Investigation of asymmetrical compoundsand their non-linear interactions in resolution processes.
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Bánhegyi Dorottya Fruzsina, Fogassy Elemér, Madarász János, Pálovics Emese: Optical Resolution of Two Pharmaceutical Bases with Various Uses of Tartaric Acid Derivatives and Their Sodium Salts: Racemic Ephedrine and Chloramphenicol Base, MOLECULES 27: (10) p. 3134., 2022 | Bánhegyi Dorottya Fruzsina, Fogassy Elemér, Pálovics Emese: Possibilities of Exploiting Kinetic Control in the Continuous Fractional Crystallization of Diastereomeric Mixtures, SYMMETRY 13: (8) p. 1516., 2021 | Bánhegyi D. F., Fogassy E., Pálovics E.: Pregabalin enantiomerek viselkedésének vizsgálata, MŰSZAKI SZEMLE (EMT) 73: (1) pp. 1-5., 2019 | Bosits Miklos Hunor, Palovics Emese, Madarasz Janos, Fogassy Elemer: New Discoveries in Enantiomeric Separation of Racemic Tofisopam, JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2019: 4980792, 2019 | Kiss N.Zs., D.M. Suskó, Tudose R., Fogassy E., Pálovics E: The synthesis of antipyrylmethyl-amine derivatives, Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 3: (6) pp. 53-56., 2019 | Pálovics Emese, Elemér Fogassy: Memory of Chiral Molecules Define Their Interactions and the Results of Resolution Processes, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 6: (4) pp. 65-71., 2018 | Pálovics Emese, Szeleczky Zsolt, Szolnoki Beáta, Bosits Miklós, Fogassy Elemér: New Opportunities to Improve the Enantiomeric and Diastereomeric Separations, In: Morsi, Badie I.; Basha, Omar M. (szerk.) Laboratory Unit Operations and Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering, InTech (2018) pp. 79-97., 2018 | Pálovics Emese, Zsolt Szeleczky, Beáta Szolnoki, Miklós Bosits, Elemér Fogassy: Separation of Chiral Compounds: Enantiomeric and Diastereomeric Mixtures, In: Morsi, Badie I.; Basha, Omar M. (szerk.) Laboratory Unit Operations and Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering, InTech (2018) pp. 99-122., 2018 | D. F. Bánhegyi, D. Szolcsányi, J. Madarász, E. Pálovics: Enantiomeric separation of racemic Amlodipine by sequential fractional crystallization to form related molecular structured solvates and solvate-like compounds – Tandem resolution, Chirality 34, 374-395 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chir.23373, 2022 | D. F. Bánhegyi, E. Fogassy, V. Kiss, E. Pálovics:: Optical resolution of two pharmaceutical bases with various uses of tartaric acid derivatives and its sodium salts: Racemic Ephedrine and a Chlorocide Intermediate, Molecules , 27(10),3134-3153 doi.org/10.3390/molecules27103134, 2022 | Pálovics E., Fogassy E: Aszimmetrikus vegyületek keverékeinek viselkedése és elválasztása, Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 2018, 1-2, 56-60. DOI: 10.24100/MKF.2018.01.56, 2018 | Pálovics E., Fogassy E: A presumable mechanism of the separation of diastereomeric and enantiomeric mixtures, Journal of Chromatography Separation Techniques, 2017, 8(6), 391. ISSN: 2157-7064, DOI: 10.4172/2157-7064.1000391, 2017 | Pálovics E., Fogassy E: Memory of Chiral Molecules Define Their Interactions and the Results of Resolution Processes, American Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 6 (4), 2018, 65-71, doi: 10.11648/j.ajche.20180604.15 ISSN: 2330-8605 (Print); ISSN: 2330-8613 (Online), 2018 | Bosits M.H., Pálovics E., Madarász J., Fogassy: New discoveries in enantiomeric separation of racemic tofisopam, Hindawi Journal of Chemistry, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4980792, 2019 | Kiss N.Zs., D.M. Suskó, Tudose R., Fogassy E., Pálovics E.:: The synthesis of antipyrylmethyl-amine derivatives, Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISSn: 2581-5423), 2019, 3(6), 53-56. DOI: 10.31080/ASPS.2019.03.0276, 2019 | Pálovics, E.; Szeleczky, Zs.; Szolnoki, B.; Bosits, M; Fogassy E.: New Opportunities to Improve the Enantiomeric and Diastereomeric Separations, Intech Laboratory Unit Operations and Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering (Edited by Omar M. Basha and Badie I. Morsi) Chapter 5, 79-97, (2018)., 2018 | Pálovics, E.; Szeleczky, Zs.; Szolnoki, B.; Bosits, M; Fogassy E: Separation of Chiral Compounds: Enantiomeric and Diastereomeric Mixtures, Intech Laboratory Unit Operations and Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering (Edited by Omar M. Basha and Badie I. Morsi) Chapter 6, 99-122., 2018 | Bánhegyi D. F., Fogassy E., Pálovics E: Pregabalin enantiomerek viselkedésének vizsgálata, Műszaki szemle 73, 1-5, https://core.ac.uk/reader/327169380, 2020 | Pálovics E., Bánhegyi D.F., Fogassy E: Effect of the Enantiomeric Ratio of Eutectics on the Results and Products of the Reactions Proceeding with the Participation of Enantiomers and Enantiomeric Mixtures, Chemistry 2020, 2(3), 787-795; doi:10.3390/chemistry2030051, 2020 | Pálovics E.: Separation of Mixtures of Chiral Compounds by their Distribution between Different Phases, Journal of Chromatoraphy Separation Techniques, 2019, 10:3, 10: 422., 2019 | Dombrády ZS., Pálovics E., Fogassy E.: Separation of Diastereomers Taking Advantage for the Kinetic Control and Structure of Resolving Agent, Curr Res Bioorg Org Chem 2019, 2(02),1-6; DOI: 10.29011/2639-4685.100023, 2019 | Kiss N.Zs., Suskó D.M., Bereczki L., Bombicz P., Tudose R., Fogassy E., Pálovics E.: Crystal structure of 4,4'-((2-methylpiperazine-1,4-diyl)bis(methylene))bis(1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-3H-pyrazol-3-one) monohydrate, Organic and Medicinal Chemistry 2020, 9(5), 2020 | Bánhegyi D. F., Pálovics E.: Investigation of the behaviour of pregabalin enantiomers, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research, 2020 | D. F. Bánhegyi, E. Pálovics: The Stoichiometry, Structure and Possible Formation of Crystalline Diastereomeric Salts, Symmetry 2021,13(4), 667. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13040667, 2021 | D. F. Bánhegyi, E. Fogassy, E. Pálovics: Possibilities of Exploiting Kinetic Control in the Continuous Fractional Crystallization of Diastereomeric Mixtures, Symmetry (MDPI) 2021, 13(8), 1516. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13081516, 2021 | D. F. Bánhegyi, J. Madarász, E. Pálovics: Enantiomeric separation of racemic Amlodipine by sequential fractional crystallization to form related molecular structured solvates and solvate-like compounds – Tandem r, Chirality, 2021 | Bánhegyi, D.F.; Pálovics, E: Miért és hogyan befolyásolja az enantiomerkeverékek viselkedése a belőlük keletkező diasztereomer sók elválasztásának eredményét?, II. FKF Szimpózium Konferencia, 2021, 2021 | Pálovics E., Fogassy E: A presumable mechanism of the separation of diastereomeric and enantiomeric mixtures, Journal of Chromatography Separation Techniques, 2017, 8(6), 391. ISSN: 2157-7064, DOI: 10.4172/2157-7064.1000391, 2017 |




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