Game Theory: Concepts, Methods, Applications
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List of publications |
Bakó Barna, Neszveda Gábor, Dezső Linda: When irrelevant alternatives do matter. The effect of focusing on loan decisions, Theory and Decision, Issue I, 2018 | Bartl David, Miklós Pintér: On balanced games with infinitely many players: Revisiting Schmeidler's result, Operations Research Letters 51(2): 153-158, 2023 | Ata Atay, Eric Bahel, Tamás Solymosi: Matching markets with middlemen under transferable utility, Annals of Operations Research 322: 539–563 (online 02 December 2022)., 2023 | Solymosi Tamás: Assignment games with population monotonic allocation schemes, Social Choice and Welfare (Online: 21 August 2023), 2023 | Solymosi Tamás: Sensitivity of fair prices in assignment markets, Mathematical Social Sciences 126: 1-12 (Online September 13, 2023), 2023 | Pintér Miklós: Objective ambiguity, Economics Seminar of the Center for Mathematical Economics at the University of Bielefeld, Németország, (meghivott eloadas), 2019 | Pintér Miklós: A Big Match játékról másképpen, XXXIII. Magyar Operációkutatási Konferencia, Szeged, 2019 | Solymosi Tamás, Csóka Péter, Illés Ferenc: Properties of the Shapley allocation rule in liability problems, In: Gábor, Kondor; Péter, Kerényi; Dóra, Gréta Petróczy; Barbara, Dömötör; Dániel, Havran (szerk.) Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference Budapest, 14th-15th Nov, 2019 | Forgó Ferenc: Exact enforcement value of soft correlated equilibrium for generalized chicken and prisoner's dilemma games, Central European Journal of Operations Research 28: 209–227, 2020 | Forgó Ferenc, Kánnai Zoltán: Necessary Conditions for Concave and Cournot Oligopoly Games, In: Szidarovszky F., Bischi G. (eds) Games and Dynamics in Economics. Springer, Singapore. pp 185-194, 2020 | Forgó Ferenc, Abaffy József: On random symmetric bimatrix games, International Game Theory Review 22(03): 2050002, 2020 | Bakó Barna, Horváth Diána: Termékdifferenciálás kétoldalú piacokon, Közgazdasági Szemle LXVII. éVf., 2020. január (1–13. o.), 2020 | Forgó Ferenc, Kánnai Zoltán: Necessary Conditions for Concave and Cournot Oligopoly Games, In: Szidarovszky F., Bischi G. (eds) Games and Dynamics in Economics. Springer, Singapore. pp 185-19, 2020 | Forgó Ferenc, Komlósi Sándor: Bimátrix játékok Nash egyensúlypontjának meghatározásáról: Könnyen kezelhető esetek, Szigma, 51(1): 57-68, 2020 | Bakó Barna, Neszveda Gábor: The Achilles’ heel of Salience theory and a way to fix it, Economics Letters, 193: 109265, 2020 | Bakó Barna, Berezvai Zombor, Isztin Péter, Vigh Enikő Zita: Does Uber affect bicycle-sharing usage? Evidence from a natural experiment in Budapest, Transportation Research part A, 133: 290-302, 2020 | Bakó Barna, Berezvai Zombor, Isztin Péter, Vigh Enikő Zita: Does Uber affect bicycle-sharing usage? Evidence from a natural experiment in Budapest. A rejoinder, Transportation Research part A, 138: 564-566, 2020 | Pintér Miklós, Radványi Anna: Note on the Existence and Non-Uniqueness of the Restricted Average Cost Share Rule, available online on the homepages of the authors, 2020 | Solymosi Tamás, Csóka Péter, Illés Ferenc: On the Shapley value of liability games, European Journal of Operational Research (online 14 October 2021), 2021 | Radványi Anna, Pintér Miklós: Core Compatible and Strongly Monotone values on Supply Chain games, SING16 (Universidad de Granada, online), 2021.06.30., 2021 | Radványi Anna, Pintér Miklós: Axiomatization of the Shapley Value for Upstream Responsibility Games, GAMES 2020, (Budapest) 2021.07.20., 2021 | Radványi Anna, Pintér Miklós: Ellátási lánc játékok magkompatibilis és erősen monoton értékei, MOK XXXIV (Cegléd, online) 2021.09.01., 2021 | Solymosi Tamás: Populációmonoton allokációk hozzárendelési játékokban, XXXIV. Magyar Operációkutatási Konferencia, Cegléd, 2021.09.01., 2021 | Solymosi