High Performance Computing of Complex Delayed Dynamical Systems
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Adam K Kiss, Daniel Bachrathy, Gabor Stepan: Laser scanned patterns of machined surfaces, 8th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting : HPC 2018, 2018 | Adam K Kiss, Daniel Bachrathy, Gabor Stepan: Cutting force measurement from acceleration sensor in milling operation, 35th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics Sinaia, Románia, 2018 | Bachrathy Dániel: Improved Spindle Speed Measurement by Analogue Sensor, 35th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics Sinaia, Románia, 2018 | Hajdu Dávid, Bachrathy Dániel, Insperger Tamás, Stépán Gábor: Application of an electric contact sensor in machining, 35th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics Sinaia, Románia, 2018 | Henrik T Sykora, Dániel Bachrathy: An effective method to investigate stochastic delayed systems in Julia, Juliacon 2018, London, UK., 2018 | Sykora Henrik, Bachrathy Dániel, Stépán Gábor: Gaussian noise process as cutting force model for turning, 8th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting : HPC 2018, 2018 | Fodor Gergő, Sykora Henrik T, Bachrathy Dániel: Forgácsolóerő modellezése sztochasztikus folyamatokkal esztergálás során, In: Baksa, Attila; Bertóti, Edgár; Kiss, László; Szirbik, Sándor (szerk.) XIII. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia, Miskolci Egyetem Műszaki Mechanikai Intézet (2019) p. 38., 2019 | Kiss A. K., Bachrathy D., Stépán G.: Quantitative identification of chatter based on Floquet multipliers in milling operation, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology (VMPT), (2019) p. #69., 2019 | Kiss Adam K., Bachrathy Daniel, Stepan Gabor: Effects of varying dynamics of flexible workpieces in milling operations, JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME online: pp. 1-15., 2019 | Kiss Ádám, Bachrathy Dániel: Kontinuum rúd forgácsolásának stabilitása, In: Baksa, Attila; Bertóti, Edgár; Kiss, László; Szirbik, Sándor (szerk.) XIII. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia, Miskolci Egyetem Műszaki Mechanikai Intézet (2019) p. 1., 2019 | Molnar Tamas G., Berezvai Szabolcs, Kiss Adam K., Bachrathy Daniel, Stepan Gabor: Experimental investigation of dynamic chip formation in orthogonal cutting, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE 145: 103429, 2019 | Sykora Henrik T, Bachrathy Dániel: Lineáris sztochasztikus késleltetett rendszerek szemidiszkretizációja, In: Baksa, Attila; Bertóti, Edgár; Kiss, László; Szirbik, Sándor (szerk.) XIII. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia, Miskolci Egyetem Műszaki Mechanikai Intézet (2019) p. 105., 2019 | Sykora Henrik T, Bachrathy Daniel, Stepan Gabor: Stochastic semi‐discretization for linear stochastic delay differential equations, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING 119: (9) pp. 879-898., 2019 | Sykora Henrik Tamás, Bachrathy Dániel, Stépán Gábor: Stochastic Semi-Discretization for Stochastic Systems With Delay, In: Mason, A. Porter; Elaine, Spiller (szerk.) SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems - DS19 Abstracts, (2019) pp. 144-144., 2019 | T Sykora Henrik, Fodor Gergő, Hajdu Dávid, Bachrathy Dániel: Solving Periodic Stochastic Problems with Delays with the help of Julia, In: JuliaCon 2019, Electronic Book of Abstracts, (2019) p. 1., 2019 | Bachrathy Daniel, Kiss Adam K., Kossa Attila, Berezvai Szabolcs, Hajdu David, Stepan Gabor: In-Process Monitoring of Changing Dynamics of a Thin-Walled Component During Milling Operation by Ball Shooter Excitation, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 4: (3) p. 78., 2020 | Fodor Gergő, Sykora Henrik T, Bachrathy Dániel: Stochastic modeling of the cutting force in turning processes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 111: p. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-020-05877-8., 2020 | K. Kiss Adam, Bachrathy Daniel, Dombovari Zoltan: Parameter identification of periodic systems by impulse dynamic subspace description, In: Claude, Henri Lamarque (szerk.) ENOC 2020 abstracts, (2020) pp. 1-2., 2020 | Sykora Henrik T, Bachrathy Dániel: Stochastic semidiscretization method: Second moment stability analysis of linear stochastic periodic dynamical systems with delays, APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 88: pp. 933-950., 2020 | Sykora Henrik T., Sadeghpour Mehdi, Ge Jin I., Bachrathy Dániel, Orosz Gábor: On the moment dynamics of stochastically delayed linear control systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL n/a: p. 1., 2020 | Sykora Henrik, Christopher V. Rackauckas, David Widmann, Dániel Bachrathy: StochasticDelayDiffEq.jl - An Integrator Interface for Stochastic Delay Differential Equations in Julia, In: Claude, Henri Lamarque (szerk.) ENOC 2020 abstracts, (2020), 2020 |




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