ERA-NET Concert-Japan; Plasmon-enhanced Tera-Hertz emission by Femtosecond laser pulses of nanostructured semiconductor/metal surfaces  Page description

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Details of project

Type NN
Principal investigator Nemcsics, Ákos
Title in Hungarian ERA-NET Concert-Japan; Plazmonnal segített THz-es emisszió nanostrukturált fém/félvezető felületen femtoszekundumos lézer hatására
Title in English ERA-NET Concert-Japan; Plasmon-enhanced Tera-Hertz emission by Femtosecond laser pulses of nanostructured semiconductor/metal surfaces
Keywords in Hungarian Molekulasugárepitaxia, nanostruktúra, lézer
Keywords in English molecular beam epitaxy, nano structure, laser
Material Science and Technology (physics) (Council of Physical Sciences)70 %
Ortelius classification: Nanotechnology
Material Science and Technology (electronics) (Council of Physical Sciences)30 %
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Institute of Microelectronics and Technology (Óbuda University)
Participants Hajnal, Zoltán
Pécz, Béla
Tóth, Lajos
Starting date 2014-11-01
Closing date 2017-10-31
Funding (in million HUF) 9.874
FTE (full time equivalent) 1.29
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
A kutatás összefoglalója, célkitűzései szakemberek számára
Itt írja le a kutatás fő célkitűzéseit a témában jártas szakember számára.

FemtoTera addresses the fundamental technological field of ultrashort pulsed Terahertz (THz) radiation generation for time domain spectroscopy. This is an ever growing field, due to the important properties of such radiation and its significant applications. One of the more effective way to generate short THz radiation pulses is via femtosecond near-infrared (NIR) laser irradiated on semiconductor/metal surfaces. FemtoTera project targets the study of such THz generation process at surfaces by stimulating with utrashort laser pulses a semiconductor surface nano-engineered with self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) - metal nanoparticle (MNP) systems. The surface will be nanostructured via bottom-up processes, using innovative fabrication methods developed by the consortium participants. The interaction effects between ultrashort NIR laser pulses and the nanostructured will be investigated, in view of THz generation, both theoretically and experimentally using the complementary expertise of the EU and Japan groups. The FemtoTera research final goal is to increase our understanding of the complex, multi time scale physical interactions between light and matter and their related photo-responsive processes, thus leading to the development of next generation materials for time domain spectroscopy THz sources.

Mi a kutatás alapkérdése?
Ebben a részben írja le röviden, hogy mi a kutatás segítségével megválaszolni kívánt probléma, mi a kutatás kiinduló hipotézise, milyen kérdéseket válaszolnak meg a kísérletek.

FemtoTera will develop an innovative ultrashort pulse Terahertz (THz) generation scheme, using nanostructured semiconductor/metal surfaces and ultrashort NIR laser pulses to efficiently generate THz radiation. Reliable THz pulses can be obtained by interaction of laser light with semiconductor and semiconductor/metal interfaces. However, the possibility to use, instead of bare semiconductor surfaces, quantum nanostructures would introduce a large flexibility, owing to quantum confinement effects, allowing for the manipulation of the emission over the region from several to hundreds of microns. The FemtoTera project will study plasmon-enhanced emission from intraband transition that takes place, when irradiated with femtosecond laser pulses, on surfaces functionalized with self-assembled QD molecules (QDMs) coupled to a MNPs. THz radiation emission, with a frequency corresponding to the QD molecule interlevel spacing is expected. Innovative fabrication schemes (Droplet Epitaxy - DE) based on advanced Molecular Beam Epitaxy procedures for the self assembly and self-alignment of QDM and MNP will be implemented by FemtoTera. DE offers the unique opportunity to realize both QDM and MNP within the same bottom-up approach and platform, thus allowing the fabrication of large functionalized surfaces for efficient THz generation. FemtoTera expected results: i) Bottom-up nano-structuring of semiconductor surface with QDM-MNP coupled systems ii)

Mi a kutatás jelentősége?
Röviden írja le, milyen új perspektívát nyitnak az alapkutatásban az elért eredmények, milyen társadalmi hasznosíthatóságnak teremtik meg a tudományos alapját. Mutassa be, hogy a megpályázott kutatási területen lévő hazai és a nemzetközi versenytársaihoz képest melyek az egyediségei és erősségei a pályázatának!

