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List of publications |
Juhász I. , Soukup L. , Szentmiklóssy Z.: Spaces of small cellularity have nowhere constant continuous images of small weight, Top. Appl, to appear, 2019 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z::: On cellular-compact spaces, Acta Math Hung, to appea, 2020 | I Juhász, L Soukup, Z Szentmiklóssy: Regular spaces of small extent are omega-resolvable, FUND MATH 228: 27-46, 2015 | Juhasz I, Shelah S: STRONG COLORINGS YIELD kappa-BOUNDED SPACES WITH DISCRETELY UNTOUCHABLE POINTS, P AM MATH SOC 143: (5) 2241-2247, 2015 | Carroy R, Pequignot Y, Vidnyanszky Z: Topological embeddability among functions: order and chaos, Transactions of the AMS, to appear, 2019 | Soukup L and Stanley A.: Resolvability in c.c.c. generic extensions, Topology and its Appl., submitted, 2017 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z:: Coloring Cantor sets and resolvability of pseudocompact spaces, CMUC, Vol. 59,4 (2018), pp. 523-529., 2018 | Juhász I and van Mill J:: On maps preserving compactness and/or connectedness, CMUC, Vol 59, 4 (2018), pp. 513 - 521., 2018 | D. T. Soukup; L. Soukup, ,: Infinite combinatorics plain and simple, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 83, Issue 3 September 2018, pp. 1247-1281, 2018 | Komjáth P; Leader I; Russell P A; Shelah S; Soukup D T; Vidnyánszky Z: Infinite monochromatic sumsets for colourings of the reals, Proceedings of the AMS , to appear, 2019 | Ellis P; Soukup D T: Cycle reversions and dichromatic number in tournaments,, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 77, March 2019, pp. 31-48, 2019 | D. T. Soukup,: Uncountable strongly surjective linear orders, Order, to appear, 2018 | Darji U.B. Elekes M., Kalina K., Kiss V., Vidnyánszky Z.: The structure of random homeomorphisms of the random graph, Israel J. Math.., submitted, 2019 | Darji U.B. Elekes M., Kalina K., Kiss V., Vidnyánszky Z: The structure of random homeomorphisms, Adv. Math., submitted, 2018 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy: On the resolvability of Lindel¨of-generated and (countable extent)-generated spaces, Top. Appl., to appear, 2019 | Dow, A; Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z; Weiss W: On the tightness of Gδ-modifications, Acta Math. Hung., to appear, 2019 | Dow, A; Juhász I: Densely k-separable compacta are densely separable, Top. Appl., to appear, 2019 | Martinez J-C; Soukup L: A consistency result on long cardinal sequences, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, submitted, 2019 | Joó, A: Vertex-flames of countable digraphs preserving an Aharoni-Berger cut for each vertex, Combinatorica, submitted, 2019 | Joó, A: On partitioning the edges of an infinite digraph into dicycles, Advances in Combinatorics, submitted, 2019 | Darji U.B., Elekes M., Kalina K, Kiss V., Vidnyánszky Z.: The structure of random automorphisms of countable structures, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear, 2019 | Miller B D; Vidnyanszky Z: On the existence of large antichains for definable quasi-orders, J. Symb. Logic, submitted, 2019 | Darji U B, Elekes M., Kalina K, Kiss V., Vidnyanszky Z: The structure of random automorphisms of the rational numbers, Fund. Math., submitted, 2019 | Elekes M., Nagy D., Poor M., Vidnyanszky Z: A Haar meager set that is not strongly Haar meage, Israel J. Math., submitted, 2019 | Soukup D T: Ladder system uniformization on trees I, submitted, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 2019 | Soukup D T: Ladder system uniformization on trees II, Fundamenta Math, submitted, 2019 | Martinez J-C; Soukup: On cardinal sequences of length< ω_3, Journal of Symbolic Logic, submitted, 2019 | Carroy R; Miller B D; Schrittesser D; Vidnyánszky Z: Minimal definable graphs with no definable two-colorings, in preparation, 2019 | Elekes, M. and Steprans, J.: Set-theoretical problems concerning Hausdorff measures, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 147 (2019), no. 