Sex role evolution: testing the impacts of ecology, demography and genes  Page description

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Details of project

Type KKP
Principal investigator Székely, Tamás
Title in Hungarian A környezet, demográfia és a gének jelentősége a nemi szerepek evolúciójában
Title in English Sex role evolution: testing the impacts of ecology, demography and genes
Keywords in Hungarian szexuális szelekció, ivararány, párzási rendszerek, környezet
Keywords in English sexual selection, sex ratio, mating system, environment
Behavioural neuroscience (e.g. sleep, consciousness, handedness) (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)50 %
Behaviourism (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)30 %
Ortelius classification: Animal ethology
Analysis, modelling and simulation of biological systems (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)20 %
Ortelius classification: Evolutionary biology
Panel Ecology and evolution 1
Department or equivalent Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology (University of Debrecen)
Participants Bansal, Udita
Barta, Zoltán
Chávez, José Valdebenito
Das, Sriman Delip Kumar
Eichhorn, Götz
Figuerola, Jordi
Halimubieke, Naerhulan
Hsu, Yu-Hsun
Ivanov, Anton
Jones, William
Karlionova, Natalia
Kosztolányi, András
Kubelka, Vojtěch
Miklósi, Ádám
Mladenov, Vladimir
Mlikovský, Jiri
Pénzes, Janka
Pinchuk, Pavel
Rocha, Afonso
Szarvas, Renáta
Székely, Tamás
Szemán, Karola
Szobonya, Dóra
Takács, Fanni
Thomson, Robert
Tóth, Zsófia
Zefania, Sama
Starting date 2018-01-01
Closing date 2023-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 229.362
FTE (full time equivalent) 28.10
state running project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Az ivari szerepek a legváltozatosabb viselkedésformák közé tartoznak, mivel az udvarlás, a párkapcsolat és az utódgondozás óriási változatosságot mutat. Az ÉLVONAL projektünk átfogó célja az ivarszerepek evolúciós okainak és következményeinek vizsgálata volt partimadarak, mint modellszervezetek felhasználásával. Jelentős előrelépést tettünk e célok felé. Először is, nagy mennyiségű adatot gyűjtöttünk össze a partimadarakról szerte a világon, amelyek 29 faj 97 populációját tartalmazták 41 helyen. 16 000 egyedet fogtunk be, 16 485 viselkedési megfigyelést és 120 096 órányi kotlási viselkedést rögzítettünk. Másodszor, új elméletet dolgoztunk ki annak megértésére, hogy a demográfia és a populáció nemi aránya hogyan alakítja a nemi szerepeket. Harmadszor kezdeményeztük a demográfiai adatgyűjtést és a demográfiai változások elemzését azzal a céllal, hogy teszteljük a nemi szerepek változásának demográfiai okait. Negyedszer, a nemi szerepek okainak és ezáltal a nemek arányának vizsgálatára teszteltük a parazitákat, betegségeket és immunrendszert. Végül olyan review cikkeket és metaanalíziseket publikáltunk, amelyek szintetizálják a nemi szerepek és a szaporodási rendszerek megértését. Ezek az elméleti és empirikus tanulmányok a nemi szerepek több tudományágat átfogó elemzését jelentik. Az ÉLVONAL projekt Magyarországon és külföldön jelentős hatást váltott ki, az eredmények túlmutattak a tudományos életen és a természetvédelmen, és az eredményeink eljutottak a nagyközönséghez.
