Traditional and non-traditional methods in extremal combinatorics
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Details of project |
Identifier |
 116769 |
Type |
K |
Principal investigator |
Gyori, Ervin |
Title in Hungarian |
Hagyományos és újszerű módszerek az extremális kombinatorikában |
Title in English |
Traditional and non-traditional methods in extremal combinatorics |
Keywords in Hungarian |
kombinatorika, gráf, hipergráf |
Keywords in English |
combinatorics, graph, hypergaph |
Discipline |
Mathematics (Council of Physical Sciences) | 100 % | Ortelius classification: Discrete mathematics |
Panel |
Mathematics and Computing Science |
Department or equivalent |
Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics |
Participants |
Bárány, Imre Colucci Cavalcante Souza, Lucas Erdos, Péter Ergemlidze, Beka Frankl, Péter Füredi, Zoltán Gerbner, Dániel Ghosh, Debarun Gyárfás, András Katona, Gyula Katona, Gyula Keszegh, Balázs Mészáros, Gábor Mezei, Tamás Róbert Mezei, Tamás Róbert Mezei, Tamás Róbert Miklós, István Nagy, Dániel Pach, János Patkós, Balázs Ruszinkó, Miklós Sali, Attila Salia, Nika Sarkozy, Gabor Simonovits, Miklós Simonyi, Gábor Szemerédi, Endre T. Sós, Vera Tardos, Gábor Tichler, Krisztián Tompkins, Casey Vizer, Máté
Starting date |
2016-01-01 |
Closing date |
2020-12-31 |
Funding (in million HUF) |
58.332 |
FTE (full time equivalent) |
37.73 |
state |
closed project |
Summary in Hungarian A kutatás összefoglalója, célkitűzései szakemberek számára Itt írja le a kutatás fő célkitűzéseit a témában jártas szakember számára. Az extremális kombinatorika centrális kérdéseire koncentrálva számos diszkrét matrematikai problémát tervezünk megoldani hozzájárulva ezzel ennek a matematikának e hagyományosan magyar témájának az elméletéhez. A nagy elméletek de még a leghíresebb tételek is előzetes eredmények tucatjain alapulnak. Részben ehhez szeretnénk a lehető legtöbb eredménnyel hozzájárulni, de természetesen – részben az ilyen eredmények alapján meg szeretnénk oldani néhány kiemelkedő fontosságú problémát is. Gráf- és hipergráfelméleti technikákat szeretnénk alkalmazni nemcsak gráf- és hipergráfelméleti problémákban, de nagy hálózatok, kromatikus szám vagy kódelméleti kérdések vizsgálatában is. Súlyt szeretnénk fektetni más matematikai disciplinákkal való kapcsolatra: gráfsorozatok limeszéne vizsgálatában vagy extremális halmazrendszer problémák folytonos kiterjesztésének megoldásában analitikus jelleggű eredmények bizonyítását is tervezzük éppúgy mint ahogy ilyen jellegű módszerek használatával klasszikus extremális kombinatorikaa problémák megoldását.
Mi a kutatás alapkérdése? Ebben a részben írja le röviden, hogy mi a kutatás segítségével megválaszolni kívánt probléma, mi a kutatás kiinduló hipotézise, milyen kérdéseket válaszolnak meg a kísérletek. Néhány centrális, különösen fontos téma a következő: 1. A regularitási lemma az extremális gráfelméletben és hipergráfelméletben alkalmazott egyik leghatékonyabb módszer. Ugyanakkor ez a bizonyítási módszer nem jelent egy gyakorlatban használható eszközt. Tervezzük egy praktikusan alkalmazható módszer kidolgozását, ami nem csak csillagászati méretű gráfokra alkalmazható. (Gowers bebizonyította, hogy ez nem várható teljes általánosságban, így világos, hogy fel kell áldoznunk egy "kevés" kivételes gráfot.) Természetesen további problémák megoldásában is tervezzükk a regularitási lemma használatát 2. Az utóbbi évtizedben áttörés történt extremális hipergráfok elméletében, mondjuk ha a kizárt részhipergráfokat (pl. köröket, utakat) Berge értelemben értjük. Hasonló tételeket szeretnénk bizonyítani tiltott részhipergráfok további osztályaira. Hasonlóképpen a Turán típusú hipergráf problémákban is folytatni szeretnénk az egyre jobb és pontosabb eredmények eredmények bizonyítását.
Mi a kutatás jelentősége? Röviden írja le, milyen új perspektívát nyitnak az alapkutatásban az elért eredmények, milyen társadalmi hasznosíthatóságnak teremtik meg a tudományos alapját. Mutassa be, hogy a megpályázott kutatási területen lévő hazai és a nemzetközi versenytársaihoz képest melyek az egyediségei és erősségei a pályázatának! A tervezett kutatás várhatóan hatással lesz a diszkrét matematika elméletére éppúgy mint az alkalmazásaira. Ez segít megőrizni Magyarország vezető szerepét a kombinatorikai kutatásokban. A várható eredmények minősége és mennyisége irányt jelöl ki az extremális kutatásokban, mint pl. a regularitási lemma alkalmazhatóságában, vagy a gráfsorozatokban. A Turán és Berge típusú extremális hipergráf problémák tervezett kutatása folytatja az áttörést ezekben a témákban. A projektnek nincs, vagy nagyon kevés közvetlen alkalmazása van, de olyan tételeket eredményez, amik olyan nagy hálózatok vizsgálatában alkalmazhatók, mint a világháló vagy más internethez kapcsolódó hálózatok, a genom, más bioinformatikai objektumok, vagy relációs adatbázisok. Az elméletileg kivételesen fontos regularitási módszert úgy kivánjuk átalakítani, hogy alkalmazható legyen a valós életben előforduló (de még mindig hatalmas!) gráfokra. Ezek mellet a rövid távú, megjósolható hatások mellett biztosak vagyunk benne, hogy az elérendő eredményeknek további erős hatása lesz az elméletre és a gyakorlatra, még ha ezek pontosan előre nem is láthatók.
A kutatás összefoglalója, célkitűzései laikusok számára Ebben a fejezetben írja le a kutatás fő célkitűzéseit alapműveltséggel rendelkező laikusok számára. Ez az összefoglaló a döntéshozók, a média, illetve az érdeklődők tájékoztatása szempontjából különösen fontos az NKFI Hivatal számára. Az extremális gráfelmélet egy hagyományosan magyar téma, amit elsősorban Erdős Pál alapozott meg. A projekt ennek a témának a további kutatását tervezi. Azonban az újabb eredmények és az alkalmazások igényei új irányokat szabtak a vizsgálatoknak. A gráf problémák mellet egyre több hipergráf problémát vetettek fel és vizsgáltak. Az internet fejlődése, a genomok vizsgálatában a DNS láncok, stb új, (speciális) nagy gráfok vizsgálatát követeli. Ez az extremális gráfelméletet nagy gráfok, gráfsorozatok vizsgálata irányába terelte. Még a nagyon hasznos, sokéves regularitási módszer is módosításokat igényel, ha a valós életben előforduló méretű gráfokra akarjuk alkalmazni. Jelen projekt az elmélet és gyakorlat ezen kihívásainak hivatott megfelelni, módszereket kiván kidolgozni, tételeket kiván bebizonyítani amelyek elméleti jelentőségűek, vagy a számítógépes alkalmazások, szoftverek alapja lehet amik ezekre kérdésekre adnak hatékony választ. A résztvevők szakértelme, tudományos potenciálja (7 akadémikus, a résztvevők több mint 1000 tudományos cikke a témában), nemzetközi reputációja egy sikeres projekt zálogát jelenti.
| Summary Summary of the research and its aims for experts Describe the major aims of the research for experts. Focusing on the central questions of extremal combinatorics, we plan to solve many different problems in discrete mathematics to contribute to the theory of this traditionally Hungarian subject in mathematics. The big theories and even the most famous theorems rely on dozens of preliminary results. We would like to add as many results to the theory in this sense, and naturally to solve some exceptionally important, central problems, too. We would like to apply extremal graph/hypergraph techniques in very different fields of mathematics, not just in classical extreme graph/hypergraph problems, but in study of large networks, chromatic number, coding theory questions. We also plan to put stress on connections to other mathematical disciplines: we plan to prove analytic type results in investigations of the limit of graph sequences or solving the continuous extensions of extremal set theoretical problems as well as to solve classical extremal combinatorial problems by means of methods of this type.