4, 1709–1717, 2019 | Farkas B, Khomskii Y, and Vidnyánszky Z:: Almost disjoint refinements and mixing reals, Fund. Math., 242 (2018), no. 1, 25–48, 2018 | Gyenis Z and Redei M: Why Bertrand's paradox is not paradoxical but is felt so?, Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Science: EPSA13 Helsinki, U. Maki, S. Ruphy, G. Schurz, I. Votsis, (eds.) Springer, 2016 | Andréka H, Gyenis Z, Németi I: Ultraproducts of continuous posets, Algebra Universalis, 76:2, 231--235, 2016, 2016 | Gyenis Z and Redei M: General properties of general Bayesian learning, Reviews of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 719-755, 2017 | Hofer-Szabo G, Gyenis Z and Redei M: Conditioning using conditional expectations: The Borel-Kolmogorov Paradox, Synthese, Vol. 194, Issue 7, pp. 2595-2630, 2017, 2017 | Carroy R, Pequignot Y, Vidnyanszky Z: Embeddability on functions: order and chaos, Transactions of the AMS, 371 (2019), no. 9, 6711–6738, 2019 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z: First countable and almost discretely Lindelöf T3 spaces have cardinality at most continuum, Topology and its Applications, 241 (2018), 145–149, 2018 | Gyenis Z and Rédei M: Categorial subsystem independence as morphism co-possibility, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 357, Issue 1, pp. 447--465, 2018, 2018 | Soukup L and Stanley A.: Resolvability in c.c.c. generic extensions, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 58 (2017), no. 4, 519–529, 2017 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z; van Mill J: Connected and/or homogeneos pd-examples, Top. Appl., to appear, 2018 | Komjáth P; Leader I; Russell P A; Shelah S; Soukup D T; Vidnyánszky Z: Infinite monochromatic sumsets for colourings of the reals, Proceedings of the AMS , 147 (2019), no. 6, 2673–2684, 2019 | D. T. Soukup,: Uncountable strongly surjective linear orders, Order, 36 (2019), no. 1, 43–64, 2019 | Gyenis Z: Algebraic characterization of the local Craig interpolation property, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 45--59, 2018, 2018 | Gyenis Z: Bayes logic over standard Borel spaces is not finitely axioma- tizable, Review of Symbolic Logic, to appear, 2017 | Elekes M. and Nagy D: Haar null and Haar meager sets: a survey and new results, Bull. London Math. Soc., to appear, 2020 | Darji U.B. Elekes M., Kalina K., Kiss V., Vidnyánszky Z: The structure of random homeomorphisms, Israel J. Math., to appear, 2019 | Kiss V: A game characterizing Baire class 1 functions, J. Symbolic Logic, to appear, 2019 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy: On the resolvability of Lindel¨of-generated and (countable extent)-generated spaces, Top. Appl, 259, 1 (2019) , pp 267--274, 2019 | Dow, A; Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z; Weiss W: On the tightness of Gδ-modifications, Acta Math. Hung., 158, 2 (2019) , pp 294--301, 2019 | Joó, A: Vertex-flames of countable digraphs preserving an Aharoni-Berger cut for each vertex, Combinatorica, to appear, 2019 | Darji U.B., Elekes M., Kalina K, Kiss V., Vidnyánszky Z.: The structure of random automorphisms of countable structures, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 371, no. 12, 8829-8848, 2019 | Darji U B, Elekes M., Kalina K, Kiss V., Vidnyanszky Z: The structure of random automorphisms of the rational numbers, Fund. Math., to appear, 2020 | Elekes M., Nagy D., Poor M., Vidnyanszky Z: A Haar meager set that is not strongly Haar meage, Israel J. Math., https://doi.org/10.1007/s11856-019-1950-y, 2019 | Martinez J-C; Soukup L: On cardinal sequences of length < ω_3, Top. Appl, 260 (2019), 116–125, 2019 | Carroy R; Miller B D; Schrittesser D; Vidnyánszky Z: Minimal definable graphs with no definable two-colorings, Forum of Math. Sigma, submitted, 2019 | Sági G and Horváth R: Algebraic Non-computable Models of Certain First Order Theories, INFORMATICS 2017: 2017 IEEE 14th International Scientific Conference on Informatics Proceedings. Kosice: IEEE Hungary Section, 