Results in English
Sex roles are some of the most diverse social behaviours because courtship, pair-bonding and parenting exhibit immense variation across the tree of life. The overarching aim of this ÉLVONAL project was to investigate the causes and consequences of sex role variation using shorebirds as model organisms. We made substantial progress toward this aim. Firstly, we collected an unprecedented amount of data from shorebirds across the globe that included 97 populations of 29 species in 41 locations. We captured 16,000 individuals, took 16,485 behavioural observations and recorded 120,096 hours of incubation behaviour. Secondly, we developed new theory to understand how demography and population sex ratios shape sex roles. Thirdly, we initiated demographic data collection and analysed demographic changes with the objective of testing theoretical predictions of demographical drivers of sex role variation. Fourthly, to test the causes of sex-specific moralities and thus sex ratio variation, we investigated parasites, diseases and immune systems. Finally, we published reviews and meta-analyses that synthetise understanding of sex roles and breeding systems. These theoretical and empirical studies represent the most comprehensive cross-disciplinary analyses of sex roles. In addition, the ÉLVONAL project made substantial impact both in Hungary and abroad, and the outputs went beyond academia, research and conservation, and reached the general public.
Full text


List of publications

• Eberhart-Phillips LJ, Carmona-Isunza MC, Vincze O, Zefania S, Kosztolányi A, Miller TEX, Barta Z, Cuthill I, Burke T, Küpper C, Székely T, Hoffman JI, Krüger O.: Demographic causes of adult sex ratio variation and their consequences for parental cooperation, Nature Communications, 2018
Kubelka V, Šálek M, Tomkovich P, Végvári Z, Freckleton RP, Székely T.: Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds, Science 362: 680–683, 2018
dos Remedios N, Küpper C, Székely T, Zefania S, Burns F, Bolton M, Lee PLM.: Genetic structure among Charadrius plovers on the African mainland and islands of Madagascar and St Helena, Ibis, in press, 2019
Que P, Székely T, Wang P, Lu Q, Lei W, Liu Y, Zhang, Z.: Offspring sex ratio is unrelated to parental quality and time of breeding in a multiple breeding shorebird, Journal of Ornithology, in press, 2019
Ancona, S., A. Liker, M. C. Carmona-Isunza & T. Székely: Sex differences in age-to-maturation relate to sexual selection and adult sex ratios in birds, Evolution Letters, 2019
Wang, Y, T. Székely, Z. Zhang & P. Que: Prolactin levels predict parental investment and nest survival in a free-living shorebird, Hormones and Behavior, 2019
Rice, R, J. O. Valdebenito, M. Ottensmann, N. Engel, A. Adrião & T. Székely.: Breeding ecology of the Cream-coloured Courser in Cape Verde, Ostrich, 2019
Wang, X, K H. Maher, N Zhang, P Que, C Zheng, S Liu, B Wang, Q Huang, De Chen, X Yang, Z Zhang, T Székely, A Urrutia, Y Liu: Demographic histories and genome-wide patterns of divergence in incipient species of shorebirds, Frontiers in Genetics, 2019
D’Urban Jackson, J, S Zefania, S. Moehy, A. J. Bamford, M. W. Bruford & T. Székely.: Ecology, conservation, and phylogenetic position of the Madagascar Jacana, Ostrich, 2019
Wang, X, P. Que, G. Heckel, J. Hu, X. Zhang, C-Y Chiang, N. Zhang, Q. Huang, S. Liu, J. Martinez, E. Pagani-Núñez, C. Dingle, Y. Y. Leung, T. Székely, Z. Zhang & Y.Liu.: Genetic, phenotypic and ecological differentiation suggests incipient speciation in two Charadrius plovers along the Chinese coast, BMC Evolutionary Biology 19:135., 2019
