FLAG-ERA Multifunctional Ceramic/Graphene Thick Coatings for New Emerging Applications
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Csaba Balázsi, Katalin Balázsi: Novel silicon nitride-zirconia-graphene based sandwich composites, 45th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2021), USA, 2021, 2021 | Balázsi K., Liao Z., Zschech E., Dusza J., Balázsi C.: Multifunctional Ceramic/Graphene Thick Coatings for New Emerging Applications, ICEAF2021, 6th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure. Hellenic Metallurgical Society (HMS). 23 June 2021 to 25 June 2021, 2021 | Balázsi K., Furko M., Liao Z., Zschech E., Dusza J., Balázsi C.: Multifunctional Ceramic/Graphene Thick Coatings for New Emerging Applications, EUROMAT2021, Virtual, September 13-17th, 2021, 2021 | Balázsi Katalin, Furkó Mónika, Balázsi Csaba: Ceramic Matrix Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Composites, In: Michael, Pomeroy (szerk.) Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier (2021) pp. 243-259., 2021 | Liao Zhongquan, Standke Yvonne, Gluch Jürgen, Balázsi Katalin, Pathak Onkar, Höhn Sören, Herrmann Mathias, Werner Stephan, Dusza Ján, Balázsi Csaba, Zschech Ehrenfried: Microstructure and Fracture Mechanism Investigation of Porous Silicon Nitride–Zirconia–Graphene Composite Using Multi-Scale and In-Situ Microscopy, NANOMATERIALS 11: (2) 285, 2021 | Csaba Balázsi, Zhongquan Liao, Jan Dusza, Ehrenfried Zschech, Katalin Balázsi: Graphene Week, 20-24th September, Virtual Event, https://graphene-flagship.eu/events/graphene-week-2021/, 2021 | Csaba Balázsi, Katalin Balázsi: Nanocarbon added Silicon Nitrides, Materials Science and Technology (MS&T), on-line, Columbus, Ohio, 17-20th October, 2021, 2021 | Csaba Balázsi, Katalin Balázsi: Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Ceramic Matrix Composites, Vebleo - Science, Engineering and Technology Webinar, 2021 | Csaba Balázsi, Katalin Balázsi: Microstructure Design and Mechanical Properties of Ceramic/Graphene Thick Coatings for New Emerging Applications, 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 14), Webinar, Vancouver, Canada, 2021 | Csaba Balázsi, Katalin Balázsi: Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Layered Ceramic/Graphene Thick Coatings, 8th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC8), South Korea, online event, 2021 | Csaba Balázsi, Katalin Balázsi: The role of ceramic research in emerging energy technologies, 44th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2020), USA, 2020 | Csaba Balázsi, Katalin Balázsi: Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Layered Ceramic/Graphene Thick Coatings, 8th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC8), South Korea, online event, 2021 | Awais Qadir, Katalin Balazsi, Csaba Balazsi, Michal Ivor, Jan Dusza: Properties of MWCNTs added Si3N4composites processed fromoxidized silicon nitride powders, PROCESSING AND APPLICATION OF CERAMICS 14: (1) pp. 25-31., 2020 | Balazsi Katalin, Furkó Mónika, Klimczyk Piotr, Balázsi Csaba: Influence of Graphene and Graphene Oxide on Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered Si3N4 Ceramic Matrix, CERAMICS 3: (1) pp. 40-50., 2020 | Lamnini Soukaina, Balázsi Csaba, Balázsi Katalin: Wear mechanism of spark plasma sintered MWCNTs reinforced zirconia composites under dry sliding conditions, WEAR 430-431: pp. 280-289., 2019 | Lamnini Soukaina, Fogarassy Zsolt, Horváth Zsolt Endre, Tóth Sára, Balázsi Katalin, Balázsi Csaba: The role of the attrition milling on the grain size and distribution of the carbon nanotubes in YSZ powders, BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO 58: pp. 126-133., 2019 | Qadir Awais, Fogarassy Zsolt, Horváth Zsolt E, Balazsi Katalin, Balazsi Csaba: Effect of the oxidization of Si3N4 powder on the microstructural and mechanical properties of hot isostatic pressed silicon nitride, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 44: (12) pp. 14601-14609., 2018 | BALÁZSI Csaba, FURKO Mónika, BALÁZSI Katalin: Korszerű nitrid kerámiák előállítása és vizsgálata, Vol 28: XXVIII. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia – OGÉT 2020 OGÉT–2021: pp. 93-96., 2021 | Balázsi C., Balázsi K.: A sokoldalú grafén: Kerámiaipari trendek,, GYÁRTÁSTREND 13: (7-8) pp. 18-20., 2020 | Balázsi K., Furkó M., Liao Z., Fogarassy Z., Medved D., Zschech E., Dusza J., Balázsi C.: Graphene added multilayer ceramic sandwich (GMCS) composites: Structure, preparation and properties, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 40: (14) pp. 4792-4798., 2020 | Balázsi K., Furkó M., Liao Z., Gluch J., Medved D., Sedlák R., Dusza J., Zschech E., Balázsi C.: Porous sandwich ceramic of layered silicon nitride-zirconia composite with various multilayered graphene content, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 832: 154984, 2020 | Csaba Balázsi, Katalin Balázsi: The role of ceramic research in emerging energy technologies, 44th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2020), USA, 2020 | Lamnini Soukaina, Károly Zoltán, Bódis Eszter, Balázsi Katalin, Balázsi Csaba: Influence of structure on the hardness and the toughening mechanism of the sintered 8YSZ/MWCNTs composites, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 45: (4) pp. 5058-5065., 2019 | Furko Monika, Havasi Viktor, Kónya Zoltán, Grünewald Alina, Detsch Rainer, Boccaccini Aldo R, Balázsi Csaba: Development and characterization of multi-element doped hydroxyapatite bioceramic coatings on metallic implants for orthopedic applications, BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO 57: (2) pp. 55-65., 2018 | Katalin Balázsi, Mónika Furko, Zsolt Fogarassy, Csaba Balázsi: Examination of milled h-BN addition on sintered Si3N4/h-BN ceramic composites, PROCESSING AND APPLICATION OF CERAMICS 12: (4) pp. 357-365., 2018 | Kovalčíková Alexandra, Húlan Michal, Sedlák Richard, Fides Martin, Balázsi Csaba, Mihaliková Mária, Dusza Ján: Thermal Shock Resistance of Si3N4/hBN Ceramic Composites, KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS 784: pp. 73-78., 2018 |




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