What is the major research question? Describe here briefly the problem to be solved by the research, the starting hypothesis, and the questions addressed by the experiments. Some central, extremely important subjects are as follows. 1. The regularity lemma is one of the most effective methods applied in extremal graph and hypergraph theory. However this proof technique does not yield a practically applicable tool. We plan to work out a practically applicable version, that is applicable for graphs with not astronomically many vertices, the number of partition classes can be handled by means of computers. (Gowers proved it that it is not expectable in full generality, so it is clear that we have to sacrifice at least a "few" exceptional graphs.) Naturally, we plan to us the regularity lemma to solve further problems too. 2. In the last decade, there was a breakthrough in the study of extremal hypergraphs, say, if the excluded subhypergraphs (e.g., cycles, paths) are defined in Berge sense. We would like to prove similar theorems for further classes of forbidden subhypergraphs. Similarly, we plan to prove more and more sharp results in problems of Turan type too. 3. In the study of large graphs and networks, the concept of graph sequence limits were developed. We would like to describe the finitely characterizable graph sequences playing central role in the subject. We plan to prove the continuous version of further problems in extremal set theory.
What is the significance of the research? Describe the new perspectives opened by the results achieved, including the scientific basics of potential societal applications. Please describe the unique strengths of your proposal in comparison to your domestic and international competitors in the given field. The proposed research is supposed to have strong impact on the theory of discrete mathematics as well as on its applications. It helps to maintain the leading role of Hungary in the research of combinatorics. The quality and the quantity of the expected results will set the course of extremal research e.g. in the applicability of regularity lemma, or graph sequences. The planned study of Turán or Berge type extremal hypergraph problems will continue the breakthrough in these subjects. The project does not have (or has just very few) direct applications but establishes results what can be used in the investigation of large networks like the world wide web net or special internet related networks, the genom, other bioinformatic objects, or relational databases. The theoretically exceptionally important regularity method is planned to be modified so that it might be applicable to real size (but still huge!) graphs. Beyond these predictable short run impacts, we are sure that the results to be obtained will have further strong effects on the theory and the applications even if they are precisely unforeseen.
Summary and aims of the research for the public Describe here the major aims of the research for an audience with average background information. This summary is especially important for NRDI Office in order to inform decision-makers, media, and others. Extremal graph theory is a traditional Hungarian subject established first of all by Paul Erdos. The project plans to continue the research in this subject. However, the recent results and the demand of applications determined new course of the investigations. Besides graph problems, more and more hypergraph ones raised and studied. The development of the internet, DNA sequences in the study of the genom, etc. require the study of (special) large graphs. So it oriented extremal graph theory toward the investigation of large graphs, graph sequences, etc. Even the very useful, many year old regularity method needs modifications if we want to use it for graphs of real life size. This project is to be equal to these challenges to the theory and the practice and to work out methods, prove theorems that are of theoretical importance or can be the base of computer applications, softwares answering these questions effectively. The expertise, scientific potential of the participants (seven members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, more than 1,000 scientific papers of the participants in the subject), their international reputation is a token of a successful project





List of publications |
I. Barany, M. Fradelizi, X. Goaoc, A. Hubard, G. Rote: Random polytopes and the wet part for arbitrary probability distributions, Annales Henri Lebesgue, to appear, 2020 | K. Ellis, B. Liu, A. Sali: Multi-Symbol Forbidden Configurations, Discrete Applied Math., to appear, 2020 | M. Alattar, A. Sali: Keys in Relational Databases with Nulls and Bounded Domains, Advances in Database and Information Systems, LNCS vol 11695, pp 33–50. (2019), 2019 | P. Boyvalenkov and A. Sali: New bounds on Armstrong codes, Proceedings of the 11th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications May 27-30, 2019, Tokyo, Japan pp 377– 381, 2019 | M. Alattar, A. Sali: Functional Dependencies in Incomplete Databases With Limited domains, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, to appear, 2020 | B. Chor - P.L. Erdos - J. Komornik: A High Quartets Distance Construction, Annals of Combinatorics, 23(2019), 51--65., 2019 | P.L. Erdos, L. van Iersel, M. Jones: Not all phylogenetic networks are leaf-reconstructible, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 79(2019), 1623--1638., 2019 | P.L. Erdos, C. Semple. M. Steel: A Class of Phylogenetic Networks Reconstructable from Ancestral Profiles, Mathematical Biosciences 313(2019), 33-40, 2019 | E. Győri, A. Paulos, C. Xiao: Wiener Index of Quadrangulation Graphs, arXiv:2001.00661, 2020 | D. Ghosh, E. Győri, A. Paulos, N. Salia, O. Zamora: The Maximum Wiener Index of Maximal Planar Graphs, arXiv:1912.02846, 2020 | L. Colucci, E. Győri: On L(2,1)-labelings of some products of oriented cycles, arXiv:1912.00457, 2020 | C. Fang, E. Győri, J. Xiao: Minimal colorings for properly colored subgraphs in complete graphs, arXiv:1911.04358, 2020 | C. Fang, E. Győri, M. Lu, J. Xiao: On the anti-Ramsey number of forests, arXiv:1908.04129, 2020 | L. Colucci, E. Győri, A. Methuku: Edge colorings of graphs without monochromatic stars, arXiv:1903.04541, 2020 | L. Colucci, E. Győri: On L(2,1)-labelings of oriented graphs, arXiv:1902.05467, 2020 | E. Győri, G. Y. Katona, L.F. Papp: Optimal pebbling number of the square grid, arXiv:1810.05266, 2020 | B. Baars, R. Ilin, M. Ruszinko, E. Tunstel: Brains Are Not Computers: Celebrating the Achievements of Robert Kozma, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine 5 (2019), 21-32., 2019 | M. Ruszinko, L. Song, D.P. Szabo: Monochromatic Diameter Two Components in Edge Colorings of Complete Graph, Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, submitted, 2020 | G. Elek, G. Tardos: CONVERGENCE AND LIMITS OF FINITE TREES, arXiv:2001.00905, 2020 | J. Pach, N. Rubin, G. Tardos: Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments, STOC 2019: 1158-1166, arXiv:1904.08845, 2019 | A Sali, G Simonyi, G Tardos: Partitioning transitive tournaments into isomorphic digraphs, Order, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11083-020-09535-2, 2020 | H. Chang, D. Gerbner, B. Patkós: Finding non-minority balls with majority and plurality queries, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 284(30) (2020) 631-639, 2020 | A. Davoodi, D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, M. Vizer: On Clique Coverings of Complete Multipartite Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 276 (2020) 19-23, 2020 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, G.Omidi, M. Vizer: Ramsey problems for Berge