Plumage colour signals: dynamic and static mechanisms
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Hegyi Gergely, Laczi Miklós, Szabó Gyula, Sarkadi Fanni, Török János: Plumage color degradation indicates reproductive effort: an experiment, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13: (1) 18770, 2023 | Laczi Miklos, Herczeg Gabor, Szabo Gyula, Gyarmathy Helga, Sarkadi Fanni, Torok Janos, Hegyi Gergely: The great tit abdominal stripe contains a sexually dichromatic colour patch hidden from the human eye, FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 11: 1263974, 2023 | Hegyi G, Laczi M, Kotel D, Csizmadia T, Low P, Rosivall B, Szollosi E, Torok J: Reflectance variation in the blue tit crown in relation to feather structure, J EXP BIOL 221: (9) Paper UNSP jeb176727. , 2018 | Hegyi Gergely, Jenni-Eiermann Susanne, Boross Nóra, Garamszegi László Zsolt, Laczi Miklós, Kötél Dóra, Krenhardt Katalin, Jablonszky Mónika, Markó Gábor, Nagy Gergely, Rosivall Balázs, Szász Eszter, Török János: Ornaments and condition: plumage patch sizes, nutritional reserve state, reserve accumulation, and reserve depletion, BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY 73: (6) 89, 2019 | Laczi Miklós, Hegyi Gergely, Kötél Dóra, Csizmadia Tamás, Lőw Péter, Török János: Reflectance in relation to macro- and nanostructure in the crown feathers of the great tit (Parus major), BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 127: (1) pp. 113-124., 2019 | Laczi Miklós, Hegyi Gergely, Nagy Gergely, Pongrácz Rita, Török János: Yellow plumage colour of Great Tits Parus major correlates with changing temperature and precipitation, IBIS, 2019 | Laczi Miklós, Kopena Renáta, Sarkadi Fanni, Kötél Dóra, Török János, Rosivall Balázs, Hegyi Gergely: Triparental care in the collared flycatcher ( Ficedula albicollis ): Cooperation of two females with a cuckolded male in rearing a brood, ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION ece3.7923, 2021 | Laczi Miklós, Balogh Julia, Nardou Xavier, Török János, Hegyi Gergely: The meaning of purely structural colour: white plumage reflectance indicates feather condition, IBIS 163: (2) pp. 407-416., 2020 | Hegyi Gergely, Laczi Miklós, Kötél Dóra, Csörgő Tibor: Melanin‐based ornament darkness positively correlates with across‐season nutritional condition, ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 10: (23) pp. 13087-13094., 2020 | Laczi Miklós, Jablonszky Mónika, Markó Gábor, Nagy Gergely, Szabó Gyula, Zsebők Sándor, Török János, Hegyi Gergely: White plumage color as an honest indicator: feather macrostructure links reflectance with reproductive effort and success, BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY 76: (9) 125, 2022 | Hegyi Gergely, Laczi Miklós, Herényi Márton, Markó Gábor, Nagy Gergely, Rosivall Balázs, Szász Eszter, Török János: Functional integration of multiple sexual ornaments: signal coherence and sexual selection, AMERICAN NATURALIST, 2022 | Laczi M, Herczeg G, Szabó Gy, Gyarmathy H, Sarkadi F, Török J, Hegyi G: The great tit abdominal stripe contains a sexually dichromatic colour patch hidden from the human eye, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, accepted, 2023 | Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J: Long-term inverse fluctuations of sexual ornament size and population density, Conference of the European Ornithological Union, Lund, Sweden, 2023 |





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