin provides insight into the mechanism of collagen IV crosslinking, FREE RADICAL BIO MED 83: 273-282, 2015 | Booth DM, Enyedi B, Geiszt M, Várnai P, Hajnóczky G: Redox Nanodomains Are Induced by and Control Calcium Signaling at the ER-Mitochondrial Interface, Molecular Cell, 2016 | Sirokmány G, Donkó Á, Geiszt M: Nox/Duox family of NADPH oxidases: lessons from knockout mouse models, Trends. Pharmacol. Sci., 2016 | Sirokmány G, Pató A, Zana M, Donkó Á, Bíró A, Nagy P, Geiszt M: Epidermal growth factor-induced hydrogen peroxide production is mediated by dual oxidase 1, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2016 | Kovacs I, Horvath M, Lanyi A, Petheo GL, Geiszt M: Reactive oxygen species-mediated bacterial killing by B lymphocytes., J LEUKOCYTE BIOL 97: (6) 1133-1137, 2015 | Lázár E, Péterfi Z, Sirokmány G, Kovács HA, Klement E, Medzihradszky KF, Geiszt M: Structure-function analysis of peroxidasin provides insight into the mechanism of collagen IV crosslinking, FREE RADICAL BIO MED 83: 273-282, 2015 | Margittai É , Enyedi B , Csala M , Geiszt M , Bánhegyi G: Composition of the redox environment of the endoplasmic reticulum and sources of hydrogen peroxide, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2015 | Sirokmány G, Pató A, Zana M, Donkó Á, Bíró A, Nagy P, Geiszt M: Epidermal growth factor-induced hydrogen peroxide production is mediated by dual oxidase 1, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2016 | Sirokmány G, Donkó Á, Geiszt M: Nox/Duox family of NADPH oxidases: lessons from knockout mouse models, Trends. Pharmacol. Sci., 2016 | Zana Melinda, Enyedi Balázs, Geiszt Miklós: AZ ENDOPLAZMÁS RETIKULUM OXIDATÍV KÖRNYEZETÉNEK VIZSGÁLATA PERMEBILIZÁLT SEJTEKEN, A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXXVII. Vándorgyűlése, 2013, 2013 | Lázár Enikő, Benis Gréta, Péterfi Zalán, Klement Éva, Medzihradszky Katalin, Geiszt Miklós: AZ EMLŐS PEROXIDAZIN SZERKEZET-FUNKCIÓ VIZSGÁLATA, A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXXVII. Vándorgyűlése, 2013, 2013 | Sirokmány Gábor, Pató Anna, Geiszt Miklós: DUOX1 AKTIVITÁS VIZSGÁLATA EPIDERMÁLIS SEJTEKEN, A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXXVII. Vándorgyűlése, 2013, 2013 | Péterfi Z, Tóth ZE, Kovács HA, Lázár E, Sum A, Donkó Á, Sirokmány G, Shah AM, Geiszt M: Peroxidasin-like protein: A novel peroxidase homologue in the human heart, CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 2014 | Donkó A, Moranda S, Korzeniowska A, Boudreaua HE, Zanab M, Hunyady L, Geiszt M, Leto TL: Hypothyroidism-associated missense mutation impairs NADPH oxidase activity and intracellular trafficking of Duox2, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 2014 | Kovacs I, Horvath M, Kovacs T, Somogyi K, Tretter L, Geiszt M, Petheo GL: Comparison of proton channel, phagocyte oxidase, and respiratory burst levels between human eosinophil and neutrophil granulocytes., FREE RADICAL RESEARCH, 2014 | Péterfi Z, Geiszt M: Peroxidasins: novel players in tissue genesis, TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 2014 |
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