Many-body systems in and out of equilibrium  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Juhász, Róbert
Title in Hungarian Soktest-rendszerek egyensúlyban és azon kívül
Title in English Many-body systems in and out of equilibrium
Keywords in Hungarian kölcsönható soktest-rendszerek, nemegyensúlyi rendszerek, rendezetlen rendszerek, quench dinamika, kvantum-összefonódás, fázisátalakulás, Bose-Einstein kondenzáció, reakció-diffúzió modellek
Keywords in English interacting many-body systems, nonequilibrium systems, disordered systems, quench dynamics, quantum entanglement, phase transition, Bose-einstein condensation, reaction-diffusion models
Physics (Council of Physical Sciences)100 %
Ortelius classification: Statistical physics
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Theoretical Solid State Physics Department (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Participants Iglói, Ferenc
Kovács, István
Ódor, Géza
Roósz, Gergő
Süto, András
Starting date 2018-12-01
Closing date 2024-02-29
Funding (in million HUF) 29.988
FTE (full time equivalent) 19.14
state running project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A projekt során köcsönható soktestrendszerek egyensúlyi és azon kívüli viselkedését tanulmányoztuk elméleti módszerekkel. Bizonyítást adtunk a Bose-Einstein-kondenzáció létére kölcsönható kvantumrendszerek egy széles osztályában. Alacsony dimenziós kvantumrendszerek összefonódásának számos aspektusát tisztáztuk, úgymint a különböző fajta inhomogenitások, véletlen részrendszerek és hosszútávú átmenetek hatását, továbbá hirtelen változást követő állapotok összefonódásának detektálását, vagy az elektronok és fononok közötti összefonódást erősen korrelált rendszerekben. Előrelépést tettünk a nemintegrálható, longitudinális terű Ising-modell különböző rendezetlen változatai fázisdiagramjának felderítésében. Megmutattuk, hogy az Ising-géppel végzett kvantumos megeresztés hibája inhomogén vezérlő tér alkalmazásával csökkenthető. Ökológiai rendszereket a kontaktfolyamattal modellezve felderítettük az inhomogenitás és a hosszútávú szórás szinergiáját és önálló hatásait, mint például a populációhatárok klímaváltozás hatására végbemenő eltolódásának szakaszos voltát. Tanulmányoztuk a hálózati heterogenitás neurális- és elektromos hálózatok kooperatív viselkedésére gyakorolt hatásait a paradigmatikus Kuramoto-féle szinkronizációs modell változatai és sztochasztikus küszöbmodellek segítségével. Olyan egzotikus jelenségeket találtunk, mint a szemikritikus viselkedés, hiszterézis, hibrid szinkronizációs átmenetek, kiméra-állapotok, valamint tisztáztuk ezek kialakulási feltételeit.
Results in English
In the project, interacting many-body systems have been studied in and out of equilibrium by a broad range of theoretical methods. We provided a proof of Bose-Einstein condensation for a broad class of interacting quantum systems. We clarified several aspects of the quantum entanglement in low-dimensional systems, such as the effects of various types of inhomogeneities, random choice of subsystems, long-range hopping, detection of entanglement in post-quench states, or the entanglement between electrons and phonons in strongly correlated systems. We made progress in exploring the phase diagram of non-integrable Ising models in the presence of longitudinal fields in various (disordered) circumstances. We have shown that the error of quantum annealing in Ising-machines can be reduced by applying inhomogeneous driving fields. Motivated by ecological modeling, we revealed effects of disorder or long-range dispersal in the contact process, such as the intermittent advancement of population boundaries under climate change, and found synergies between these two ingredients. We studied the role played by network heterogeneities in the cooperative behavior of neural systems or electic power grids by using different variants of the paradigmatic Kuramoto model of synchronization and stochastic threshold models. We found exotic phenomena such as semicritical behavior, hysteresis, hybrid synchronization transitions, or chimera states, and clarified under which condition they appear.