Understanding the physical phenomena taking place within the QDM-MNP complex during laser irradiation iii) Nano-engineering of QDM-MNP systems to meet THz generation requirements, in terms of intensity and frequency. iv) Study of THz generation from semiconductor surfaces functionalized with QDM-MNP complex under NIR ultrafast laser irradiation.

A kutatás összefoglalója, célkitűzései laikusok számára
Ebben a fejezetben írja le a kutatás fő célkitűzéseit alapműveltséggel rendelkező laikusok számára. Ez az összefoglaló a döntéshozók, a média, illetve az érdeklődők tájékoztatása szempontjából különösen fontos az NKFI Hivatal számára.

Basic research in nano science
Summary of the research and its aims for experts
Describe the major aims of the research for experts.

FemtoTera addresses the fundamental technological field of ultrashort pulsed Terahertz (THz) radiation generation for time domain spectroscopy. This is an ever growing field, due to the important properties of such radiation and its significant applications. One of the more effective way to generate short THz radiation pulses is via femtosecond near-infrared (NIR) laser irradiated on semiconductor/metal surfaces. FemtoTera project targets the study of such THz generation process at surfaces by stimulating with utrashort laser pulses a semiconductor surface nano-engineered with self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) - metal nanoparticle (MNP) systems. The surface will be nanostructured via bottom-up processes, using innovative fabrication methods developed by the consortium participants. The interaction effects between ultrashort NIR laser pulses and the nanostructured will be investigated, in view of THz generation, both theoretically and experimentally using the complementary expertise of the EU and Japan groups. The FemtoTera research final goal is to increase our understanding of the complex, multi time scale physical interactions between light and matter and their related photo-responsive processes, thus leading to the development of next generation materials for time domain spectroscopy THz sources.

What is the major research question?
Describe here briefly the problem to be solved by the research, the starting hypothesis, and the questions addressed by the experiments.

FemtoTera will develop an innovative ultrashort pulse Terahertz (THz) generation scheme, using nanostructured semiconductor/metal surfaces and ultrashort NIR laser pulses to efficiently generate THz radiation. Reliable THz pulses can be obtained by interaction of laser light with semiconductor and semiconductor/metal interfaces. However, the possibility to use, instead of bare semiconductor surfaces, quantum nanostructures would introduce a large flexibility, owing to quantum confinement effects, allowing for the manipulation of the emission over the region from several to hundreds of microns. The FemtoTera project will study plasmon-enhanced emission from intraband transition that takes place, when irradiated with femtosecond laser pulses, on surfaces functionalized with self-assembled QD molecules (QDMs) coupled to a MNPs. THz radiation emission, with a frequency corresponding to the QD molecule interlevel spacing is expected. Innovative fabrication schemes (Droplet Epitaxy - DE) based on advanced Molecular Beam Epitaxy procedures for the self assembly and self-alignment of QDM and MNP will be implemented by FemtoTera. DE offers the unique opportunity to realize both QDM and MNP within the same bottom-up approach and platform, thus allowing the fabrication of large functionalized surfaces for efficient THz generation. FemtoTera expected results: i) Bottom-up nano-structuring of semiconductor surface with QDM-MNP coupled systems ii)

What is the significance of the research?
Describe the new perspectives opened by the results achieved, including the scientific basics of potential societal applications. Please describe the unique strengths of your proposal in comparison to your domestic and international competitors in the given field.

Understanding the physical phenomena taking place within the QDM-MNP complex during laser irradiation iii) Nano-engineering of QDM-MNP systems to meet THz generation requirements, in terms of intensity and frequency. iv) Study of THz generation from semiconductor surfaces functionalized with QDM-MNP complex under NIR ultrafast laser irradiation.

Summary and aims of the research for the public
Describe here the major aims of the research for an audience with average background information. This summary is especially important for NRDI Office in order to inform decision-makers, media, and others.