2017. pp. 306-312., 2017 | Gyenis Z: Algebraic characterization of the local Craig interpolation property, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, submitted, 2017 | Gyenis Z: Bayes logic over standard Borel spaces is not finitely axioma- tizable, Review of Symbolic Logic, submitted, 2017 | Elekes M. and Nagy D: Haar null and Haar meager sets: a survey and new results, Fund. Math., submitted, 2018 | Darji U.B. Elekes M., Kalina K., Kiss V., Vidnyánszky Z.: The structure of random homeomorphisms, J. London Math. Soc., submitted, 2018 | Darji U.B. Elekes M., Kalina K., Kiss V., Vidnyánszky Z: The structure of random homeomorphisms, Adv. Math., submitted, 2018 | Kiss V: A game characterizing Baire class 1 functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., submitted, 2018 | Todorcevic, S. Vidnyánszky Z.: A complexity problem for Borel graphs, J. Amer. Math. Soc., submitted, 2018 | Gyenis Z and Rédei M: Categorial subsystem independence as morphism co-possibility, Communications in Mathematical Physics, submitted, 2017 | Soukup D T: Decompositions of edge-colored infinite complete graphs into monochromatic paths II, Israel Journal of Math. , submitted, 2016 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z:: Anti-Urysohn spaces, Topology and its Applications, 213 (2016), pp. 8–23., 2016 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z: Pinning Down versus Density, Israel J. Math., 215(2) (2016), pp. 583– 605., 2016 | Elekes, M. and Vidnyánszky, Z.: Naively Haar null sets in Polish groups, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 446 (2017), no. 1, 193-200., 2017 | Farkas B, Khomskii Y, and Vidnyánszky Z:: Almost disjoint refinements and mixing reals, Fund. Math., to appear, 2017 | Sziráki D and Vaanenen J:: A dichotomy theorem for the generalized Baire space and elementary embeddability at uncountable cardinals, Fundamenta Mathematicae, to appear, 2017 | Andréka H, Gyenis Z, Németi I: Ultraproducts of continuous posets, Algebra Universalis, to appear, 2017 | Elekes M., Vidnyanszky Z.: Characterization of order types of pointwise linearly ordered families of Baire class 1 functions, Adv. Math. 307 (2017), 559–597., 2017 | Elekes, M., Soukup, D. T., Soukup, L., Szentmiklóssy, Z: Decompositions of edge-colored infinite complete graphs into monochromatic paths, Discrete Math., to appear, 2017 | Kiss V.: Classification of bounded Baire class $\xi$ functions, Fund. Math. 236 (2017), 141-160., 2017 | Hujter B., Kiss V., Tóthmérész L.: On the complexity of the chip-firing reachability problem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear, 2017 | R. Carroy, Y. Pequignot, Vidnyanszky Z.: Topological embeddability among functions: order and chaos, Transactions of the AMS, submitted, 2017 | Juhász I; van Mill J: On $\sigma$-countably tight spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear, 2017 | Juhász I and van Mill J: Variations on countable tightness, Acta Math. Hung., submitted, 2017 | Juhász I; Tkachuk V V; Wilson R G: Weakly linearly Lindelöf monotonically normal spaces are Lindelöf, Studia Sci. Math. Hung., submitted, 2017 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z: First countable and almost discretely Lindelöf T3 spaces have cardinality at most continuum, Topology and its Applications, submitted, 2017 | Gyenis Z and Rédei M: Categorial subsystem independence as morphism co-possibility, Communications in Mathematical Physics, submitted, 2017 | Soukup L and Stanley A.: Resolvability in c.c.c. generic extensions, ??, submitted, 2017 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z; van Mill J: Connected and homogeneos pd-examples, in preparation, 2017 | Sági, G and Nyiri D:: On embeddings of finite metric spaces, In: Proceedings of the Informatics 2015 conference, Poprad, Szlovákia, 2015 Nov. 18-20, editors: Valerie Novitzká, Stefan Korecko, Anikó Szakál, Kosice, pp. 227-231, 2015 | Sziráki D and Vaanenen J:: A dichotomy theorem for the generalized Baire space and elementary embeddability