hypergraphs, SIAM J. Discret. Math. 34(1): 351-369 (2020), 2020 | D. Gerbner, E. Győri, A. Methuku, M. Vizer: Generalized Turán problems for even cycles, J. Combin. Th. B, 145(2020) 169-213, 2020 | D. Grósz, A. Methuku, C. Tompkins: Uniformity thresholds for the asymptotic size of extremal Berge-$F$-free hypergraphs, Eur. J. Comb. 88: 103109 (2020), 2020 | J. Kritschgau, A. Methuku, M. Tait, C. Timmons: Few H copies in F-saturated graphs, J. Graph Theory 94(3): 320-348 (2020), 2020 | D. Ghosh, E. Győri, A, Paulos, N. Salia, O. Zamora: he Maximum Wiener Index of Maximal Planar Graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, accepted, 2021 | G. Simonyi: Shannon capacity and the categorical product, arXiv:1911.00944 2019, 2021 | G. Simonyi and G. Tardos: On 4-chromatic Schrijver graphs: their structure, non-3-colorability, and critical edges, Acta Math. Hung. 161(2020) 583-617., 2020 | P.L. Erdős, E. Győri, T.R.Mezei, I. Miklós, D. Soltész: A non-P-stable class of degree sequences for which the swap Markov chain is rapidly mixing, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, accepted, 2020 | B.Ergemlidze, T.Jiang, A. Methuku: New bounds for a hypergraph Bipartite Turán problem, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A Volume 176, 105299, 2020 | D. Gerbner: On Berge-Ramsey problems, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27(2) 2020 Paper #2.39, 2020 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, Abhishek Methuku, D. T. Nagy, B. Patkós, C. Tompkins, C. Xiao: Set systems related to a house allocation problem, Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020) 111886, 2020 | D. Gerbner, M. Vizer: Rounds in a combinatorial search problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 276(2020) 60-68., 2020 | B. Keszegh: Coloring intersection hypergraphs of pseudo-disks, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 64(2020) 942-964, 2020 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, B. Patkós: Generalized forbidden subposet problems, Order, 37(2020) 389-410., 2020 | A. Gyarfas, D. Palvolgyi, B. Patkos, M. Wales: Distribution of colors in Gallai colorings, European J. of Combinatorics, 86(2020) 103087, 2020 | K. Ellis, B. Liu, A. Sali: Multi-Symbol Forbidden Configurations, Discrete Applied Math., 276(2020) 24-36., 2020 | M. Alattar, A. Sali: . Strongly Possible Keys for SQL, J Data Semant 9, 85-99 (2020)., 2020 | M. Ruszinko, L. Song, D.P. Szabo: Monochromatic Diameter Two Components in Edge Colorings of Complete Graph, Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, to appear, 2021 | P.L. Erdős, C. Greenhill , T.R. Mezei ,I. Miklós, D. Soltész, L. Soukup: The mixing time of switch Markov chains: a unified approach, European J. Combinatorics, to appear, 2021 | A. Sali, G. Simonyi, G. Tardos: Partitioning transitive tournaments into isomorphic digraphs, Order, to appear, 2021 | G.Y. Katona and K. Varga: Strengthening some complexity results on toughness of graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, accepted, 2021 | E. Győri, N. Salia, C. Tompkins, O. Zamora: Inverse Turán numbers, Discrete Mathematics, accepted, 2021 | D. Ghosh, E. Győri, O. Janzer, A. Paulos, N. Salia, O. Zamora: The maximum number of induced C5's in a planar graph, J. Graph Theory, accepted, 2021 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Győri, A. Methuku, N. Salia, C. Tompkins: On 3-uniform hypergraphs avoiding a cycle of length four, ArXiv: 2008.11372, 2021 | L. Badakhshian, G.O.H. Katona and Z. Tuza: The domination number of the graph defined by two levels of the $n$-cube, Discrete Mathematics 266(2019) 30-37., 2019 | G.O.H. Katona: Some novelties on intersecting families of subsets, Matemática Contenporanea 4,6 8th Latin/American Workshop on Cliques and Graphs, 1-15, 2019 | C. Xiao, G.O.H. Katona, O.Zamora and J. Xiao: The Turan number of the square of a path, Electronic. J. Combinatorics, submitted, 2021 | A. Munqath and A. Sali: Functional Dependencies in Incomplete Databases with Limited Domains, Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems : Springer International Publishing, pp 1-21 Paper Chapter 1. (2020) ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0302-9743 1611-3, 2020 | M. Alattar, A.Sali: Toward an Axiomatization of Strongly Possible Functional Dependencies, VIETNAM JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE (2196-8888 2196-8896): 08 01 pp 133-151 (2020), 2020 | M. Alattar, A. Sali: Strongly Possible Functional Dependencies for SQL, Acta Cybernetica, accepted, 2021 | J. Pach, G. Tardos, G. Tóth: Disjointness graphs of segments in the space, CPC, accepted in 2020, 2021 | A. Holmsen, H. Mojarrad, J. Pach, G. Tardos: Two extensions of the Erdős–Szekeres problem, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 22 (12) (2020), 3981–3995, 2020 | D. Pálvölgyi, G. Tardos: Unlabeled compression schemes exceeding the VC-dimension, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 276 (2020), 102–107., 2020 | Z.Füredi, T.Jiang, A. Kostochka, D. Mubayi, J. Verstraëte: Hypergraphs not containing a tight tree with a bounded trunk II: 3-trees with a trunk of size 2, Discrete Applied Mathematics Volume 276, Pages 50-59, 2020 | Z. Füredi, A.Kostochka, R.Luo: A variation of a theorem by Pósa, Discrete Mathematics Volume 342, Issue 7, July 2019, Pages 1919-1923, 2019 | M.Ferrara, Z.Füredi, S.Jahanbekam, P.S.Wenger: List-distinguishing Cartesian products of cliques, Discrete Mathematics Volume 342, Issue 7, July 2019, Pages 2012-2022, 2019 | Z.Füredi, A.Kostochka, R.Luo: Avoiding long Berge cycles, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B Volume 137, Pages 55-64, 2019 | R. R. Martin, A. Methuku, A. J. Uzzell, S. Walker: A Simple Proof for a Forbidden Subposet Problem, Electron. J. Comb. 27(1): P1.31 (2020), 2020 | D. Grósz, A. Methuku, C. Tompkins: On subgraphs of C2k-free graphs and a problem of Kühn and Osthus, Comb. Probab. Comput. 29(3): 436-454 (2020), 2020 | E. Győri, A. Paulos, C. iXiao: Wiener index of quadrangulation graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics Volume 289, 2021, Pages 262-269, 2021 | D. Gerbner, B. Patkós: Extremal Finite Set Theory, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2018, 336 pages, 2018 | E. Ackerman, B. Keszegh, D. Pálvölgyi: Coloring hypergraphs defined by stabbed pseudo-disks and ABAB-free hypergraphs, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88(3) (2019), 363--370., 2019 | B. Keszegh: Coloring intersection hypergraphs of pseudo-disks, Discrete and Computational Geometry, to appear, 2020 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, B. Patkós: Generalized forbidden subposet problems, Order, to appear, 2020 | A. Gyarfas, G. Sarkozy: Matching with few colors in colored complete graphs and hypergraphs, Discrete Mathematics, to appear, 2020 | L. DeBiasio, A. Gyarfas, G. Sarkozy: Ramsey numbers of path-matchings, covering designs and 1-cores, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., to appear, 2020 | A. Gyarfas, D. Palvolgyi, B. Patkos, M. Wales: Distribution of colors in Gallai colorings, European J. of Combinatorics, to appear, 2020 | Z. Furedi, A. Gyarfas and Z. Kiraly: Problems and results on 1-cross intersecting set pair systems, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, submitted, 2020 | K. A. Adiprasito, I. Barany, N. Mustafa, and T. Terpai: Theorems of Caratheodory, Helly, and Tverberg without dimension, Discrete Comp. Geom., to appear, 2020 | S. English, D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, M. Tait: Linearity of saturation for Berge hypergraphs, Eur. J. Comb., 78, 205-213., 2019, 2019 | Damásdi, G., Gerbner, D., Katona, G.O., Keszegh, B., Lenger, D., Methuku, A., Nagy, D.T., Pálvölgyi, D., Patkós, B., Vizer, M. and Wiener, G.: Adaptive Majority Problems for Restricted Query Graphs and for Weighted Sets, arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.08383. 