Towards a unified framework of implicit sequence learning
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Horváth Kata, Kardos Zsófia, Takács Ádám, Csépe Valéria, Nemeth Dezso, Janacsek Karolina, Kóbor Andrea: Error Processing During the Online Retrieval of Probabilistic Sequence Knowledge, JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 35: (2) pp. 61-75., 2021 | Horváth Kata, Kardos Zsófia, Takács Ádám, Janacsek Karolina, Németh Dezső, Kóbor Andrea: Manipulation of cognitive control does not influence statistical learning: Evidence from a probabilistic sequence learning task combined with the Eriksen flanker paradigm, In: 5th international conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, ESCAN 2021, (2021) pp. 313-314., 2021 | Kóbor Andrea, Janacsek Karolina, Zavecz Zsófia, Hermann Petra, Varga Vera, Vidnyánszky Zoltán, Kovács Gyula, Németh Dezső: Implicit differentiation of structured and unstructured statistical regularities: fMRI evidence, In: 5th international conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, ESCAN 2021, (2021) pp. 327-328., 2021 | Kóbor Andrea, Kardos Zsófia, Horváth Kata, Janacsek Karolina, Takács Ádám, Csépe Valéria, Nemeth Dezso: Implicit anticipation of probabilistic regularities: Larger CNV emerges for unpredictable events, NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 156: 107826, 2021 | Kóbor Andrea, Kardos Zsófia, Takács Ádám, Éltető Noémi, Janacsek Karolina, Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Csépe Valéria, Nemeth Dezso: Adaptation to recent outcomes attenuates the lasting effect of initial experience on risky decisions, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11: 10132, 2021 | Kovács László Ágoston, Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Mikula Bernadett, Simor Péter, Janacsek Karolina, Zavecz Zsófia, Németh Dezső: Associations of sleep parameters with cognitive performance and behavioral problems in a pediatric sleepdisordered population, In: 5th international conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, ESCAN 2021, (2021) pp. 354-354., 2021 | Marno Hanna, Danyi Róbert, Vékony Teodóra, Janacsek Karolina, Németh Dezső: Prompting teaching modulates children's encoding of novel information by facilitating higher-level structure learning and hindering lower-level statistical learning, COGNITION In Press: 104784, 2021 | Pesthy Orsolya, Janacsek Karolina, Németh Dezső: Transcranialis egyenáram-stimuláció a kognitív idegtudományban – buktatók és megoldások, IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 74: (5-6) pp. 171-182., 2021 | Pesthy Orsolya, Vékony Teodóra, Pesthy Zsuzsanna Viktória, Fabó Dániel, Janacsek Karolina, Németh Dezső: The effect of inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on declarative and procedural learning and consolidation, In: 5th international conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, ESCAN 2021, (2021) pp. 347-348., 2021 | Quentin Romain, Fanuel Lison, Kiss Mariann, Vernet Marine, Vékony Teodóra, Janacsek Karolina, Cohen Leonardo G., Nemeth Dezso: Statistical learning occurs during practice while high-order rule learning during rest period, npj Science of Learning 6: (1) 14, 2021 | Szücs-Bencze Laura, Vékony Teodóra, Pesthy Orsolya, Szabó Nikoletta, Németh Dezső: The effect of 1 Hz transcranial magnetic stimulation over the left DLPFC on the retrieval of implicit probabilistic sequence knowledge, In: 5th international conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, ESCAN 2021, (2021) pp. 346-347., 2021 | Takács Ádám, Kóbor Andrea, Kardos Zsófia, Janacsek Karolina, Horváth Kata, Beste Christian, Nemeth Dezso: Neurophysiological and functional neuroanatomical coding of statistical and deterministic rule information during sequence learning, HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 42: (10) pp. 3182-3201., 2021 | Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Janacsek Karolina, Németh Dezső: Statistical and sequence learning lead to persistent memory in children after a one-year offline period, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11: (1) 12418, 2021 | Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Janacsek Karolina, Szőllősi Ágnes, Kéri Szabolcs, Nemeth Dezso: Regularity detection under stress, PLOS ONE 16: (6) e0253123, 2021 | Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Tárnok Zsanett, Janacsek Karolina, Kóbor Andrea, Nagy Péter, Farkas Bence Csaba, Oláh Szabina, Merkl Dóra, Hegedűs Orsolya, Nemeth Dezso, Takács Ádám: Dissociation between two aspects of procedural learning in Tourette syndrome: Enhanced statistical and