Basic research in nano science


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Az NN114457-es projekt összefoglalója A projektünk célja THz sugárzás generálása volt nano-strukturált felületen lézeres besugárzás hatására. THz-es sugárzás generálásának egyik leghatékonyabb módja a femtoszekundumos közeli-infravörös lézersugárzással gerjesztett nano-struktúrált félvezető/fém felület. A nano-strukturált felület önszerveződéssel előállított kvantum-pont-molekulát és hozzá pozicionált fémes-nano-részecskét jelent. A projekt négy fő stádiumból állt: Az első stádium: A lentről felfelé történő építkezéssel a kvantum-pont-molekula és a fémes-nano-részecske komplex kifejlesztése csepp epitaxiával. A második stádium: A funkcionalizált nano-struktúra komplex femtoszekundumos lézerbesugárzás hatására létrejövő plazmonnal segített belső átmenetekből származó emissziójának vizsgálata. A harmadik stádium: A kvantum-pont-molekulával csatolt fémes-nano-részecske optimalizálása THz-es sugárzás generálása céljából. A negyedik stádium: A THz generációjának a vizsgálata a fentebb említett gerjesztéssel a nano-struktúrált felületen. A projekt mind a négy tervezett stádiumot abszolválta. A tervezetben megcélzott kvantum-pont-molekulát és fém-nano-részecske komplex konfigurációt a második fordulóban sikerült megvalósítani, így a tervezett harmadik neki futás nem volt szükséges. Az időközi jelentéseket időben elkészítettük és a partnerekkel megosztottuk. A projekt eredményeit referált tudományos folyóiratban publikáljuk.
Results in English
Summary of the NN114457 The aim of the project was THz radiation generation on nano-structured surface by laser irradiation. One of the effective way of the THz generation is femtosecond near-infrared laser irradiation on nano-structured semiconductor/metal surfaces. The nano-engineered surface system means self-assembled semiconductor quantum-dot-molecules with metal-nano-particles. The project had four main stages: Stg 1: Development of bottom-up nano-structured semiconductor surface with coupled quantum-dot-molecule and metal-nano-particle systems by droplet epitaxy. Stg 2: Investigation of plasmon-enhanced emission from the intraband transitions that takes place, when irradiated with femtosecond laser pulses, on surfaces functionalized with self-assembled quantum-dot-molecule coupled to metal-nano-particle. Stg 3: Optimizing of the quantum-dot-molecule coupled with metal-nano-particle system to meet THz generation requirements. Stg 4: Investigation of THz generation from semiconductor surfaces functionalized with nano-structure complex under near-infra-red ultrafast laser irradiation The project fulfilled all of the stages planned. The targeted quantum-dot-molecule with metal-nano-particle complex was obtained within the second round, thus making the planned third run not necessary. For all the deliverables, internal reports have been shared among the partners and the results will be the subject of scientific publications on peer-reviewed international journals.
Full text


List of publications

Ákos Nemcsics: Some aspects to the understanding of the droplet epitaxial nano-hole formation, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH &:(477) pp. 2-6. (2017), 2017
P. Kucsera, T. Sándor, G. V. Tényi, M. Csutorás, G. Bátori, B. Kupás-Deák, I. Réti I, A. Ürmös, Á. Nemcsics: Nanostructure Growth Supported by In Situ RHEED Evaluation, MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM 885: pp. 234-238. (2017), 2017
Ákos Nemcsics: On the shape formation of the droplet epitaxial quantum dots, Microelectronics Reliability 56, pp. 73-77. (2016), 2016
Ákos Nemcsics, Bálint Pődör, Lajos Tóth, János Balázs, László Dobos, János Makai, Márton Csutorás, Antal Ürmös: Investigation of MBE grown inverted GaAs quantum dots, Microelectronics Reliability 59, pp. 60-63. (2016), 2016
Antal Ürmös, Zoltán Farkas, Ákos Nemcsics: Modeling of III-V-based Nanohole Filling, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 17 pp. 91-111. (2017), 2017
Ákos Nemcsics: Quantum Dots Prepared by Droplet Epitaxial Method, Quantum Dots - Theory and Applications, 2015
Ákos Nemcsics: Quantum Dots Prepared by Droplet Epitaxial Method, Quantum Dots - Theory and Applications, InTech, open access scientific book, 2015
Ákos Nemcsics: Quantum Dots Prepared by Droplet Epitaxial Method, Quantum Dots - Theory and Applications, InTech, open access scientific book, 2015

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