2019, 2019 | Damásdi, G., Martínez-Sandoval, L., Nagy, D. T., & Nagy, Z. L.: Triangle areas determined by arrangements of planar lines, arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.03166., 2019, 2020 | Gerbner, D., Nagy, D. T., Patkós, B., & VizerM.: t-wise Berge and t-heavy hypergraphs, arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.03213. 2019, 2020 | E. Győri, N. Lemons , N. Salia, O. Zamora: The Structure of Hypergraphs without long Berge cycles, arXiv:1812.10737; Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B., to appear 2020, 2020 | N. Salia, C. Spiegel, C. Tompkins, O. Zamora: Independent Chains in Posets,, arXiv:1912.03288, (2019). Submitted (Journal of Graph Theory), 2020, 2020 | D. Ghosh, E. Győri, A, Paulos, N. Salia, O. Zamora: he Maximum Wiener Index of Maximal Planar Graphs, arXiv:1912.02846,, 2020 | E. Győri, A. Paulos N. Salia, C. Tompkins, O. Zamora: The Maximum Number of Pentagons in a Planar Graph, arXiv:1909.13532, (2019)., 2020 | E. Győri, A. Paulos N. Salia, C. Tompkins, O. Zamora: The Maximum Number of Paths of Length Three in a Planar Graph, arXiv:1909.13539, (2019), 2020 | E. Győri, N. Salia, O. Zamora: Connected Hypergraphs without long Berge paths, arXiv:1910.01322, (2019). Submitted Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B., 2020 | E. Győri, N. Salia, C. Tompkins, O. Zamora: Turan numbers of Berge trees, arXiv:1904.06728, (2019). Submitted SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2020 | G. Simonyi: Shannon capacity and the categorical product, arXiv:1911.00944 2019, 2020 | G. Simonyi and G. Tardos: On 4-chromatic Schrijver graphs: their structure, non-3-colorability, and critical edges, arXiv:1912.03724 2019, 2020 | P.L. Erdős, C.S. Greenhill, T.R. Mezei, I. Miklós, D. Soltész, L. Soukup: Mixing time of the swap Markov chain and P-stability, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, 88(3):659-665, 2019, 2019 | I. Miklos, G. Schlafly, Y. Wang, and Z. Wei: Edge Disjoint Caterpillar Realizations, arxiv:1905.05986, Submitted to Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2020 | P.L. Erdős, E. Győri, TRM, I. Miklós, D. Soltész: A non-P-stable class of degree sequences for which the swap Markov chain is rapidly mixing, arxiv1909.02308, Submitted to Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2020 | S. Kharel, TRM, S. Chung , D. Soltesz, P.L. Erdos, Z. Toroczkai: Degree-preserving network growth, Submitted to Nature Physics, 2020 | S. Kharel, TRM, S. Chung , D. Soltesz, P.L. Erdos, Z. Toroczkai: Degree-preserving network growth, Submitted to Nature Physics, 2020 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Győri, A. Methuku: 3-uniform hypergraphs without a cycle of length five, Submitted to Electronic journal of combinatorics, 2020 | B.Ergemlidze, T.Jiang, A. Methuku: New bounds for a hypergraph Bipartite Turán problem, submitted to JCTB, 2020 | D. Gerbner: A note on the Turán number of a Berge odd cycle, arXiv:1903.01002, 2020 | D. Gerbner: The covering lemma and q-analogues of extremal set theory problems, arXiv:1905.06994, 2020 | D. Gerbner: On Berge-Ramsey problems, arXiv:1906.02465, 2020 | Z. Füredi, D. Gerbner: Hypergraphs without exponents, arXiv:1906.06657, 2020 | D. Gerbner: Between the deterministic and non-deterministic query complexity, arXiv:1907.09531, 2020 | M. Balko, D. Gerbner, D. Y. Kang, Y. Kim, C. Palmer: Hypergraph based Berge hypergraphs, arXiv:1908.00092, 2020 | D. Gerbner, B. Patkós, Zs. Tuza, M. Vizer: Singular Turán numbers and WORM-colorings, arXiv:1909.04980, 2020 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, Abhishek Methuku, D. T. Nagy, B. Patkós, C. Tompkins, C. Xiao: et systems related to a house allocation problem, accepted to Discrete Mathematics, arXiv:1910.04666, 2020 | D. Gerbner, T. Mészáros, A. Methuku, C. Palmer: Generalized rainbow Turán problems, arXiv:1911.06642, 2020 | D. Gerbner, M. Vizer: Rounds in a combinatorial search problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, accepted, 2020 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, C. Palmer: General lemmas for Berge-Turán problems, European J. of Comb. , to appear, 2020 | A Kupavskii, J Pach, G Tardos: Tilings with noncongruent triangles, Eur. J. Comb. 73: 72-80, 2018 | E. Győri, M. D. Plummer, Dong Ye, Xiaoya Zha: A Cycle Traversability Theorem for Claw-free Graphs, Combinatorica, submitted, arXiv:1803.04466, 2019 | P.L. Erdős, M. Ferrara, S.G. Hartke: Navigating Between Packings of Graphic Sequences, Discrete Applied Mathematics 266, 252-258., 2019, 2019 | R. Janssen, M. Jones, P.L. Erdős, L. van Iersel, C. Scornavacca: Exploring the tiers of rooted phylogenetic network space using tail moves, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80, 2177-2208., 2018, 2018 | P.L. Erdős, I. Miklós, Z. Toroczkai: New Classes of Degree Sequences with Fast Mixing Swap Markov Chain Sampling, COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING, 27, 186-207., 2018, 2018 | E. Győri, T. Mezei: Mobile vs. point guards, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 61, 421-451. 2019, 2019 | E. Győri, G.Y. Katona, L. F. Papp, C. Tompkins: The Optimal Pebbling Number of Staircase Graphs, Discrete Mathematics 342, 2148-2157. 2019, 2019 | S. Janson, R. Kozma, M. Ruszinkó, Y. Sokolov: A modified bootstrap percolation on a random graph coupled with a lattice, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 258, 152-165, 2019, 2019 | Ervin Győri, Balázs Keszegh: On the number of edge-disjoint triangles in K4-free graphs, Combinatorica, 37, 1113-1124., 2017, 2017 | Beka Ergemlidze, Ervin Győri, Abhishek Methuku: 3-uniform hypergraphs and linear cycles, SIAM J. Disc. Math., 32, 933-950. 2018, 2018 | D Gerbner, A Methuku, DT Nagy, B Patkós, M Vizer: On the number of containments in P-free families, Graphs and Combinatorics, 35, 1519-1540., 2019, 2019 | L Colucci, P. L.Erdős, E. Győri. T. R. Mezei: Terminal-pairability in complete bipartite graphs with non-bipartite demands: Edge-disjoint paths in complete bipartite graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 775, 16-25., 2019, 2019 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku: Turan number of an induced complete bipartite graph plus an odd cycle, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 28, 241-252., 2019, 2019 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku: On the Rainbow Turán number of paths, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26, 1, P1.17, 2019 (12 pages), 2019 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku, N. Salia, C. Tompkins, O. Zamora: Avoiding long Berge cycles, the missing cases k=r+1 and k=r+2, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, to appear in 2020, 2020 | N Salia, C Tompkins, Z Wang, O Zamora: Ramsey numbers of Berge-hypergraphs and related structures, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26, P4.40, (2019), 2019 | E Győri, N Salia, C Tompkins, O Zamora: The maximum number of $P_\ell$-copies in $P_k$-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 21(1), 2019, 2019 | E Győri,GY Katona, LF Papp: Optimal pebbling and rubbling of graphs with given diameter, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 266, 340-345., 2019, 2019 | D. Gerbner, M. Vizer: Majority problems of large query size, Disc. Appl. Math, 254, 124-134., 2019, 2019 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, A. Methuku, B. Patkós, M. Vizer: An improvement on the maximum number of k-dominating independent sets, Journal