Halimubieke, N, J. O. Valdebenito, P. Harding, M. Cruz-López, M. A. Serrano-Meneses, R. James, K. Kupán & T. Székely: Mate fidelity in a polygamous shorebird, the snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus)., Ecology & Evolution, 2019
Kubelka V., Šálek M., Tomkovich P., Végvári Z., Freckleton R. P., Székely T.: Response to Comment on “Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds”., Science, 2019
Kubelka V., Mlíkovský J., Zavadilová V., Frencl M., Ivanov A., Litvinov K. & Šálek M. 2019: Pilot study on nest predation in shorebirds breeding at hte Caspian steppe lakes, International Wader Studies, 2019
Kubelka V., Sládeček, M. & Šálek, M.: Great variability in nest lining size: support for thermoregulation but not for anti-predatory adaptation hypothesis, Journal of Ornithology, 2019
Kubelka V., Sládeček M., Zámečník V., Vozabulová E. & Šálek M.: Seasonality predicts egg size better than nesting habitat in a precocial shorebird., Ardea, 2019
Szekely, T: Why study plovers? The significance of non-model organisms in avian ecology, behaviour and evolution., Journal of Ornithology, 2019
Amano, T, T. Székely, H. S. Wauchope, B. Sandel, Sz. Nagy, T. Mundkur, T. Langendoen, D. Blanco, N. L. Michel & W. J. Sutherland: Responses of global waterbird populations to climate change vary with latitude., Nature Climate Change, 2020
D’Urban Jackson, J., M. W. Bruford, T. Székely, J. DaCosta, M. D. Sorenson, S. V. Edwards, I-R. M. Russo, Kathryn Maher, Medardo Cruz-López, D. Galindo-Espinosa, A. E. De Sucre-Medrano, J. Cavitt, R. Pruner, A. L. Morales, O. Gonzalez, T. Burke & C. Küpper.: Population differentiation and demography of the threatened snowy plover Charadrius nivosus estimated by four different genetic markers, Conservation Genetics 21: 387-404, 2020
Engel, N, Zs. Végvári, R. Rice, V. Kubelka & T. Székely.: Incubating parents serve as visual cues to predators in Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)., Plos One, 2020
Feng, S., J. Stiller …. A. Urrutia , T. Székely, Y. Liu, …… F. Lei, C. Rahbek, M. T. P. Gilbert, G. Graves, E. Jarvis, B. Paten & G. Zhang.: Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics, Nature 587(7833):252-257, 2020
Halimubieke, N., K. Kupán, J. O. Valdebenito, V. Kubelka, M. C. Carmona-Isunza, D. Burgas, D. Catlin, J. J. H. St Clair, J. Cohen, J. Figuerola, M. Yasué, M. Johnson, M. Mencarelli, M. Cruz-López, M. Stantial, M. A. Weston, P. Lloyd, P. Que, T. Montalvo, U. Bansal, G. C. McDonald, Y. Liu, A. Kosztolányi & T. Székely: Successful breeding predicts divorce in plovers, Scientific Reports 10: 15576, 2020
Kupán, K., T. Székely, M. Cruz-López, K. Seymour & C. Küpper: Offspring desertion with care? Chick mortality and plastic female desertion in Snowy Plovers, Behavioral Ecology, 2020
McDonald, G.C, N. Engel, S. Ratão, T. Székely & A. Kosztolányi: The impact of social structure on breeding strategies in an island bird, Scientific Reports 10: 13872, 2020
Song, Z., X. Lin, P. Que, N. Halimubieke, Q. Huang, Z. Zhang, T. Székely & Y. Liu: The trade-off between egg size and clutch 1 size depends on local nest survival rate in a mean of bet-hedging., Avian Research, 2020
Székely, T: The population ecology and conservation of Charadrius plovers, Studies in Avian Biology, by Mark A. Colwell and Susan M. Haig, eds., Condor, 2020
Valdebenito, J.O., A. Liker, N.Halimubieke, J. Figuerola & T. Székely.: Mortality cost of sex-specific parasitism in wild bird populations., Scientific Reports, 2020
Valdebenito, J. O., J. Martínez-de la Puente, M. Castro, A. Pérez-Hurtado, G. Tejera, T. Székely, N. Halimubieke, J. Schroeder, J. Figuerola: Association of insularity and body condition to cloacal bacteria prevalence in a small shorebird., Plos One, 2020