impaired sequence learning, CHILD NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 27: (6) pp. 799-821., 2021 | Horváth Kata, Török Csenge, Pesthy Orsolya, Nemeth Dezso, Janacsek Karolina: Divided attention does not affect the acquisition and consolidation of transitional probabilities, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10: (1) 22450, 2020 | Kóbor Andrea, Horváth Kata, Kardos Zsófia, Nemeth Dezso, Janacsek Karolina: Perceiving structure in unstructured stimuli: Implicitly acquired prior knowledge impacts the processing of unpredictable transitional probabilities, COGNITION 205: 104413, 2020 | Mariann Kiss, Dezső Németh, Karolina Janacsek: Az Aktuális Teljesítmény És A Mögötte Álló Tudás Disszociációja: Az Idői Tényezők Szerepének Áttekintése A Procedurális Tanulás Példáján Keresztül, MAGYAR PSZICHOLÓGIAI SZEMLE 75: (3) pp. 477-491., 2020 | Tóth-Fáber E, Takács Á, Tárnok Z, Janacsek K, Németh D: Kognitív előny atipikus fejlődésben: kiemelkedő procedurális tanulás Tourette-szindrómában [Cognitive advantage in atypical development: enhanced procedural learning in Tourette syndrome], PSYCHIATRIA HUNGARICA 35: (4) pp. 484-492., 2020 | Vékony Teodóra, Török Lilla, Pedraza Felipe, Schipper Kate, Pleche Claire, Tóth László, Janacsek Karolina, Nemeth Dezso: Retrieval of a well-established skill is resistant to distraction: Evidence from an implicit probabilistic sequence learning task, PLOS ONE 15: (12) e0243541, 2020 | Fanuel Lison, Pleche Claire, Vékony Teodóra, Janacsek Karolina, Nemeth Dezso, Quentin Romain: How does the length of short rest periods affect implicit probabilistic learning?, Neuroimage: Reports 2: (1) p. 100078., 2022 | Farkas Bence Cs., Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Janacsek Karolina, Nemeth Dezso: A Process-Oriented View of Procedural Memory Can Help Better Understand Tourette’s Syndrome, FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 15: p. 683885., 2022 | Horváth Kata, Nemeth Dezso, Janacsek Karolina: Inhibitory control hinders habit change, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12: (1) 8338, 2022 | K Janacsek, D. Nemeth: Procedural Memory, In: Reber, A. S.; Allen, R. (szerk.) The Cognitive Unconscious: The First Half Century, Oxford University Press (OUP) (2022) p. 22., 2022 | Noémi Éltető, Dezső Nemeth, Karolina Janacsek, Peter Dayan: Tracking human skill learning with a hierarchical Bayesian sequence model, , 2022 | Park J., Janacsek K., Nemeth D., Jeon H.-A.: Reduced functional connectivity supports statistical learning of temporally distributed regularities, NEUROIMAGE 260: 119459, 2022 | Török B., Nagy D.G., Kiss M., Janacsek K., Németh D., Orbán G.: Tracking the contribution of inductive bias to individualised internal models, PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 18: (6) 1010182, 2022 | Tosatto Laure, Fagot Joël, Nemeth Dezso, Rey Arnaud: The Evolution of Chunks in Sequence Learning, COGNITIVE SCIENCE 46: (4) e13124, 2022 | Vékony Teodóra, Ambrus Géza Gergely, Janacsek Karolina, Nemeth Dezso: Cautious or causal? Key implicit sequence learning paradigms should not be overlooked when assessing the role of DLPFC (Commentary on Prutean et al.), CORTEX: A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND BEHAVIOR 148: pp. 222-226., 2022 | Zolnai Tamás, Dávid Dominika Réka, Pesthy Orsolya, Nemeth Marton, Kiss Mariann, Nagy Márton, Nemeth Dezso: Measuring statistical learning by eye-tracking, Experimental Results 3: e10, 2022 | Farkas B.C., Krajcsi A., Janacsek K., Nemeth D.: The complexity of measuring reliability in learning tasks: An illustration using the Alternating Serial Reaction Time Task, BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS 2023: In press, 2023 | Szücs-Bencze Laura, Fanuel Lison, Szabó Nikoletta, Quentin Romain, Nemeth Dezso, Vékony Teodóra: Manipulating the rapid consolidation periods in a learning task affects general skills more than statistical learning and changes the dynamics of learning, ENEURO 10: (2) 0228-22.2022, 2023 | Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Nemeth Dezso, Janacsek Karolina: Lifespan developmental invariance in memory consolidation: evidence from procedural memory, PNAS NEXUS 2: (3) p. 037., 2023 | Vékony Teodóra, Takács Ádám, Pedraza Felipe, Haesebaert Frederic, Tillmann Barbara, Mihalecz Imola, Phelipon Romane, Beste Christian, Nemeth Dezso: Modality-specific and modality-independent neural representations work in concert in predictive processes during sequence learning, CEREBRAL CORTEX 33: bhad079, 2023 | N. Éltető, D. Nemeth, K. Janacsek, P. Dayan: Tracking human skill learning with a