Full text


List of publications

G. Roósz, I. A. Kovács, F. Iglói: Entanglement entropy of random partitioning, arXiv:1910.06018, Eur. Phys. J. B in press, 2019
P. Lajkó, J.-Ch. Anglés d’Auriac, H. Rieger, and F. Iglói: Reentrant Random Quantum Ising Antiferromagnet, arXiv:1912.06035, submitted to Phys. Rev. B, 2019
R. Juhász, I. A. Kovács: Climate-induced intermittent response of the population boundary across an environmental gradient: effects of quenched disorder, arXiv:1907.00849, submitted to Physical Review Research, 2019
R. Juhász, B. Oborny: Percolation theory suggests some universal features in range margins across environmental gradients, arXiv:1909.00585, submitted to Ecological Complexity, 2019
R. Juhász, J. Kelling, and G. Ódor: Critical dynamics of the Kuramoto model on sparse random networks, J. Stat. Mech. (2019) 053403, 2019
G. Ódor: Robustness of Griffiths effects in homeostatic connectome models, Physical Review E 99, 012113 (2019), 2019
G. Ódor and J. Kelling: Critical synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on connectome and small-world graphs, arXiv:1903.00385, Scientific Reports, in press, 2019
G. Ódor and J. Kelling, and G. Deco: The effect of noise on the synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on a large human connectome graph, arXiv:1912.06018, submitted to J. of Neurocomputing, 2019
G. Roósz, I. A. Kovács, F. Iglói: Entanglement entropy of random partitioning, Eur. Phys. J. B 93, 8, 2020
P. Lajkó, J.-Ch. Anglés d’Auriac, H. Rieger, and F. Iglói: Reentrant random quantum Ising antiferromagnet, Physical Review B 101, 024203, 2020
R. Juhász, I. A. Kovács: Population boundary across an environmental gradient: Effects of quenched disorder, Physical Review Research 2, 013123, 2020
R. Juhász, B. Oborny: Percolation theory suggests some universal features in range margins across environmental gradients, Ecological Complexity 42, 100814, 2020
R. Juhász, J. Kelling, and G. Ódor: Critical dynamics of the Kuramoto model on sparse random networks, J. Stat. Mech. 2019, 053403, 2019
G. Ódor: Robustness of Griffiths effects in homeostatic connectome models, Physical Review E 99, 012113, 2019
G. Ódor and J. Kelling: Critical synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on connectome and small-world graphs, Scientific Reports 9, 19621, 2019
G. Ódor and J. Kelling, and G. Deco: The effect of noise on the synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on a large human connectome graph, arXiv:1912.06018, accepted in Neurocomputing, 2020
G. Roósz, Z. Zimborás, R. Juhász: Entanglement scaling in fermion chains with a localization-delocalization transition and inhomogeneous modulations, Physical Review B 102, 064204, 2020
R. Juhász R, I. A. Kovács: Scaling of local persistence in the disordered contact process, Physical Review E 102, 012108, 2020
R. Juhász: Persistence discontinuity in disordered contact processes with long-range interactions, J. Stat. Mech. 2020, 083206, 2020
P. Maróti, I. A. Kovács, M. Kis, J. L. Smart, and F. Iglói: Correlated clusters of closed reaction centers during induction of intact cells of photosynthetic bacteria, Scientific Reports 10, 14012, 2020
I. A. Kovács, R. Juhász,: Emergence of disconnected clusters in heterogeneous complex systems, Scientific Reports 10, 21874, 2020
G. Ódor, B. Hartmann: Power-law distributions of dynamic cascade failures in power-grid models, Entropy 22, 666, 2020
G. Ódor, B. de Simoni: Heterogeneous excitable systems exhibit Griffiths phases below hybrid phase transitions, preprint, arXiv:2011.13778, 2020
P. Lajkó, F. Iglói: Mixed-order transition in the antiferromagnetic quantum Ising chain in a field, preprint, arXiv:2012.07470, 2020