at uncountable cardinals, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 238 (2017) , 53-78., 2017 | Elekes, M., Soukup, D. T., Soukup, L., Szentmiklóssy, Z: Decompositions of edge-colored infinite complete graphs into monochromatic paths, Discrete Math. 340 (2017), no. 8, 2053–2069, 2017 | Hujter B., Kiss V., Tóthmérész L.: On the complexity of the chip-firing reachability problem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 145 (2017), 3343–3356., 2017 | Juhász I; van Mill J: On $\sigma$-countably tight spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146 (2018), 429–437., 2018 | Juhász I and van Mill J: Variations on countable tightness, Acta Math. Hung., 153 (1) (2017), 75-82., 2017 | Juhász I; Tkachuk V V; Wilson R G: Weakly linearly Lindelöf monotonically normal spaces are Lindelöf, Studia Sci. Math. Hung., 54 (4), (2017), 1–13., 2017 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z: First countable and almost discretely Lindelöf T3 spaces have cardinality at most continuum, Topology and its Applications, to appear, 2017 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z; van Mill J: Connected and/or homogeneos pd-examples, Top. Appl., submitted, 2018 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z:: Coloring Cantor sets and resolvability of pseudocompact spaces, CMUC, to appear, 2018 | Juhász I and van Mill J:: On maps preserving compactness and/or connectedness, CMUC, to appear, 2018 | D. T. Soukup; L. Soukup, ,: Infinite combinatorics plain and simple, Journal of Symbolic Logic , submitted, 2018 | P. Komjáth; I. Leader; P. A. Russell; S. Shelah; D. T. Soukup; Z. Vidnyánszky: Infinite monochromatic sumsets for colourings of the reals,, Proceedings of the AMS , submitted, 2018 | P. Ellis; D. T. Soukup,: Cycle reversions and dichromatic number in tournaments,, European Journal of Combinatorics, submitted, 2018 | D. T. Soukup,: Uncountable strongly surjective linear orders, Order, 2018 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z:: Anti-Urysohn spaces, Topology and its Applications, to appear, 2016 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z: Pinning Down versus Density, Israel J. Math., to appear, 2016 | Elekes, M. and Steprans, J.: Set-theoretical problems concerning Hausdorff measures, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., accepted, 2016 | Elekes, M. and Vidnyánszky, Z.: Naively Haar null sets in Polish groups, J. Math. Anal. Appl., submitted, 2016 | Farkas B, Khomskii Y, and Vidnyánszky Z:: Almost disjoint refinements and mixing reals, Fund. Math., submitted, 2016 | Erdős P L; Kiss S; Miklós I; Soukup L: Approximate Counting of Graphical Realizations, PLOS ONE, PLOS ONE, 2015 | Sági, G and Nyiri D:: On embeddings of finite metric spaces, In: Proceedings of the Informatics 2015 conference, Poprad, Szlovákia, 2015 Nov. 18-20, editors: Valerie Novitzká, Stefan Korecko, Anikó Szakál, Kosice, pp. 227-231, 2015 | Sziráki D and Vaanenen J:: A dichotomy theorem for the generalized Baire space and elementary embeddability at uncountable cardinals, Fundamenta Mathematicae, submitted, 2016 | Gyenis Z and Redei M: Why Bertrand's paradox is not paradoxical but is felt so?, Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Science: EPSA13 Helsinki, U. Maki, S. Ruphy, G. Schurz, I. Votsis, (eds.) Springer, to appear, 2016 | Gyenis Z and Redei M: Defusing Bertrand's paradox, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66(2), 349--373, 2015 | Andréka H, Gyenis Z, Németi I: Ultraproducts of continuous posets, Algebra Universalis, submitted, 2016 | Gyenis Z and Redei M: General properties of general Bayesian learning, Erkenntnis, submitted, 2016 | Gyenis Z and Redei M: Measure theoretic analysis of consistency of the Principal Principle, Philosophy of Science, submitted, 2016 | Hofer-Szabo G, Gyenis Z and Redei M: Conditioning using conditional expectations: The Borel-Kolmogorov Paradox, Synthese, submitted, 2016 |





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