hierarchical Bayesian sequence model, PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 18: (11) 1009866, 2022 | Vékony Teodóra, Pleche Claire, Pesthy Orsolya, Janacsek Karolina, Nemeth Dezso: Speed and accuracy instructions affect two aspects of skill learning differently, NPJ SCIENCE OF LEARNING 7: (1) 27, 2022 | Horváth Kata, Kardos Zsófia, Takács Ádám, Csépe Valéria, Nemeth Dezso, Janacsek Karolina, Kóbor Andrea: Error Processing During the Online Retrieval of Probabilistic Sequence Knowledge, JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 35: (2) pp. 61-75., 2021 | Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Janacsek Karolina, Németh Dezső: Statistical and sequence learning lead to persistent memory in children after a one-year offline period, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11: (1) 12418, 2021 | Tóth-Fáber Eszter, Tárnok Zsanett, Janacsek Karolina, Kóbor Andrea, Nagy Péter, Farkas Bence Csaba, Oláh Szabina, Merkl Dóra, Hegedűs Orsolya, Nemeth Dezso, Takács Ádám: Dissociation between two aspects of procedural learning in Tourette syndrome: Enhanced statistical and impaired sequence learning, CHILD NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 27: (6) pp. 799-821., 2021 | Toth-Faber Eszter, Tarnok Zsanett, Takacs Adam, Janacsek Karolina, Nemeth Dezso: Access to Procedural Memories After One Year: Evidence for Robust Memory Consolidation in Tourette Syndrome, FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 15: 712524, 2021 | Ambrus Géza Gergely, Vékony Teodóra, Janacsek Karolina, Trimborn Anna B.C., Kovács Gyula, Nemeth Dezso: When less is more: Enhanced statistical learning of non-adjacent dependencies after disruption of bilateral DLPFC, JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE 114: 104144, 2020 | Zavecz Zsófia, Horváth Kata, Solymosi Péter, Janacsek Karolina, Nemeth Dezso: Frontal-midline theta frequency and probabilistic learning: A transcranial alternating current stimulation study, BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 393: 112733, 2020 | Juhasz, D., Nemeth, D., & Janacsek, K.: Is there more room to improve? The lifespan trajectory of procedural learning and its relationship to the between-and within-group differences in average response times., PLoS ONE 14(7): e0215116., 2019 | Szegedi-Hallgató, E., Janacsek, K., & Nemeth, D.: Different levels of statistical learning-Hidden potentials of sequence learning tasks., PloS one, 14(9), e0221966., 2019 | Éltető, N., Janacsek, K., Kobor, A., Takacs, A., Toth-Faber, E., & Nemeth, D.: Do adolescents take more risks? Not when facing a novel uncertain situation., Cognitive Development, 50, 105-117., 2019 | Simor, P., Zavecz, Z., Horvath, K., Elteto, N., Török, C., Pesthy, O., ... & Nemeth, D.: Deconstructing procedural memory: Different learning trajectories and consolidation of sequence and statistical learning., Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2708., 2019 | Kóbor, A., Horváth, K., Kardos, Z., Takács, Á., Janacsek, K., Csépe, V., & Nemeth, D.: Tracking the implicit acquisition of nonadjacent transitional probabilities by ERPs., Memory & Cognition, 2019 | Kóbor, A., Horváth, K., Kardos, Z., Nemeth, D., & Janacsek, K.: Perceiving structure in unstructured stimuli: Implicitly acquired prior knowledge impacts the processing of unpredictable transitional probabilities., Cognition, 104413., 2020 | Vékony, T., Marossy, H., Must, A., Vécsei, L., Janacsek, K., & Nemeth, D: Speed or accuracy instructions during skill learning do not affect the acquired knowledge, Cerebral Cortex Communications, tgaa041., 2020 | Ambrus, G. G., Vékony, T., Janacsek, K., Trimborn, A. B., Kovács, G., & Nemeth, D.: When less is more: enhanced statistical learning of non-adjacent dependencies after disruption of bilateral DLPFC., Journal of Memory and Language, 114, 104144., 2020 | Zavecz, Z., Horváth, K., Solymosi, P., Janacsek, K., & Nemeth, D.: Frontal-midline theta frequency and probabilistic learning: A transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation study., Behavioural Brain Research 112733., 2020 | Horváth, K., Kardos, Z., Takács, Á., Csépe, V., Nemeth, D., Janacsek, K., & Kóbor, A.: Error Processing During the Online Retrieval of Probabilistic Sequence Knowledge., Journal of Psychophysiology, 2020 | Zavecz, Z., Nagy, T., Galkó, A., Nemeth, D., & Janacsek, K.: The relationship between subjective sleep quality and cognitive performance in healthy young adults: Evidence from three empirical studies., Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-12., 2020 |




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