of Graph Theory, 91, 88-97., 2019, 2019 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, D.T. Nagy, B. Patkós, M. Vizer: Forbidding rank-preserving copies of a poset, Order, 36, 611-620, 2019, 2019 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, M. Vizer: Asymptotics for the Turán number of Berge-K_{2,t}, J. Comb. Theory B, 137,264-290.,2019, 2019 | D. Gerbner, A Methuku and M Vizer: Generalized Turán problems for disjoint copies of graphs., Discrete Math., 342, 3130-3141., 2019, 2019 | Gerbner, D., Keszegh, B., Methuku, A., Nagy, D. T., Patkós, B., Tompkins, C., & Xiao, C.: Set systems related to a house allocation problem, arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.04666., 2019 | D. Gerbner, C. Palmer: Counting copies of a fixed subgraph of F-free graphs, Eur. J. Combinatorics, 82, 2019, 2019 | D. Gerbner, E. Győri, A. Methuku, M. Vizer: Generalized Turán problems for even cycles, J. Combin. Th. B, to appear, 2019 | L. DeBiasio, A. Gyárfás, R.A. Krueger, M. Ruszinkó, G.N. Sárközy: Monochromatic balanced components, matchings, and paths in multicolored complete bipartite graphs, Journal of Combinatorics, 11, 38-45. 2020, 2020 | B. Keszegh, D. Palvolgyi: An abstract approach to polychromatic coloring: shallow hitting sets in ABA-free hypergraphs and pseudohalfplanes, Journal of Computational Geometry, 10, 1-26, 2019, 2019 | B. Keszegh, D. Palvolgyi: Proper Coloring of Geometric Hypergraphs, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 62, 674-689., 2019, 2019 | M. Axenovich, A. Gyarfas: A note on Ramsey numbers for Berge-G hypergraphs, Discrete Mathematics, 342, 1245-1252.,2019, 2019 | A. Gyarfas: The Turan number of a Berge-K_4 in triple systems, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 33, 383-392., 2019, 2019 | I. Barany, N. Mustafa: Applications of the universal theorem for Tverberg partitions, Comput. Geom. Theory Appl., to appear, 2020 | I. Barany, Z. Furedi: Almost similar configurations, Bull. Hellenic Math Soc, 63, 17-37., 2019, 2019 | E. Győri, M. D. Plummer, Dong Ye, Xiaoya Zha: A Cycle Traversability Theorem for Claw-free Graphs, Combinatorica, accepted, arXiv:1803.04466, 2019 | E Győri,GY Katona, LF Papp: Optimal pebbling and rubbling of graphs with given diameter, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS, accepted, 2019 | M Kano, GY Katona, K Varga: Decomposition of a Graph into Two Disjoint Odd Subgraphs, GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS 34, 1581-1588, 2018 | G. Simonyi: On colorful edge triples in edge-colored complete graphs, arXiv:1812.06706, 2019 | D. Gerbner, B. Patkós, M. Vizer: Forbidden subposet problems for traces of set families, Electronic J. of Combinatorics,Volume 25, Paper #P3.49, 17 pages, 2018 | D. Gerbner, M. Vizer: Majority problems of large query size, Disc. Appl. Math, accepted, 2019 | D. Gerbner, B. Patkós: Extremal Finite Set Theory, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 336 pages, 2018 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, A. Methuku, B. Patkós, M. Vizer: An improvement on the maximum number of k-dominating independent sets, Journal of Graph Theory, available online, 2019 | D. Gerbner, M. Vizer: Smart elements in combinatorial group testing problems with more defectives, The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics, accepted, 2019 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, D.T. Nagy, B. Patkós, M. Vizer: Forbidding rank-preserving copies of a poset, Order, accepted, 2019 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, M. Vizer: Asymptotics for the Turán number of Berge-K_{2,t}, JCT B, accepted, 2019 | D. Gerbner, A Methuku and M Vizer: Generalized Turán problems for disjoint copies of graphs., arXiv:1712.07072, 2019 | H. Chang, D. Gerbner, B. Patkós: Finding non-minority balls with majority and plurality queries, arXiv:1812.08850, 2019 | A. Davoodi, D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, M. Vizer: On Clique Coverings of Complete Multipartite Graphs, arXiv:1809.01443, 2019 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, C. Palmer: General lemmas for Berge-Turán hypergraph problems, arXiv:1808.10842, 2019 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, G.Omidi, M. Vizer: Ramsey problems for Berge hypergraphs, arXiv:1808.10434, 2019 | S. English, D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, M. Tait: Linearity of Saturation for Berge Hypergraphs, arXiv:1807.06947, 2019 | D. Gerbner, C. Palmer: Counting copies of a fixed subgraph of F-free graphs, arXiv:1805.07520, 2019 | D. Gerbner, E. Győri, A. Methuku, M. Vizer: Generalized Turán problems for even cycles, arXiv:1712.07079, 2019 | D.J. Saunders, H.T. Siegelmann, R. Kozma, M. Ruszinkó: STDP Learning of Image Patches with Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 8-13 July 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2018.8489673., 2018 | G.P. Andrade, M. Ruszinkó, R. Kozma: Graph Models of Neurodynamics to Support Oscillatory Associative Memories, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 8-13 July 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2018.8489419, 2018 | L. DeBiasio, A. Gyárfás, R.A. Krueger, M. Ruszinkó, G.N. Sárközy: Monochromatic balanced components, matchings, and paths in multicolored complete bipartite graphs, Journal of Combinatorics, accepted, arXiv:1804.04195v2., 2019 | S. Janson, R. Kozma, M. Ruszinkó, Y. Sokolov: A modified bootstrap percolation on a random graph coupled with a lattice, Discrete Applied Mathematics, accepted, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2018.11.006, 2019 | E. Ackerman, B. Keszegh, M. Vizer: On the size of planarly connected crossing graphs, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 22, 11-22., 2018 | B. Keszegh: Coloring intersection hypergraphs of pseudo-disks, Proceedings of SoCG 2018, LIPIcs 99 (2018), 52:1–52:15., 2018 | B. Keszegh, D. Palvolgyi: An abstract approach to polychromatic coloring: shallow hitting sets in ABA-free hypergraphs and pseudohalfplanes, Journal of Computational Geometry, accepted, 2019 | B. Keszegh, D. Palvolgyi: Proper Coloring of Geometric Hypergraphs, Discrete and Computational Geometry, accepted, 2019 | R. Ben-Avraham, M. Henze, R. Jaume, B. Keszegh, O. E. Raz, M. Sharir, I. Tubis: Partial-Matching RMS Distance Under Translation: Combinatorics and Algorithms, Algorithmica 80(8) (2018), 2400– 2421., 2018 | L. DeBiasio and R. A. Krueger, G.N. Sarkozy: Large monochromatic components in multicolored bipartite graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.05271, 2019 | M. Axenovich, A. Gyarfas: A note on Ramsey numbers for Berge-G hypergraphs, Discrete Mathematics, accepted, 2019 | A. Gyarfas: The Turan number of a Berge-K_4 in triple systems, SIAM J. of Combinatorics,submitted, 2019 | I. Barany, R. Meshulam, E. Nevo, M. Tancer: Pach's homogeneous selection theorem does not admit a topological extension, Discrete Comp. Geometry, 60, 420--429., 2018 | I. Barany, G. Kalai, R. Meshulam: A Tverberg type theorem for matroids, A Journey Through Discrete Mathematics, Tribute to Jiri Matousek, Eds: M. Loebl. J. Nesetril, R. Thomas, 115-121., 2018 | I. Barany, J. Solymosi: Gershgorin circles for eigenvalues with multiplicity, A Journey Through Discrete Mathematics, Tribute to Jiri Matousek, Eds: M. Loebl. J. Nesetril, R. Thomas, 123--133,, 2018 | I. Barany, E Csoka, Gy Karolyi, G Toth: Block partitions: an extended view, Acta Math. Hung., 155 (2018), 36--46, 2018 | K. Adiprasito, I. Barany, N.Mustafa: Theorems of Carathedory, Helly, and Tverberg without dimension, accepted in SODA, 2019 | I. Barany, G. Martin, E. Naslund, S. Robins: Primitive points in convex polygons, submitted to Canadian