Symmetries in atomic nuclei: from phenomenology to microscopy
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List of publications |
G. Riczu (Supervisor: J. Cseh): Shell-like, collective and cluster features of nuclear spectra, PhD thesis, University of Debrecen, 2021 | J. Cseh, G. Riczu, J. Darai: A Symmetry In-between the Shapes, Shells, and Clusters of Nuclei, Symmetry 15, 115, 2023 | P. Dang, G. Riczu, J. Cseh: Shape isomers of α-like nuclei in terms of the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry, Physical Review C 107, 044315, 2023 | J. Cseh: On the Logical Structure of Composite Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei, Symmetry 15, 371, 2023 | S. Baid, G. Lévai, J.M. Arias: Extended analytical solutions of the Bohr Hamiltonian with the sextic oscillator: Pt-Os isotopes, Journal of Physics G 50, 045104, 2023 | G. Lévai: Potentials from the Polynomial Solutions of the Confluent Heun Equation, Symmetry 15, 461, 2023 | J. Cseh: A spontán szimmetrisértés és az atommagok deformációja (Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the nuclear deformation), Fizikai Szemle 2020/6, 193, 2020 | J. Cseh: Dual breaking of symmetries in algebraic models, European Physics Journal - Special Topics 229, 2543–2554, 2020 | A. Martinou, D. Bonatsos, N. Minkov, I.E. Assimakis, S.K. Peroulis, S. Sarantopoulou, J. Cseh: Proxy-SU(3) symmetry in the shell model basis, European Physics Journal A 56, 239, 2020 | J. Cseh: Microscopic structure and mathematical background of the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry, Physical Review C 103, 064322, 2021 | A. Vitéz-Sveiczer, A. Algora, et al: The β-decay of 70Kr into 70Br: Restoration of the pseudo-SU(4) symmetry, Physics Letters B 830, 137123, 2022 | G. Riczu (Supervisor: J. Cseh): Magspektrumok héjszerű, kollektív és fürtösödő sajátosságai (Shell-like, collective and cluster features of nuclear spectra), PhD thesis, University of Debrecen, 2021 | J. Cseh, P. Dang, S. Szilágyi, G. Lévai: Orbital regularity of exoplanets and the symmetries of the Kepler problem, Symmetry 15, 2114., 2023 | P. Van Isacker, A. Algora, A. Vitéz-Sveiczer, G.G. Kiss, S.E.A. Orrigo, B. Rubio, P. Aguilera: Gamow–Teller Beta Decay and Pseudo-SU(4) Symmetry, Symmetry 2023, 15, 2001., 2023 | G. Lévai, J.M. Arias: Nuclear Shape-Phase Transitions and the Sextic Oscillator, Symmetry 15,2059., 2023 | J. Cseh, G. Riczu: Moment of inertia and dynamical symmetry, Symmetry 15, 2116., 2023 | J. Cseh, G. Riczu, D.J. Jenkins: 12C and α-clusters, 0+ spectrum, and Hoyle-state candidates in 24Mg, Physical Review C submitted, 2023 | T. Soltész, L. F. Pethő, G. Lévai: Unified supersymmetric description of shape-invariant potentials within, Physicsa Scripta submitted, 2023 | G. Lévai: PT-Symmetric Potentials from the Confluent Heun Equation, Entropy 23, 68, 2021 | J. Cseh: Planetary Systems and the Hidden Symmetries of the Kepler Problem, Symmetry 12, 2109, 2020 | G. Riczu, J. Cseh: Gross features of the spectrum of the 36Ar nucleus, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 30 2150034, 2021 | J. Cseh: Égi harmónia és dinamikai algebra (Celestial harmony and dynamical algebra), Fizikai Szemle 71, 6, 181, 2021 | A. Algora et al: Total absorption gamma-ray spectroscopy study of the β-decay of 186Hg, Physics Letters B 819 136438, 2021 | J. Cseh: Wigner és a magfizika (Wigner and the nuclear physics), Hazalátogatott Wigner Jenő (Wigner Jenő visited home) Eds: K.Mihály et al, ELFT, 268, 2021 | A.T. Kruppa, J. Kovács, P. Salamon, Ö. Legeza: Entanglement and correlation in two-nucleon systems, Journal of Physics G 48, 025107, 2021 | J. Cseh: A Symmetry Connecting the Shell, Collective and Cluster Models, Bulgarian Journal of Physics vol. 48, 457–466, 2021 | G. Riczu, J. Cseh: A Unified Description of Spectra of Different Configurations, Deformation and Energy Regions, Bulgarian Journal of Physics vol. 48, 524–534, 2021 | A. Vitéz-Sveiczer, A. Algora, et al: The β-decay of 70Kr into 70Br: Restoration of the pseudo-SU(4) symmetry, Physics Letters B 830, 137123, 2022 | A. T. Kruppa, J. Kovács, P. Salamon, Ö. Legeza, G. Zaránd: Entanglement and seniority, Physical Review C 106, 024303, 2022 | J. Cseh: Some new chapters of the long history of SU(3), EPJ Web of Conferences 194, 05001, 2018 | K.P. Drumev, A.I. Georgieva, J. Cseh, and V.K.B. Kota: Negative-parity states in sd-shell nuclei within the algebraic microscopic pairing- plus-quadrupole shell model, AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 070002, 2019 | J. Cseh: Spontaneous symmetry-breaking in Elliott-type models and the nuclear deformation, Physics Letters B 793, 59, 2019 | J. Cseh, G. Riczu, J. Darai: Shape isomers of light nuclei from the stability and consistency of the SU(3) symmetry, Physics Letters B 795, 160, 2019 | J. Cseh: Shell-like quarteting in heavy nuclei: Algebraic approaches based on the pseudo- and proxy-SU(3) schemes, Physical Review C 101, 054306, 2020 | J. Cseh: A spontán szimmetrisértés és az atommagok deformációja, Fizikai Szemle 2020/6, 193, 2020 | J. Cseh: Dual breaking of symmetries in algebraic models, European Physics Journal - Special Topics, in press, 2020 | A. Martinou, D. Bonatsos, N. Minkov, I.E. Assimakis, S.K. Peroulis, S. Sarantopoulou, J. Cseh: Proxy-SU(3) symmetry in the shell model basis, European Physics Journal A, in press, 2020 | J. Cseh: Microscopic structure and mathematical background of the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry, Physical Review C, submitted, 2020 | A.T. Kruppa, J. Kovács, P. Salamon, Ö. Legeza: Entanglement and correlation in two-nucleon systems, Journal of Physics G, submitted, 2020 | J.Cseh: Microscopic structure and mathematical background of the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry, Physical Review C 103, 064322, 2021 |




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