Tuning the interfacial properties of fluid interfaces by strongly interacting polyelectrolytes and surfactants: the role of equilibrium and non-equilibrium features
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G. Li, I. Varga, A. Kardos, I. Dobryden, P.M. Claesson: Temperature-Dependent Nanomechanical Properties of Adsorbed Poly-NIPAm Microgel Particles Immersed in Water, Langmuir 37, 1902-1912., 2021 | G. Li, I. Varga, A. Kardos, I. Dobryden, P.M. Claesson: Nanoscale Mechanical Properties of Core–Shell-like Poly-NIPAm Microgel Particles: Effect of Temperature and Cross-Linking Density, Journal Of Physical Chemistry B, 125, 9860-9869., 2021 | A. Kim, I. Varga, A. Adhikari, R. Patel: Recent Advances in Layered Double Hydroxide-based Electrochemical and Optical Sensors, Nanomaterials, Accepted, 2021 | Bali, Krisztina ; Varga, Zsofia ; Kardos, Attila ; Mészáros, Róbert: Impact of local inhomogeneities on the complexation between poly(diallyldimethylammoniumchloride) and sodium dodecyl sulfate, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 574, 21-28., 2019 | Varga, Imre; Kardos, Attila; Borsos, Attila; Gilányi, Tibor: Effect of internal charge distribution on the electrophoretic mobility of poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) based core-shell microgel particles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Submitted, 2019 | Kardos, Attila; Varga, Imre: Preparation of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel beads with double hydrophilic shells in a single pot reaction, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, submitted, 2019 | Uhlig, Martin; Löhmann, Oliver; Vargas Ruiz, Salomé; Varga, Imre; von Klitzing, Regine; Campbell, Richard A.: New structural approach to understand the foam film stability of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte/surfactant mixtures, Chemical Communications, submitted, 2019 | Kardos, Attila; Gilányi, Tibor; Varga, Imre: How small can poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) nanogels be prepared by controlling the size with surfactant?, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 557, 793–806., 2019 | Kovács András Álmos (Témavezető: Varga Imre): Bijelek előállítása polielektrolit/tenzid rendszerek felhasználásával, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Kémiai Intézet, 2018 | Biró Evelyn (Témavezető: Varga Imre): Polielektrolit/tenzid rendszerek alkalmazása O/V emulziók stabilizálására, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Kémiai Intézet,, 2018 | Varga, Imre; Kardos, Attila; Borsos, Attila; Gilányi, Tibor: Effect of internal charge distribution on the electrophoretic mobility of poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) based core-shell microgel particles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 302, 111979., 2020 | Uhlig, Martin; Löhmann, Oliver; Vargas Ruiz, Salomé; Varga, Imre; von Klitzing, Regine; Campbell, Richard A.: New structural approach to understand the foam film stability of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte/surfactant mixtures, Chemical Communications, 56 (6), 952-955., 2020 | Bali, Krisztina ; Varga, Zsofia ; Kardos, Attila ; Varga, Imre; Gilányi, Tíbor; Domján, Attila; Wacha, András; Bóta, Attila; Mihály, Judith; Mészáros, Róbert: Effect of Dilution on the Nonequilibrium Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Association, Langmuir, submitted: la-2018-020544, 2018 | Bali, Krisztina ; Varga, Zsofia ; Kardos, Attila ; Varga, Imre; Gilányi, Tíbor; Domján, Attila; Wacha, András; Bóta, Attila; Mihály, Judith; Mészáros, Róbert: Effect of Dilution on the Nonequilibrium Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Association, Langmuir, 34, 14652-14660, 2018 | Campbell Richard A, Tummino Andrea, Noskov Boris A, Varga Imre: Polyelectrolyte/surfactant films spread from neutral aggregates, SOFT MATTER 12: 5304-5312, 2016 | Andrea Tummino, Richard Campbell, Boris A. Noskov, Imre Varga: Polyelectrolyte/surfactant films spread from neutral aggregates, 30th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Poster, 2016 | Andrea Tummino, Richard Campbell, Boris A. Noskov, Imre Varga: Polyelectrolyte/surfactant films spread from neutral aggregates, 32nd European Conference on Surface Science, előadás, 2016 | Imre Varga, Attila Kardos, Daria Kaczmarek, Anna Harsányi , Csaba Róth: Preparation of Unique Core/Shell pNIPAm - based Microgel Particles with Hydrophilic Shells, 30th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, előadás, 2016 | Fehér Bence, Témavezető: Varga Imre: Mag/Héj Szerkezetű Polielektrolit Mikrogélek És Ellentétesen Töltött Tenzid Elegyének Oldat/Levegő Határfelületi Tulajdonságai, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Kémiai Intézet, 2016 | Daria Kaczmarek, Jakob S. Diget, Bo Nyström, Gergő Gyulai, Róbert Mészáros, Tibor Gilányi, Imre Varga: Response of block copolyelectrolyte complexes to addition of ionic surfactants, Coll.Surf.A, In press, 2017 | Imre Varga, Richard A. Campbell: General Physical Description of the Behavior of Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Mixtures at the Air/Water Interface, Langmuir, 33, 5915–5924., 2017 | Antoniuk I, Kaczmarek D, Kardos A, Varga I, Amiel C: Supramolecular hydrogel based on pNIPAm microgels connected via host-guest interactions, POLYMERS 10: (6) Paper 566. 17 p. , 2018 | Campbell, RA; Tummino, A; Varga, I; Milyaeva, OY; Krycki, MM; Lin, SY; Laux, V; Haertlein, M; Forsyth, VT; Noskov, BA: Adsorption of Denaturated Lysozyme at the Air-Water Interface: Structure and Morphology, LANGMUIR 34: (17) pp. 5020-5029., 2018 | Lee J, Choi EJ, Varga I, Claesson PM, Yun SH, Song C: Terpyridine-functionalized stimuli-responsive microgels and their assembly through metal-ligand interactions, POLYM CHEM-UK 9: (8) pp. 1032-1039., 2018 | Tummino A, Toscano J, Sebastiani F, Noskov BA, Varga I, Campbell RA: Effects of Aggregate Charge and Subphase Ionic Strength on the Properties of Spread Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Films at the Air/Water Interface under Static and Dynamic Conditions, LANGMUIR 34: (6) pp. 2312-2323., 2018 | Kaczmarek D, Diget JS, Nystrom B, Gyulai G, Meszaros R, Gilanyi T, Varga I: Response of block copolyelectrolyte complexes to addition of ionic surfactants, COLLOID SURFACE A 532: pp. 290-296., 2017 | Varga Imre, Campbell Richard A: General Physical Description of the Behavior of Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Mixtures at the Air/Water Interface, LANGMUIR 33: (23) pp. 5915-5924., 2017 | Campbell Richard A, Tummino Andrea, Noskov Boris A, Varga Imre: Polyelectrolyte/surfactant films spread from neutral aggregates, SOFT MATTER 12: pp. 5304-5312., 2016 |




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