Development and application of novel numerical model to investigate the precipitation formation in mixed phase clouds
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Lulin Xue; Jiwen Fan; Zachary Lebo; Wei Wu; Hugh Morrison; Wojciech Grabowski; Xia Chu; István Geresdi; Kirk North; Ronald Stenz; Yang Gao; Xiaofeng Lou; Aaron Bansemer; Andrew Heymsfield; Greg McFarquhar; Roy Rasmussen: Idealized simulations of a squall line from the MC3E field campaign applying three bin microphysics schemes: Dynamic and thermodynamic structure, Monthly Weather Review, 2017 | Istvan, Geresdi, Lulin Xue, Sisi Chen, Youssef Wehbe, Roelof Bruintjes, Jared A. Lee, Roy Rasmussen, Wojciech Grabowski, Noemi Sarkadi, Sarah Tessendorf: Impact of hygroscopic seeding on the initiation of precipitation formation: results of a hybrid bin microphysics parcel model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021 | István Geresdi, Lulin Xue, Noémi Sarkadi and Roy Rasmussen: Evaluation of Orographic Cloud Seeding Using Bin Microphysics Scheme. Three –dimensional simulation of real cases, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2020 | Xu L., Xue L., Geresdi I.: How Does the Melting Impact Charge Separation in Squall Line? A Bin Microphysics Simulation Study, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2020 | Schmeller,G. and I. Geresdi: Numerical simulation of sulphate formation in water drops. Results of a box experiment,, Időjárás, 2017 | Geresdi, I. L. Xue and R. Rasmussen: Evaluation of Orographic Cloud Seeding Using Bin Microphysics Scheme. Part I: Two-dimensional approach, J. Appl. Met. and Clim, 2017 | Lulin Xue; Jiwen Fan; Zachary Lebo; Wei Wu; Hugh Morrison; Wojciech Grabowski; Xia Chu; István Geresdi; Kirk North; Ronald Stenz; Yang Gao; Xiaofeng Lou; Aaron Bansemer; Andrew Heymsfield; Greg McFarquhar; Roy Rasmussen: Idealized simulations of a squall line from the MC3E field campaign applying three bin microphysics schemes: Dynamic and thermodynamic structure, Month. Weath. Rev, 2017 | Noémi Sarkadi, István Geresdi, Greg Thompson, Annette Miltenberger, Phil Rosenberg, and Adrian Hill: Numerical simulation of convective squall lines over Southwest England with detailed microphysical scheme, 9th European Conference of Severe Storm, 2017 | István Geresdi, Lulin Xue, Roy Rasmussen and Noemi Sarkad: Numerical simulation of seeding effect using a bin microphysics scheme, 98th AMS Conference (2018, Austin , Texas, USA), 2018 | István Geresdi, Noémi Sarkadi, Lulin Xue, R. M. Rasmussen: Numerical simulation of the snow formation using bin microphysics scheme, COST Action ES1404 Harmsnow konferencia/workshop 2018. 10. 30-31., Budapest, 2018 | Noémi Sarkadi, István Geresdi, Lulin Xue, Wojciech Grabowski and Jimy Dudhia: Microphysical Impacts on Convection Applying Novel Modeling Methodology in Weather Research and Forecasting Model: Comparison between Bulk and Bin Microphysics, AMS 15th Conference on Cloud Physics/15th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Vancouver, 2018. július 9-13, 2018 | Wojciech Grabowski, Istvan Geresdi, Noemi Sarkadi and Lulin Xue: Invigoration of Deep Convection in Polluted Environments: Myth or Reality?, 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, (11th Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions), Phoenix, 2019. január 6-11, 2019 | Lulin Xue, N. Sarkadi, R. M. Rasmussen, S. A. Tessendorf, W. W. Grabowski, and I. Geresdi: Separating Microphysical Impacts from Dynamic Feedbacks in a Winter Orographic Seeding Case from SNOWIE, 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, (11th Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions), Phoenix, 2019. január 6-11., 2019 | Istvan Geresdi, Lulin Xue and Noemi Sarkadi:: Numerical simulation of activation of artificial hydroscopic aerosol particles, EGU Conference, Bécs, 2019. április, 2019 | Geresdi István, Lulin Xue, Roy Rasmussen, Sarkadi Noémi: 3D numerical simulation of orographic cloud seeding using a bin microphysics scheme (S12.7), http://www.meeting.co.uk/confercare/iccp2016/Oral%20and%20Poster%20Abstracts.pdf (2016), 2016 | Gregory Thompson, Sarah Tessendorf, Geresdi István, Sarkadi Noémi: Drawing insights from a bin microphysical scheme to improve a bulk scheme in a simulation of a 3-dimensional squall line (P3.17), http://www.meeting.co.uk/confercare/iccp2016/Oral%20and%20Poster%20Abstracts.pdf, 2016 | Sarkadi Noémi, Geresdi István, Szakáll Miklós: Calculation of polarimetric radar fields using the output of a bin microphysics scheme (P16.7), http://www.meeting.co.uk/confercare/iccp2016/Oral%20and%20Poster%20Abstracts.pdf, 2016 | Xue L., Lebo Z., Fan J., Wu W., Geresdi I., Bansemer A., Chu X., Morrison H., Rasmussen R., Grabowski W., Heymsfield A., McFarquhar G.: Simulations of a squall line case from MC3E applying three different bin microphysics schemes, http://www.meeting.co.uk/confercare/iccp2016/Oral%20and%20Poster%20Abstracts.pdf, 2016 | Xue L., Geresdi I., Rasmussen R., Tessendorf S., Weeks C., French J., Geerts B., Holbrook P., Blestrud D., Kunkel M., Parkinson S: Simulation of an orographic cloud airborne seeding case using a bin microphysics scheme, http://www.meeting.co.uk/confercare/iccp2016/Oral%20and%20Poster%20Abstracts.pdf, 2016 | Schmeller,G. and I. Geresdi: Numerical simulation of sulphate formation in water drops. Results of a box experiment,, Időjárás, 2017 | Geresdi, I. L. Xue and R. Rasmussen: Evaluation of Orographic Cloud Seeding Using Bin Microphysics Scheme. Part I: Two-dimensional approach, J. Appl. Met. and Clim, 2017 | Lulin Xue; Jiwen Fan; Zachary Lebo; Wei Wu; Hugh Morrison; Wojciech Grabowski; Xia Chu; István Geresdi; Kirk North; Ronald Stenz; Yang Gao; Xiaofeng Lou; Aaron Bansemer; Andrew Heymsfield; Greg McFarquhar; Roy Rasmussen: Idealized simulations of a squall line from the MC3E field campaign applying three bin microphysics schemes: Dynamic and thermodynamic structure, Month. Weath. Rev, 2017 |





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