Math. Bull, 2019 | I. Barany, N. Mustafa: Applications of the universal theorem for Tverberg partitions, submitted to JCTA, 2019 | I. Barany, Z. Furedi: Almost similar configurations, submitted to Bull Hellenic Math Soc, 2019 | K. Adiprasito, I. Barany, N.Mustafa, T. Terpai: Theorems of Carathedory, Helly, and Tverberg without dimension, accepted in SODA, 2019 | D. Grósz, A. Methuku, C. Tompkins: Uniformity thresholds for the asymptotic size of extremal Berge-$F$-free hypergraphs, To appear in European Journal of Combinatorics., 2019 | E. Gyori, A. Methuku, N. Salia, C. Tompkins, M. Vizer: On the maximum size of connected hypergraphs without a path of given length, Discrete Mathematics 341: 2602--2605., 2018 | E. Gyori, D. Korandi, A. Methuku, I. Tomon, C. Tompkins, M. Vizer: On the Turán number of some ordered even cycles, European Journal of Combinatorics, 73 (2018): 81--88., 2018 | J. Kritschgau, A. Methuku, M. Tait, C. Timmons: Few T copies in H-saturated graphs, arXiv:1810.00939, 2019 | Z Füredi, I Kantor: Kneser Ranks of Random Graphs and Minimum Difference Representations, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32(2): 1016-1028, 2018 | I. Bárány, P. Soberon: Tverberg plus minus, Discrete and Computational Geometry. 60 (2018), 588-598, 2018 | A.Gyarfas, S.G.Hartke, C.Viss: Uniquely K_r^k -saturated hypergraphs, Electronic journal of Combinatorics, 25(4) P4.35, 2018 | A.Gyarfas: Large sets of t-designs and a Ramsey- type problem, INTEGERS 18, A53, 2018 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, C. Palmer, B. Patk´os: On the number of cycles in a graph with restricted cycle lengths, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 32, 266-279., 2018 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, G. M´esz´aros, B. Patk´os and M. Vizer: Line Percolation in Finite Projective Planes, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 32, 864-881., 2018 | D. Gerbner, M. Vizer: Smart elements in combinatorial group testing problems, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35, 1046-1060., 2018 | F. Benevides, D. Gerbner, C. Palmer, D. Vu: Identifying defective sets using queries of small size, Discrete Mathematics, 341, 143-150, 2018 | M. Faghani and G. O.H. Katona: Results on the Wiener profile, AKCE International Journal of Graph and Combinatorics, 15, 53-62., 2018 | Zoltan Furedi, Alexandr Kostochka, and Ruth Luo: Extensions of a theorem of Erdos on nonhamiltonian graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 89, 176--193., 2018 | Z. Furedi, A. Kostochka, Ruth Luo, and J. Verstraete: Stability in the Erd\H{o}s--Gallai Theorem on cycles and paths, II, Discrete Mathematics 341(5): 1253-1263, 2018 | A Davoodi, E Győri, A Methuku, C Tompkins: An Erdős-Gallai type theorem for hypergraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 69, 159-162, 2018 | T. Keleti, D.T. Nagy, P. Shmerkin: Squares and their centers, Journal d'Analyse Mathématique 134: 643-669, 2018 | D.T. Nagy: Forbidden subposet problems with size restrictions, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 155, 42-66., 2018 | D Gerbner, A Methuku, DT Nagy, B Patkós, M Vizer: On the number of containments in P-free families, arXiv:1804.01606, 2019 | D Gerbner, A Methuku, DT Nagy, B Patkós, M Vizer: Stability results on vertex Turan problems in Kneser graphs, arXiv:1804.03988, 2019 | D Gerbner, A Methuku, DT Nagy, B Patkós, M Vizer: Vertex Turán problems for the oriented hypercube, arXiv:1807.06866, 2018 | FH Chang, D Gerbner, WT Li, A Methuku, DT Nagy, B Patkós, M Vizer: Rainbow Ramsey problems for the Boolean lattice, arXiv:1809.08629, 2018 | D Gerbner, DT Nagy, B Patkós, M Vizer: On the maximum number of copies of H in graphs with given size and order, arXiv:1810.00817, 2018 | E Győri , G Mészáros , T.R. Mezei: Terminal-Pairability in Complete Graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 107, 221-231, 2018 | P. L. Erdős , T.R. Mezei, I Miklós , D Soltész: Efficiently sampling the realizations of bounded, irregular degree sequences of bipartite and directed graphs, PLoS ONE 13(8): e0201995, 2018 | L. Colucci, P. L. Erdős, E. Győri, T.R. Mezei: Terminal-Pairability in Complete Bipartite Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 236, 459-463, 2018 | L Colucci, P. L.Erdős, E. Győri. T. R. Mezei: Terminal-pairability in complete bipartite graphs with non-bipartite demands: Edge-disjoint paths in complete bipartite graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, 2018 | E. Győri, T. R. Mezei: Mobile versus Point Guards, Discrete & Computational Geometry 61, 421–451, 2019 | I Hartarsky, TR Mezei: Computing the Difficulty of Critical Bootstrap Percolation Models is NP-hard, CPC submitted, 2019 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku: Asymptotics for Turan numbers of cycles in 3-uniform linear hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 163: 163--181., 2019 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku,: 3-Uniform Hypergraphs and Linear Cycles, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 32: 933--950., 2018 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku: A note on the Linear Cycle Cover Conjecture of Gyarfas and Sarkozy, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25.2, (2018): Paper P2.29., 2018 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku: Turan number of an induced complete bipartite graph plus an odd cycle, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 28, to appear, 2019 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku, N. Salia: A note on the maximum number of triangles in a $C_5$-free graph., Journal of Graph Theory 90: 227-230., 2019 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku: On the Rainbow Turán number of paths, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics to appear, 2019 | B. Ergemlidze, E. Gyori, A. Methuku, N. Salia, C. Tompkins, O. Zamora: Avoiding long Berge cycles, the missing cases k=r+1 and k=r+2, arXiv:1808.07687, 2019 | A Sali, G Simonyi, G Tardos: Partitioning transitive tournaments into isomorphic digraphs, arXiv:1806.00729, 2019 | A Sali: Recent developments in Armstrong-codes, Models: Concepts, Theory, Logic, Reasoning and Semantics" Eds: Atif Mashkoor, Qing Wang, Bernhard Thalheim, College Publications, 2018. pp 313-331, 2018 | G Rácz, A Sali and KD Schewe: Refining Semantic Matching for Job Recruitment: An Application of Formal Concept Analysis, Lecture Notes of Computer Science 10833, pp 322-340, 2018 | J Martinez-Gil, L Paoletti, G Racz, A Sali, K-D Schewe: Accurate and Efficient Profile Matching in Knowledge Bases, Data & Knowledge Engineering 117, 195-215, 2018 | E Győri, GY Katona, LF Papp, C Tompkins: The optimal pebbling number of staircase graphs, Discrete Mathematics, to appear, 2019 | N Salia, C Tompkins, Z Wang, O Zamora: amsey numbers of Berge-hypergraphs and related structures, arxiv.org/abs/1808.09863, 2019 | E Győri, N Salia, C Tompkins, O Zamora: The maximum number of $P_\ell$-copies in $P_k$-free graphs, arxiv.org/abs/1803.03240, 2019 | GY Katona, D Soltész, K Varga: Properties of minimally t-tough graphs, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 341: 221-231, 2018 | E. Ackerman, B. Keszegh, M. Vizer: Coloring points with respect to squares, 32nd Int. Symp. on Comp. Geo, Leibniz Int. Proc. in Informatics 2016 5.1-5.16, 2016 | G. Ambrus, I. Bárány, V. Grinberg: Small subset sums, Linear algebra and its appl. 499, 66-78., 2016 | A. Gyárfás: Red-blue clique partitions and (1-1)-transversals, Electronic J. Combinatorics, 23 paper 3, 2016 | A. Asinowski, B. Keszegh: Counting houses of Pareto optimal matchings in the house allocation problem, Discrete Math. 339, 2919-2932, 2016 | R. Anstee, A. Sali: Large forbidden configurations and design theory, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 53, 157-166., 2016 | B. Keszegh, N. Lemons, D. Pálvölgyi: Online and quasi-online colorings of wedges and intervals, Order 336, 389-409., 2016 | P. Balister, Z. Füredi: Subtended angles, Israel J. Math. 214, 995-1012., 2016 | I. Bárány, P.V.M. Blagojevic, G.M. Ziegler: Tverberg's theorem at 50: Extensions and counterexamples, Notices of AMS 63, 732-739., 2016 | I. Bárány, D. Hug, R. Schneider: Affine diameters of convex bodies, Proc. of the AMS, 2016 | I. Bárány, A. Pór: Paths on the sphere without small angles, Convexity and Discrete Geometry Including Graph theory , Springer Proc. Math. and Stat., 148, 239-249., 2016 | I. Bárány, J. Matousek, A. Pór: Curves in R_d intersecting every hyperplane at most d+1 times, J. of the EMS, 2016 | F. Cicalese, B. Keszegh, B. Lidicky, D. Pálvölgyi: On the tree search problem with non-uniform costs, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. 