Tamás: Population monotonic allocation schemes in assignment games, SAET 2021, 20th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (online), Seoul, Korea, 2021.06.13., 2021 | Solymosi Tamás: Sensitivity of fair prices in assignment markets, SOR'21 - The 16th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia (online) Bled, SLO, 2021.09.22., 2021 | Sziklai Balázs: Ranking institutions within a discipline: The steep mountain of academic excellence, Journal of Informetrics 15 (2021) 101133, 2021 | Sziklai Balázs, Kóczy Á. László, Csercsik Dávid: Network Disruptions and the Security of Supply in the European Gas Network, SSRN USAEE Working Paper 21-489, 2021 | Sziklai Balázs, Fertő Imre, Kóczy Á. László, Kovács Attila: Power ranking of the members of the Agricultural Committee of the European Parliament, CERS-IE WP – 2021/14, 2021 | Solymosi Tamás, Csóka Péter, Illés Ferenc: On the Shapley value of liability games, European Journal of Operational Research (online 14 October 2021) 300(1): 378-386, 2022 | Solymosi Tamás, Atay Ata, Bahel Eric: Matching markets with middlemen under transferable utility, Annals of Operations Research (online 02 December 2022)., 2022 | Pintér Miklós, Ziv Hellman: Charges and bets: a general characterisation of common priors, International Journal of Game Theory 51 (2022) 567–587, 2022 | Sziklai R. Balázs, Hubert J. Kiss, László Á. Kóczy, Ágnes Pintér: Does risk sorting explain overpricing in experimental asset markets?, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 99 (2022) 101882, 2022 | Bakó Barna, Isztin Péter: Heads in the Sand: Information Aversion in a Market Context, SSRN 4214081, 2022 | Solymosi Tamás: Assignment games with population monotonic allocation schemes, arXiv 2210.17373, 2022 | Solymosi Tamás: Sensitivity of fair prices in assignment markets, SSRN 4078718, 2022 | Pintér Miklós: Kockázatelosztási játékok nukleolusza, XXXII. Magyar Operációkutatási Konferencia, Cegléd, 2017, 2017 | Pintér Miklós: Characterization of the nucleolus for risk allocation games, SING13, Párizs, Franciaország, 2017 július, 2017 | Pintér Miklós: The core of infinite TU games, 28th Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook, USA, 2017 július, 2017 | Pintér Miklós: Risk allocations, ICEBM 2017, Kolozsvár, Románia, 2017, 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: On the monotonicity of the nucleolus in (generalized) assignment games, Workshop on Axiomatizations in Game Theory, Pécs, 2017.09.02., 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: Computing the per-capita nucleolus in assignment games, SING-13, Paris, FRA, 2017.07.07., 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: Weighted nucleoli and dually essential coalitions, IMA and OR Society Conference, Birmingham, UK, 2017.04.21., 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: Redundant coalitions for core-related solutions of cooperative games, Ordered Structures in Games and Decision, 11th Seminar Day, Paris, FRA, 2017.11.10., 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: A per-capita nukleolusz kiszámítása hozzárendelési játékokban, XXXII. Magyar Operációkutatási Konferencia, Cegléd, 2017.06.16., 2017 | Forgó Ferenc: Conditions on the existence of pure Nash equilibrium in concave games and Cournot oligopoly games, Corvinus Economics Working Papers (CEWP) 2019/08, 2019 | Solymosi Tamás, Csóka Péter, Illés Ferenc: Properties of the Shapley allocation rule in liability problems, In: Gábor, Kondor; Péter, Kerényi; Dóra, Gréta Petróczy; Barbara, Dömötör; Dániel, Havran (szerk.) Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference Budapest, 14th-15th Nov, 2019 | Pintér Miklós, Radványi Anna: Note on the Existence and Non-Uniqueness of the Restricted Average Cost Share Rule, available online on the homepages of the authors, 2020 | Bakó Barna, Kálecz-Simon András: Nothing so Certain as your Anchors? A Consumer Bias that may Lower Prices and Prevent Cartels, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, September 2017, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp 273–282, 2017 | Bakó Barna, Kálecz-Simon András: Quota Bonuses as Localized Sales Bonuses, Managerial and Decision Economics, October 2017, Volume 38, Issue 7, pp 964–970, 2017 | Bakó Barna, Neszveda Gábor, Dezső Linda: When irrelevant alternatives do matter. The effect of focusing on loan decisions, Theory and Decision, kozlésre elfogadva, 2017 | Forgó Ferenc: Korreláció, torlódási játékok, a gyáva nyúl játék, Szigma XLVIII: 47-68, 2017 | Forgó, Ferenc: The non-symmetric Nash bargaining solution, In Matsumoto, A (ed.) Optimization and Dynamics with Their Applications, Essays in Honor of Ferenc Szidarovszky, 23-30, Springer, 2017 | Pintér Miklós: Erős dualitástétel végtelen LP-kre, Szigma, 2017, XLVIII. 101-110, 2017 | Balog Dóra, Bátyi Tamás László, Csóka Péter, Pintér Miklós: Properties and comparison of risk capital allocation methods, European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 259, 614–625, 2017 | Pintér Miklós, Németh Tibor: The non-emptiness of the weak sequential core of a transferable utility game with uncertainty, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2017, 69, 1-6, 2017 | Pintér Miklós: Kockázatelosztási játékok nukleolusza, XXXII. Magyar Operációkutatási Konferencia, Cegléd, 2017, 2017 | Pintér Miklós: Characterization of the nucleolus for risk allocation games, SING13, Párizs, Franciaország, 2017 július, 2017 | Pintér Miklós: The core of infinite TU games, 28th Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook, USA, 2017 július, 2017 | Pintér Miklós: Risk allocations, ICEBM 2017, Kolozsvár, Románia, 2017, 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: On the monotonicity of the nucleolus in (generalized) assignment games, Workshop on Axiomatizations in Game Theory, Pécs, 2017.09.02., 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: Computing the per-capita nucleolus in assignment games, SING-13, Paris, FRA, 2017.07.07., 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: Weighted nucleoli and dually essential coalitions, IMA and OR Society Conference, Birmingham, UK, 2017.04.21., 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: Redundant coalitions for core-related solutions of cooperative games, Ordered Structures in Games and Decision, 11th Seminar Day, Paris, FRA, 2017.11.10., 2017 | Solymosi Tamás: A per-capita nukleolusz kiszámítása hozzárendelési játékokban, XXXII. Magyar Operációkutatási Konferencia, Cegléd, 2017.06.16., 2017 | Sziklai Balázs: How to identify experts in a community?, International Journal of Game Theory (First Online: 21 June 2017), 2017 | Sziklai Balázs: How to identify experts in a community?, International Journal of Game Theory 47(1) 155–173 (First Online: 21 June 2017), 2018 | Forgó Ferenc: Exact enforcement value of soft correlated equilibrium for generalized chicken and prisoner's dilemma games, Central European Journal of Operations Research (on-line first), 2018 | Forgó Ferenc: On symmetric bimatrix games, Corvinus Economics Working Papers 2018/04, 2018 | Bakó Barna, Fátay Dániel: Platform Competition with Intra-Group Externalities, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade (First Online), 2018 | Bakó Barna: Heads in the Sand: The Consequences of Information Aversion on Product Markets, 5th International Conference on Finance and Economics (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2018. Szeptember 18-22), 2018 | Ata Atay, Tamás Solymosi: On bargaining sets of supplier-firm-buyer games, ECONOMICS LETTERS (0165-1765 ): 167 pp 99-103, 2018 | Csóka Péter, Illés Ferenc, Solymosi Tamás: On the Shapley-value of liability games, 9th Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference, 2018 : Budapest, Hungary 15th-16th November 2018, Conference Proceedings, 2018 | Solymosi Tamás: Redundant coalitions for the core, SING-14, 14th European Meeting on Game Theory, Bayreuth, Germany, 2018.07.17, 2018 | Solymosi Tamás: Redundant coalitions for weighted least cores, VOCAL 2018 Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms, Esztergom, 2018.12.10., 2018 | Pintér Miklós: Equilibria in large semi games, VOCAL 2018 Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms, Esztergom, 2018.12.10., 2018 | Pintér Miklós: Which belief hierarchies are important?, 29th Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook, USA, 2018, július, 2018 | Pintér Miklós: Is every belief hierarchy is important -- The case of Bayesian equilibrium, Research Conference in Honour of Dov Samet, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2018.06.20, 2018 | Radványi Anna: The Shapley Value for Upstream Responsibility Games, Corvinus Economics Working Papers - CEWP 2018/06, 2018 | Sziklai R. Balázs, Kóczy Á. László, Csercsik Dávid: The geopolitical impact of Nord Stream 2, Discussion paper MT-DP – 2018/21, Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2018 | Pintér Miklós: Charges or measures as beliefs, GSBE-ETBC seminar at Maastricht University, 2018 | Pintér Miklós: Characterization of Common Prior, The Mathematics of Subjective Probability 2018, Milánó, ITA, 2018.09.03, 2018 | Bakó Barna, Fátay Dániel: Platform Competition with Intra-Group Externalities, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 19(1):141–154, 2019 | Forgó Ferenc: Kétkiszolgálós, nem növekvő, egyszerű, lineáris torlódási játékok puha korrelált egyensúlyának kényszerítési értékéről, Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 36: 51-64, 2019 | Forgó Ferenc, Abaffy József: On random symmetric bimatrix games, International Game Theory Review (accepted for publication), 2019 | Forgó Ferenc: conditions on the existence of pure Nash equilibrium in concave games and Cournot oligopoly games, Corvinus Economics Working Papers (CEWP) 2019/08, 2019 | Sziklai Balázs, Dávid Csercsik, Franz Hubert, László Á. Kóczy: Modeling transfer profits as externalities in a cooperative game-theoretic model of natural gas networks, Energy Economics 80:355-365, 2019 | Solymosi Tamás: Alkuhalmazok és a mag egybeesése, Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 36 : 107–130, 2019 | Solymosi Tamás: Weighted nucleoli and dually essential coalitions, International Journal of Game Theory 48:1087–1109, 2019 | Solymosi Tamás, Csóka Péter, Illés Ferenc: On the Shapley value of liability games, Conference on Economic Design, Budapest, HUN, 2019.06.14., 2019 | Solymosi Tamás: On the Shapley value of constant-sum games, SING-15, 15th European Meeting on Game Theory, Turku, FIN, 2019.07.03., 2019 | Solymosi Tamás: A Shapley-érték konstans-összegű kooperatív játékokban, XXXIII. Magyar Operációkutatási Konferencia, Szeged, 2019.05.22., 2019 | Bakó Barna, Horváth Diána: Termékdifferenciálás kétoldalú piacokon (megjelenés alatt), Közgazdasági Szemle, 2019 | Radványi Anna Ráhel: Kooperatív sztenderd fixfa játékok és alkalmazásuk a vízgazdálkodásban, Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 36:83-105, 2019 | Pintér Miklós, Radványi Anna Ráhel: Axiomatizations of the Shapley Value for Upstream Responsibility Games, Corvinus Economics Working Papers - CEWP 2019/04, ID 4090, 2019 | Pintér Miklós, Radványi Anna Ráhel: Upstream Responsibility Games - the non-tree case, Corvinus Economics Working Papers - CEWP 2019/09, ID: 4325, 2019 | Pintér Miklós: Equilibria in large semi games, SING-15, 15th European Meeting on Game Theory, Turku, FIN, 2019.07.03., 2019 | Pintér Miklós: Objective ambiguity, 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics, Marosvásárhely, Románia (plenary speaker), 2019 | Pintér Miklós: Objective ambiguity, 30th Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook, USA, 2019 |





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