G. Ódor and J. Kelling, and G. Deco: The effect of noise on the synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on a large human connectome graph, Neurocomputing 461, 696, 2021
G. Ódor, B. de Simoni: Heterogeneous excitable systems exhibit Griffiths phases below hybrid phase transitions, Physical Review Research 3, 013106, 2021
P. Lajkó, F. Iglói: Mixed-order transition in the antiferromagnetic quantum Ising chain in a field, Physical Review B 103, 174404, 2021
István A. Kovács, Tamás Pető, Ferenc Iglói: Extreme statistics of the excitations in the random transverse Ising chain, Physical Review Research 3, 033140, 2021
Róbert Juhász: Corrections to the singlet-length distribution and the entanglement entropy in random singlet phases, Physical Review B 104, 054209, 2021
Róbert Juhász: Long-range hopping models with off-diagonal disorder and the concept of random-singlet state, preprint, arXiv:2110.01985, 2021
Jean-Christian Anglès d'Auriac, Ferenc Iglói: Statistics of percolating clusters in a model of photosynthetic bacteria, Physical Review E 103, 052103, 2021
András Sütő: Fourier formula for quantum partition functions, preprint, arXiv:2106.10032, 2021
Sütő András: Simultaneous occurrence of off-diagonal long-range order and infinite permutation cycles in systems of interacting atoms, preprint, arXiv:2108.02659, 2021
G. Ódor: Non-universal power-law dynamics of SIR models on hierarchical modular networks, Physical Review E 103, 062112, 2021
Géza Ódor, Michael Gastner, Jeffrey Kelling, Gustavo Deco: Modelling on the very large-scale connectome, J. Phys. Complex. 2, 045002, 2021
I. A. Kovács, F. Iglói: Geometry of rare regions behind Griffiths singularities in random quantum magnets, preprint, submitted to Scientific Reports, 2021
Róbert Juhász: Testing the validity of random-singlet state for long-range hopping models through the scaling of entanglement entropy, Phys. Rev. B 105, 014206, 2022
I. A. Kovács, F. Iglói: Geometry of rare regions behind Griffiths singularities in random quantum magnets, Scientific Reports 12, 1074, 2022
R. Juhász: Exact bounds on the energy gap of transverse-field Ising chains by mapping to random walks, Phys. Rev. B 106, 064204, 2022
J.-Ch. Anglés d’Auriac, F. Iglói: Random-bond antiferromagnetic Ising model in a field, Phys. Rev. E 106, 034117, 2022
Tamás Pető, Ferenc Iglói, István A. Kovács: Random Ising chain in transverse and longitudinal fields: Strong disorder RG study, arXiv:2210.09380, 2022
F. Iglói, G. Tóth: Entanglement witnesses in the XY-chain: Thermal equilibrium and post-quench non-equilibrium states, arXiv:2207.04842, 2022
Géza Odor, Gustavo Deco, Jeffrey Kelling: Differences in the critical dynamics underlying the human and fruit-fly connectome, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023057, 2022
Géza Odor, Shengfeng Deng, Bálint Hartmann, Jeffrey Kelling: Synchronization dynamics on power grids in Europe and the United States, Phys. Rev. E 106, 034311, 2022
Shengfeng Deng, Géza Ódor: Critical behavior of the diffusive susceptible-infected-recovered model, arXiv:2208.12038, 2022
Géza Ódor, Shengfeng Deng: Synchronization transition of the second-order Kuramoto model on lattices, arXiv:2211.15497, 2022
Sütő András: Condensation of interacting bosons, arXiv:2208.08931, 2022
Gergő Roósz, Karsten Held: Density matrix of electrons coupled to phonons and the electron-phonon entanglement content of excited states, Phys. Rev. B 106, 195404, 2022
R. Juhász, I. A. Kovács: Population boundary across an environmental gradient: Effects of quenched disorder, Physical Review Research 2, 013123, 2020
