Wolbachia infestation in butterflies in the Carpathian Basin
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Bereczki J, Tóth JP, Sramkó G, Varga Z: Multilevel studies on the two phenological forms of Large Blue (Maculinea arion) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 52(1): 32-43., 2014 | Tóth JP, Bereczki J, Varga Z: A nagypettyes hangyaboglárka (Maculinea arion) és a magyar tarkalepke (Melitaea ornata kovacsi) (Lepidoptera) az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park területén, pp. 119-132 in: Tóth V. Kutatások az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkban. II. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Jósvafő. p. /ANP Füzetek XI./, 2014 | Bereczki J, Rácz R, Varga Z, Tóth JP: Controversial patterns of Wolbachia infestation in the social parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), Organisms, Diversity and Evolution (submitted manuscript: ODAE-D-15-00006), 2015 | Tóth JP, Bereczki J, Végvári Zs, Juhász E, Varga Z: Different host plant utilization ability of two closely related Melitaea species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), European Journal of Entomology, 2015 | Tóth JP, Bereczki J, Varga Z: A nagypettyes hangyaboglárka (Maculinea arion) és a magyar tarkalepke (Melitaea ornata kovacsi) (Lepidoptera) az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park területén, pp. 119-132 in:Tóth V. Kutatások az Aggteleki Nemzeti Parkban. II. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Jósvafő. p. /ANP Füzetek XI./, 2014 | Bereczki J: Wolbachia-baktériumok és gazdáik. A manipuláció mesterei., Élet és Tudomány LXX(1): 16-18., 2015 | Bereczki J, Rácz R, Varga Z, Tóth JP: Controversial patterns of Wolbachia infestation in the social parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 15(3): 591-607., 2015 | Pecsenye K, Bereczki J, Juhász E, Tartally A & Varga Z: Contrasting genetic structure in cuckoo and predatory Maculinea butterflies, Conservation Genetics 16(4): 939-954., 2015 | Tóth JP, Varga Z & Bereczki J: Long-term survival and diversification of an endemic Melitaea species in mountains of Iran and adjacent areas, Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research (doi:10.1111/jzs.12122), 2015 | Bereczki J, Rácz R, Varga Z, Tóth JP: Controversial patterns of Wolbachia infestation in the social parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 15(3): 591-607., 2015 | Tóth JP, Bereczki J, Végvári Zs, Juhász E, Varga Z: Different host plant utilization ability of two closely related Melitaea species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), European Journal of Entomology 112(1): 120-125., 2015 | Pecsenye K, Bereczki J, Juhász E, Tartally A & Varga Z: Contrasting genetic structure in cuckoo and predatory Maculinea butterflies, Conservation Genetics 16(4): 939-954., 2015 | Tóth JP, Varga Z & Bereczki J: Long-term survival and diversification of an endemic Melitaea species in mountains of Iran and adjacent areas, Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 54(2): 106-115., 2016 | Tóth JP, Varga Z, Verovnik R, Wahlberg N, Váradi A, Bereczki J: Mito-nuclear discordance helps to reveal the phylogeographic patterns of Melitaea ornata (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (accepted), 2016 | Tartally A, Tóth JP, Váradi A, Bereczki J: First Data on the Host Ant Usage of Large Blue from the Carpathian Basin, Sociobiology (accepted), 2016 | Bereczki J, Tóth JP, Sramkó G, Varga Z: Multilevel studies on the two phenological forms of Large Blue (Maculinea arion) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), J ZOOL SYST EVOL RES 52: (1) 32-43, 2014 | Bereczki J, Rácz R, Varga Z, Tóth JP: Controversial patterns of Wolbachia infestation in the social parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 15(3): 591-607., 2015 | Pecsenye K, Bereczki J, Juhász E, Tartally A & Varga Z: Contrasting genetic structure in cuckoo and predatory Maculinea butterflies, Conservation Genetics 16(4): 939-954., 2015 | Tóth JP, Bereczki J, Végvári Zs, Juhász E, Varga Z: Different host plant utilization ability of two closely related Melitaea species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), European Journal of Entomology 112(1): 120-125., 2015 | Váradi A, Tóth JP, Bereczki J: Preliminary results on Wolbachia infestation in two closely related Melitaea species, XIX. European Congress of Lepidopterology, Dresden (Germany). Abstract (poster): pp. 88., 2015 | Bereczki J, Varga Z, Váradi A, Sramkó G, Takács A, Tóth JP: Adaptáció és fajképződés két Maculinea faj példáján, II. Országos Lepkész Találkozó, Szögliget. Absztrakt (előadás): 12. o., 2016 | Tóth JP, Varga Z & Bereczki J: Long-term survival and diversification of an endemic Melitaea species in mountains of Iran and adjacent areas, Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 54(2): 106-115., 2016 | Bereczki J, Varga Z, Tóth JP: Maculinea or Phengaris? New insights from genitalia morphometry, Zoologischer Anzeiger – A Journal of Comparative Zoology 270: 57-59., 2017 | Tartally A, Tóth JP, Váradi A, Bereczki J: First data on the host ant usage of Large Blue from the Carpathian Basin, Sociobiology 64(1): 122-124., 2017 | Tóth JP, Varga Z, Verovnik R, Wahlberg N, Váradi A, Bereczki J: Mito-nuclear discordance helps to reveal the phylogeographic patterns of Melitaea ornata (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121(2): 267-281., 2017 | Bereczki J, Pecsenye K, Varga Z, Tartally A, Tóth JP: Maculinea rebeli (Hirschke) – a phantom or reality? Novel contribution to a long-standing debate over the taxonomic status of an enigmatic Lycaenidae butterfly, Systematic Entomology 43(1): 166-182., 2018 | Horváth G, Bereczki J, Urszán TJ, Balázs G, Garamszegi LZs, Herczeg G: Roll with the fear: environment- and state-dependence of pill bug (Armadillidium vulgare) personalities, Behavioural Processes (manuscript under review), 2018 | Pecsenye K, Tóth A, Tóth JP, Bereczki J, Katona G, Varga Z: Surprising diversity in the Pannonian populations of Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia, Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): morphometric and molecular aspects, Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research (revised manuscript under review), 2018 |
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