9224, 90-102, 2016 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, N. Lemons, C. Palmer, D. Pálvölgyi: Topological orderingsof weighted directed acyclic graphs, Infomation Processing Letters 116, 564-568, 2016 | E. Bixby, T. Flint, I. Miklós: Proving the pressing game conjecture on linear graphs, Involve: A Journal of Math. 9, 41-56., 2016 | E. Györi, A. Kostochka, A. McConvey, D. Yager: Toward Zak's conjecture on graph packing, J. Combinatorics 7, 307-340, 2016 | E. Győri, S. Kensell, C. Tompkins: Making a C6-free graph C4-free and bipartite, Discrete Applied Math. 209, 133-136., 2016 | P. Frankl, M. Shinohara, N. Tokushige: Multiple union families in Nn, European J. Combinatorics 58, 66-74., 2016 | P.Frankl: Linear independence, a unifying approach to shadow theorems, European J. Combinatorics 57, 36-39., 2016 | P. Frankl: Invitation to intersection problems for finite sets, J. Combinatorial Th A 144, 157-211, 2016 | P. Frankl: Uniform eventown problems, European J. Combinatorics 51, 280-286., 2016 | P. Frankl, Y. Kohayakawa, V. Rödl: A note on supersaturated set systems, European J. Combinatorics 51, 190-199., 2016 | Z. Füredi, A. Kostochka, J. Verstraete: Stability in the Erdos-Gallai theorems on cycles and paths, J. Combinatorial Theory B 121, 197-228., 2016 | G. Rácz, A. Sali, K.-D. Schewe: Semantic matchin strategies for job recruitment: A comparision of new and known approaches, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. 9616, 149-168., 2016 | D. Gerbner, M. Vizer: A note on tilted Sperner families with patterns, Discrete Math. 339, 2237-2241, 2016 | A. Gyárfás, E. Győri, M. Simonovits: on 3-uniform hypergraphs without linear cycles, J. Combinatorics 7, 205-216., 2016 | E, Győri, A. Kostochka, A. McConvey, D. Yager: A list versuion of graph packing, Discrete Math. 339, 2178-2185., 2016 | A. Gyárfás, G.N. Sárközy: Induced colorful trees and paths in large chromatic graphs, Electronic J. Combinatorics 23, paper 4, 2016 | E. Győri, T. Mezei: Partitioning orthogonal polygons into at most 8 vertex pieces, with an application to an art gallery theorem, Computational Geometry 59, 13-25., 2016 | Z. Füredi, I. Kantor: List colorings with distinct list sizes, the case of complete bipartite graphs, J. Graph Theory 82 218-227., 2016 | E. Ackerman, B. Keszegh, M. Vizer: On the size of planarly connected crossing graphs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9801 , 311–320., 2016 | Z. Helle, G. Simonyi: Orientations making k-cycles cyclic, Graphs and Combinatorics 32, 2415-2423., 2016 | B Keszegh, D. Pálvölgyi: An abstract approach to polychromatic coloring, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. 9224, 266-280., 2016 | G. Sárközy, A. Gyárfás: Ramsey number of a connected triangle matching, J Graph Theory 83, 109-119., 2016 | G. Sárközy: On the multi-colored ramsey numbers of paths and even cycles, Electronic J. Combinatorics 23, paper 3.53, 2016 | E. Szemerédi: Structural approach to subset sum problems, Foundations of Computational Math. 16, 1737-1749., 2016 | G.Y. Katona, P.G.N. Szabó: Bounds on the Number of Edges in Hypertrees, Discrete Math. 339, 1884-1991., 2016 | Á. Bodó, G.Y. Katona , P.L. Simon, L.P. Simon: SIS Epidemic Propagation on Hypergraphs, Bulletin of Math. Biology 78, 713-735., 2016 | R. Kozma, Y. Sokolov, M. Puljic, M. Ruszinko, S.Q. Hu: Modeling Learning and Strategy Formation as Phase Transitions in Cortical Networks, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference, 1-7., 2016 | G. Mészáros: On Linkedness of the Cartesian Product of Graphs, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 72, 130-138., 2016 | G. Mészáros: On Path-Pairability in the Cartesian Product of Graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 36, 743-758., 2016 | I. Bárány: Helge Tverberg is eighty: a personal tribute, European J. Comb., 6 (2017), 24--27, 2017 | I. Bárány, D Hug, M Reitzner, R Schneider: Random points on halfspheres,, Random Structures and Alg., 50(2017), 3--22, 2017 | A. Akopyan, I. Bárány, S. Robins: Algebraic vertices of non-convex polytopes, Advances in Math., 308(2017), 627--644., 2017 | I. Bárány, C. Thale: Intrinsic volumes and Gaussian polytopes: the missing piece of the jigsaw, Documenta Math., 22(2017) 1323--1335., 2017 | I. Bárány: Tverberg plus minus, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2018 | P.L. Erdős, S.G. Hartke, L. van Iersel, I. Miklós: Graph realizations constrained by skeleton graphs, Elect. J. Combinatorics 24 (2017), #P2.47 pp. 18, 2017 | L. Colucci, P.L. Erdős, E. Győri, T. Mezei: Terminal-Pairability in Complete Bipartite Graphs, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS 236:(2018) pp. 459-463., 2018 | P.L. Erdos, D. Palvolgyi, C. Tardif, G. Tardos: Regular families of forests and duality pairs of relational structures, Combinatorica 37 (2017). 651-672., 2017 | P.L. Erdős, M. Ferrara, S.G. Hartke: Navigating Between Packings of Graphic Sequences, Proc. 2nd Maltean Coference of Combinatorics, 2018 | R. Janssen, M. Jones, P.L. Erdős, L. van Iersel, C. Scornavacca: Exploring the tiers of rooted phylogenetic network space using tail moves, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, accepted, 2018 | P.L. Erdős, I. Miklós, Z. Toroczkai: New Classes of Degree Sequences with Fast Mixing Swap Markov Chain Sampling, COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING, accepted, 2018 | E. Győri, G. Mészáros, T. Mezei: Note on Terminal-Pairability in Complete Grid Graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 340(2017), 988-990., 2017 | E. Győri, T. Mezei: Mobile vs. point guards, Discrete and Computational Geometry, accepted, 2018 | P.L. Erdős, T.R. Mezei, I. Miklós: Efficiently sampling the realizations of irregular, but linearly bounded bipartite degree sequences, Proc. 50th STOC Conference, 2018 | E. Győri, G.Y. Katona. L. Papp: Constructions for the Optimal Pebbling of Grids, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 61(2017) 217-223., 2017 | E. Győri, G.Y. Katona. L. Papp: Optimal pebbling and rubbling of graphs with given diameter, Proc. 10th Japanese-Hungarian Symp. on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 189-196., 2017 | E. Győri, G.Y. Katona, L. F. Papp, C. Tompkins: The Optimal Pebbling Number of Staircase Graphs, submitted to Discrete Mathematics, 2018 | G.Y. Katona, I. Kovács, K. Varga: The complexity of recognizing minimally tough graphs, Proc. 10th Japanese-Hungarian Symp. on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 329-334., 2017 | G.Y. Katona, D. Soltész, K. Varga: Properties of minimally t-tough graphs, Discrete Mathematics, accepted, 2018 | A. Gyarfas, G.N.Sarkozy: Large monochromatic components in edge