G. Ódor, B. de Simoni: Heterogeneous excitable systems exhibit Griffiths phases below hybrid phase transitions, Physical Review Research 3, 013106, 2021
István A. Kovács, Tamás Pető, Ferenc Iglói: Extreme statistics of the excitations in the random transverse Ising chain, Physical Review Research 3, 033140, 2021
Géza Ódor, Michael Gastner, Jeffrey Kelling, Gustavo Deco: Modelling on the very large-scale connectome, J. Phys. Complex. 2, 045002, 2021
Tamás Pető, Ferenc Iglói, István A. Kovács: Random Ising chain in transverse and longitudinal fields: Strong disorder RG study, Condensed Matter Physics 26, 13102, 2023
F. Iglói, G. Tóth: Entanglement witnesses in the XY-chain: Thermal equilibrium and post-quench non-equilibrium states, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013158, 2023
Géza Odor, Gustavo Deco, Jeffrey Kelling: Differences in the critical dynamics underlying the human and fruit-fly connectome, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023057, 2022
Shengfeng Deng, Géza Ódor: Critical behavior of the diffusive susceptible-infected-recovered model, Phys. Rev. E 107, 014303, 2023
Géza Ódor, Shengfeng Deng: Synchronization transition of the second-order Kuramoto model on lattices, Entropy 25, 164, 2023
Sütő András: Condensation of interacting bosons, preprint, arXiv:2208.08931, 2022
R. Juhász: Renormalization theory of disordered contact processes with heavy-tailed dispersal, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033157, 2023
R. Juhász, G. Roósz: Reducing defect production in random transverse-field Ising chains by inhomogeneous driving fields, arXiv:2309.12827, accepted in Phys. Rev. B, 2023
G. Roósz: Front dynamics in the Harper model, preprint, arXiv:2306.02722, 2023
Péter Lajkó, Wedad Alaaeldin Yehia, and Ferenc Iglói: Quantum Potts chain in alternating field, Phys. Rev. B 108, 144403, 2023
G. Ódor, I. Papp, S. Deng, J. Kelling: Synchronization transitions on connectome graphs with external force, Front. Phys. 11, 1150246, 2023
B. Hartmann, S. Deng, G. Ódor, and J. Kelling: Revisiting and modeling power-law distributions in empirical outage data of power systems, PRX Energy 2, 033007, 2023
S. Deng, G. Ódor: Chimera states in neural networks and power systems, preprint, arXiv:2307.02216, 2023
B. Hartmann, G. Ódor, I. Papp, K. Benedek, S. Deng, J. Kelling: Dynamical heterogeneity and universality of power-grids, preprint, arXiv:2308.15326, 2023
G. Ódor, I. Papp, K. Benedek, B. Hartmann: Improving power-grid systems via topological changes, or how self-organized criticality can help stability, preprint, arXiv:2310.09042, 2023
G. Pál, Zs. Danku, A. Batool, V. Kádár, N. Yoshioka, N. Ito, G. Ódor, F. Kun: Scaling laws of failure dynamics on complex networks, Scientific Reports 13, 1973, 2023
András Sütő: Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting bosons: A two-step proof, preprint, arXiv:2305.18959, 2023
R. Juhász, G. Roósz: Reducing defect production in random transverse-field Ising chains by inhomogeneous driving fields, Phys. Rev. B 108, 224203, 2023
G. Roósz: Front dynamics in the Harper model, Phys. Rev. B 109, 064204, 2024
G. Ódor, I. Papp, K. Benedek, B. Hartmann: Improving power-grid systems via topological changes, or how self-organized criticality can help stability, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013194, 2024
G. Roósz, A. Kauch, F. Bippus, D. Wieser, and K. Held: Two-site reduced density matrix from one- and two-particle Green’s functions, preprint, arXiv:2312.14275, 2023
F. Iglói, Cs. Király: Entanglement detection in postquench nonequilibrium states: thermal Gibbs vs. generalized Gibbs ensemble, preprint, arXiv:2403.07897, 2024

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