D’Urban Jackson, J, S. Zefania & T. Székely: Madagascar jacana, Actophilornis albinucha, The new natural history of Madagascar, 2021
Elhassan E., Sládeček M., Badaam S., Brynychová K., Chajma P. Firlová V., Janatová V., Kubelka V., Pešková L., Vozabulová E., Almuhery A., Šálek M.: An artificial lakes system intended for human recreation supports a vital breeding population of Red-wattled Lapwing in the Arabian Desert, Avian Conservation and Ecology 16(20): 20, 2021
Fresneau N., Lee Y.F., Lee W.C., Kosztolányi A., Székely T., Liker A: Sex role reversal and high frequency of social poliandry in the Pheasant-tailed Jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus)., Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021
Gonzalez-Voyer, A., G. H. Thomas, A. Liker, O. Krüger, J. Komdeur & T. Székely.: Sex roles in birds: phylogenetic analyses of the influence of climate, life histories and social environment, Ecology Letters, 2022
Halimubieke, N., A. Pirrie, T. Székely & B. Ashby.: How do biases in sex ratio and disease characteristics affect the spread of sexually transmitted infections?, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2021
Jones W., Eberhart-Hertel L.J., Freckleton R.P., Hoffman J.I., Krüger O., Sandercock B.K., Vincze O., Zefania S., Székely: Exceptionally high apparent adult survival in three tropical species of plovers in Madagascar., Journal of Avian Biology, 2021
Koleček, J., Reif, J., Šálek, M., Hanzelka, J., Sottas, C. & Kubelka, V: Global population trends in shorebirds: migratory behaviour makes species at risk, Science of Nature, 2021
Kubelka V., Sandercock B.K., Székely T., Freckleton R. P.: Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes and increasing threats., Trnds in Ecology and Evolution, 2021
Liker, A., Bókony, V., Pipoly, I., Lemaître, J-F., Gaillard, J-M., Székely, T., Freckleton, R. P.: Evolution of large males is associated with female-skewed adult sex ratios in amniotes, Evolution, 2021
Mokos J., Scheuring I., Liker A., Freckleton R.P., Székely T.: Degree of anisogamy is unrelated to the intensity of sexual selection, Scientific Reports, 2021
Szekely, T: Darwin got sexual selection backwards, research suggests, The Conservation, 2021
Wei, C., M. Schweizer, P. Tomkovitch, V. Y. Arkhipov, M. Romanov, J. Martinez, X. Lin, N. Halimubieke, P. Que, T. Mu, Q. Huang, Z. Zhang, T. Székely & Yang Liu.: Genome-wide data reveals paraphyly in the sand plover complex (Charadrius mongolus/leschenaultii), Ornithology, 2021
Zefania, S., & Székely T.,: Charadrius, plovers., Goodman, S. M. (ed.) The new natural history of Madagascar. Princeton, Princeton University Press. -, 2021
Székely, T., Liker, A., Thomas, G. H., Brett, N., Brooks, G., Capp, E., Engel, N., Hodges, S., Hughes, E., Krystalli, A., Lislevand, T., Mapp, A., Pipoly, I., Rice, R., Rossi, L., Komdeur, J., Krüger, O., Gonzalez-Voyer, A.: Sex roles in birds: influence of climate, life histories and social environment, Dryad Dataset, Dryad, 2021
Schacht, R., S. R. Beissinger, C. Wedekind, M. D. Jennions, B. Geffroy, A. Liker, P. M. Kappeler, F. J. Weissing, K. L. Kramer, T. Hesketh, J. Boissier, C. Uggla, M. Hollingshaus & T. Székely.: Adult sex ratios: causes of variation and implications for animal and human societies, Communications Biology, 2022
Wanders, K., G. Chen, S. Feng, G. Zhang, T. Székely, M. W Bruford, Zs. Végvári, G. Eichhorn, A. Urrutia.: Polygamy and purifying selection in birds., Evolution, 2022