colored graphs with a minimum degree condition,, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 24(3) (2017) #P3.54, 2017 | A.Gyarfas, S.G.Hartke, C.Viss: Uniquely K_r^k -saturated hypergraphs, Electronic journal of Combinatorics, submitted, 2018 | Z. Furedi, A. Gyarfas: he linear Turan number of the k-fan, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics , submitted, 2018 | A.Gyarfas: Large sets of t-designs and a Ramsey- type problem, INTEGERS, submitted, 2018 | D. H. Heck, S.S. McAfee, Y. Liu, A. Babajani-Feremi, R. Rezaie, W.J. Freeman, J.W. Wheless, A.C. Papanicolaou, M. Ruszinko, Y. Sokolov, R. Kozma: Breathing as a Fundamental Rhythm of Brain Function, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 10, Paper 115. (2017), 2017 | R. Noack, C. Manjesh, M. Ruszinko, H. Siegelmann, R. Kozma: Resting state neural networks and energy metabolism, Proceedings of the 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 228-235., 2017 | S. Janson, R. Kozma, M. Ruszinkó, Y. Sokolov: A modified bootstrap percolation on a random graph coupled with a lattice, Discrete Applied Mathematics, submitted, 2018 | G. Sárközy: Monochromatic cycle power partitions, Discrete Mathematics 340(2017), 72-80, 2017 | A. Gyárfás, G. Sárközy: Cliques in C_4-free graphs of large minimum degree, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 74(2017), 73-78., 2017 | J. Barat, A. Gyárfás, G. Sárközy: Rainbow matchings in bipartite multigraphs, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 74(2017) 108-111., 2017 | B. Keszegh, D. P´alv¨olgyi: Proper Coloring of Geometric Hypergraphs, Proceedings of SoCG 2017, LIPIcs 77 (2017), 47:1–47:15., 2017 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, C. Palmer, B. Patk´os: On the number of cycles in a graph with restricted cycle lengths, SIAM J. Discrete Math., accepted, 2018 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, G. M´esz´aros, B. Patk´os and M. Vizer: Line Percolation in Finite Projective Planes, SIAM J. Discrete Math., accepted, 2018 | E. Ackerman, B. Keszegh, M. Vizer: On the size of planarly connected crossing graphs, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, accepted, 2018 | E. Ackerman, B. Keszegh, M. Vizer: Coloring points with respect to squares, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 58(4) (2017), 757–784., 2017 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, D. P´alv¨olgyi, B. Patk´os, G. Wiener and M. Vizer: Finding a non-minority ball with majority answers, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 219(11) (2017), 18–31., 2017 | C. Keller, S. Smorodinski, G. Tardos: On max-clique for intersection graphs of sets and the Hadwiger-Debrunner numbers, Proc. of the 28th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2017), 2254–2263., 2017 | A. Kupavskii, J. Pach, G. Tardos: Tilings of the plane with unit area triangles of bounded diameter, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2018, to appear, 2018 | D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, D. Pálvölgyi, G. Rote, G. Wiener: Search for the end of a path in the d-dimensional grid and in other graphs, Ars Math. Contemporanea 12(2) (2017) 301-314, 2017 | D. Gerbner, M. Vizer: Smart elements in combinatorial group testing problems, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, accepted, 2018 | D. Gerbner, C. Palmer: Extremal results for Berge-hypergraphs, SIAM J. Disc. Math, accepted, 2018 | F. Benevides, D. Gerbner, C. Palmer, D. Vu: Identifying defective sets using queries of small size, Discrete Mathematics, accepted, 2018 | D.T. Nagy: Forbidden subposet problems with size restrictions, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A. 155 (2018) 42–66., 2018 | D.T. Nagy: On the Number of 4-Edge Paths in Graphs With Given Edge Density, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 26/3. (2017) 431-447., 2017 | Gyula O.H. Katona: Around the Complete Intersection Theorem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 216(2017) 618-621., 2017 | Gyula O.H. Katona: A general 2-part Erd\H os-Ko-Rado theorem, Opuscula Mathematica 37(2017) 577-588., 2017 | Morteza Faghani and Gyula O.H. Katona: Results on the Wiener profile, AKCE International Journal of Graph and Combinatorics, accepted, 2018 | Attila Sali and Sam Spiro: Forbidden Families of Minimal Quadratic and Cubic Configurations, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 24: (2) Paper P2.48. 28 p. (2017), 2017 | Z. Furedi and L. Ozkahya: On 3-uniform hypergraphs without a cycle of a given length, 216 (2017), 582--588, 2017 | Z. Furedi and Z. Maleki: The minimum number of triangular edges and a symmetrization method for multiple graphs, Combinatorics, Computing and Probabality, 26(2017), 525--535., 2017 | Z. Furedi and Ida Kantor: Kneser ranks of random graphs and minimum difference representations, SIAM Discrete Math., accepted, 2018 | Zoltan Furedi, Alexandr Kostochka, and Ruth Luo: Extensions of a theorem of Erdos on nonhamiltonian graphs, Discrete Mathematics, accepted, 2018 | Z. Furedi, A. Kostochka, Ruth Luo, and J. Verstraete: Stability in the Erd\H{o}s--Gallai Theorem on cycles and paths, II, Discrete Mathematics, accepted, 2018 | E. Győri, T.R, Mezei, G. Mészáros: Terminal-Pairability in Complete Graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, accepted, 2018 | Ervin Győri, Balázs Keszegh: On the number of edge-disjoint triangles in K4-free graphs, Combinatorica, accepted, 2018 | Akbar Davoodi, Ervin Győri, Abhishek Methuku, Casey Tompkins: An Erdős-Gallai type theorem for hypergraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, accepted, 2018 | Beka Ergemlidze, Ervin Győri, Abhishek Methuku: 3-uniform hypergraphs and linear cycles, SIAM J. Disc. Math., accepted, 2018 | J. Hladký, J. Komlós, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjecture IV: Embedding techniques and the proof of the main result, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 31:(2) pp. 1072-1148. (2017), 2017 | J. Hladký, J. Komlós, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjecture III: The finer structure of LKS graphs, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 31:(2) pp. 1017-1071. (2017), 2017 | J. Hladký, J. Komlós, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjecture II: The rough structure of LKS graphs, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 31:(2) pp. 983-1016. (2017), 2017 | J. Hladký, J. Komlós, D. Piguet, M. Simonovits, M. Stein, E. Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjecture I: The sparse decomposition, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 31:(2) pp. 945-982. (2017), 2017 | M. Aksen, I. Miklos, K. Zhou: Half-regular factorizations of the complete bipartite graph, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS 230: pp. 21-33. (2017), 2017 | C. Bujtás, B. Patkós, Z. Tuza, M. Vizer: The minimum number of vertices in uniform hypergraphs with given domination number, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 340:(11) pp. 2704-2713. (2017), 2017 | D. Gerbner, A. Methuku, C. Tompkins: Intersecting P-free families, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A 151: pp. 61-83. (2017), 2017 | P. Aboulker, G. Lagarde, D. Malec, A. Methuku, C. Tompkins: De Bruijn–Erdős-type theorems for graphs and posets, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 340:(5) pp. 995-999. (2017), 2017 | J. Cardinal, S. Felsner, T. Miltzow, C. Tompkins, B. Vogtenhuber: Intersection Graphs of Rays and Grounded Segments, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 10520: pp. 153-166. (2017), 2017 | Peter Frankl: Antichains of fixed diameter, submitted, 2018 |





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