McDonald, G. C., I. C. Cuthill, T. Székely & A. Kosztolányi.: McDonald, G. C., I. C. Cuthill, T. Székely & A. Kosztolányi. 2022. Remating opportunities and low costs underlie maternal desertion Remating opportunities and low deserti, Evolution, 2022
Long, X, Y. Liu, A. Liker, F. J. Weissing, J. Komdeur & T. Székely.: Does ecology and life history predict parental cooperation in birds? A comparative analysis., Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 2022
Cooney, C. R., Y. He, Z. K. Varley, L. O. Nouri, C. J. A. Moody, M. D. Jardine, A. Liker, T. Székely & G. H. Thomas.: Latitudinal gradients in avian colourfulness, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2022
Valdebenito, J. O., K. H. Maher, G. Zachar, Q. Huang, Z. Zhang, L. J. Young, T. Székely, P. Que, Y. Liu & A. O. Urrutia.: Sex differences in immune gene expression in the brain of a small shorebird., Immunogenetics, 2022
Kubelka, V., B. K. Sandercock, T. Székely & R. P. Freckleton.: Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes and increasing threats, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2022
Halimubieke, N., X. Lin, M. Almalki, Q. Huang, Y. Liu, T. Zhang, Z. Zhang, T. Székely, Y. Liu.: Breeding ecology of a high-altitude shorebird in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau., Journal of Ornithology, 2024
• Wanders, K., M. Almalki, O. Heggøy, T. Lislevand, C. McGuigan, G. Eichhorn, G. W. Gabrielsen, V. Azarov, L. Khasyanova & T. Székely: Incubation behaviour of the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula at different latitudes, Journal of Ornithology, 2023
Székely, T., M. C. Carmona-Isunza, N. Engel, N. Halimubieke, W. Jones, V. Kubelka, R. Rice, C. E. Tanner, Z. Tóth, J. O. Valdebenito, K. Wanders & G. C. McDonald: The causes and implications of sex role diversity in shorebird breeding systems, Ibis, 2024
Engel, N, B. K. Sandercock, A. Kosztolányi, A. Adrião, A. Tavares, R. Rice & T. Székely: Climatic variation influences annual survival of an island-breeding tropical shorebird, Journal of Avian Biology, 2024
Engel, N., G. McDonald, B. K. Sandercock, R. Rice, R. Moreno, S. Ratão & T. Székely: Long-term decline in nest survival of a ground-nesting shorebird on a tropical island, Global Change Biology, 2023
Lemaître, J-F, V. Ronget, M. Tidière, D. Allainé, V. Berger, A. Cohas, F. Colchero, D. Conde, M. Garratt, A. Liker, G. A.B. Marais, A. Scheuerlein, T. Székely & J-M. Gaillard: Sex differences in adult lifespan and aging rates of mortality across wild mammals, Proceedings of the National Asademy of Sciences US, 2020
Valdebenito, J. O., N. Halimubieke, Á. Z. Lendvai, J. Figuerola, G. Eichhorn & T. Székely.: Seasonal variation in sex-specific immunity in wild birds, Scientific Reports, 2021
Jones, W., Zs. Tóth, V. Khursanov, A. Kuzmiankova, O. Krüger, T. Székely, N. Karlionova, P. Pinchuk & N Chakarov: Haemosporidian infections are more common in breeding shorebirds than migrating shorebirds, Ibis, 2024
Stiller, J…… T. Székely, ….M. T. P. Gilbert, E. D. Jarvis, S. Mirarab & G. Zhang: Complexity of avian evolution revealed by family-level genomes, Nature, 2024
Székely, T.: Evolution of reproductive strategies: sex roles, sex ratios and phylogenies, Biologia Futura, 2024
Kiss, Á, Z. Végvári, V. Kubelka, Á. Monoki, I. Kapocsi, S. Gőri & T. Székely: Breeding in an agricultural landscape: conservation actions increase nest survival in a ground-nesting bird, Orx, 2024
McDonald, G. C., Á. Bede-Fazekas, A. Ivanov, L. Crecco, T. Székely & A. Kosztolányi.: Landscape and climatic predictors of Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) distributions throughout Kazakhstan, Ibis, 2022


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