Low-dimensional nanomaterials for the optical sensing of organic molecules on liquid and gas interfaces  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Petrik, Péter
Title in Hungarian Alacsony dimenziójú nanoanyagok szerves molekulák optikai érzékelésére folyadék és gáz határfelületeken
Title in English Low-dimensional nanomaterials for the optical sensing of organic molecules on liquid and gas interfaces
Keywords in Hungarian optikai szenzorok, nanoanyagok, szerves molekulák
Keywords in English optical sensors, nanomaterials, organic molecules
Electronic Devices and Technologies (Council of Physical Sciences)80 %
Material Science and Technology (electronics) (Council of Physical Sciences)20 %
Panel Informatics and Electrical Engineering
Department or equivalent Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science (Centre for Energy Research)
Participants Bálint Hakkel, Orsolya
Bányász, István
Bíró, Ferenc
Czigány, Zsolt
Fürjes, Péter
Jankovics, Hajnalka
Kalas, Benjamin
Kőrösi, László Tamás
Kurunczi, Sándor
Menyhárd, Miklós
Mukherjee, Deshabrato
Osváth, Zoltán
Romanenko, Alekszej
Sulyok, Attila
Vonderviszt, Ferenc
Starting date 2019-12-01
Closing date 2023-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 28.741
FTE (full time equivalent) 13.39
state running project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Nanoanyagokra épülő struktúrákat terveztünk, és optikai cellákat építettünk határfelületi folyamatok követésére. Membránalapú folyadékcellákat építettünk polimer nanorészecskék adszorpciójának tanulmányozására szilárd-folyadék határfelületeken a közép-infravörös hullámhossz-tartományban. Rezonáns hullámhosszok beállítására alkalmas optikai konfigurációt valósítottunk meg a mérőfolt laterális elhelyezésének és a beesési szögnek a megváltoztatásával. Számos anyagot tanulmányoztunk, amelyek alkalmasak a határfelületi folyamatok optikai monitorozására. Bragg multiréteg szerkezetet terveztünk, amely lehetővé tette a fehérjemolekulák érzékeny mérésére legmegfelelőbb abszorpciós hullámhossz elérését. Szenzorikai méréseket valósítottunk meg víz nehézfém tartalmának meghatározására speciális szerves molekulák használatával. Megmutattuk, hogy az általunk fejlesztett módszerekkel az alacsony dimenziós anyagok, például a szubnanométeres 2D anyagok és a molekuláris monorétegek optikai és rétegvastagság tulajdonságai még a határfelületi folyamatok monitorozása közben is nagy érzékenységgel meghatározhatók.
Results in English
We have designed nanomaterial structures, and built optical cells for the monitoring of interface processes. We have constructed membrane-based cells for the study of the adsorption of polymer nanoparticles at solid-liquid interfaces in the mid-infrared wavelength range. We realized optical configuration for adjusting resonant wavelengths by changing the lateral position of the measurement spot and the angle of incidence. We have studied a broad range of materials that are suitable for the optical monitoring of interfaces. We have designed a Bragg multilayer structure that allowed an absorption wavelength most suitable for the sensitive measurement of protein molecules. We realized sensing measurements of heavy metals in water based on special organic molecules. We have shown that using the methods developed in frame of this project the optical and dimensional properties of low-dimensional materials such as sub-nanometer 2D materials and molecular monolayers can be determined with high accuracy even during monitoring of interface processes.
Full text https://otka-palyazat.hu/download.php?type=zarobeszamolo&projektid=131515


List of publications

L. Khomenkova, K. Makasheva, P. Petrik, C. Bonafos, N. Ratel-Ramond, O. Melnichuk, L. Melnichuk, I. Balberg, F. Gourbilleau, and N. Korsunska: Thermally Stimulated Evolution of Optical and Structural Properties of Germanium-Doped Alumina Films, ECS Transactions 97 (2020) 81, 2020
L. Khomenkova, D. Lehninger, E. Agocs, P. Petrik, X. Portier, N. Korsunska, O. Melnichuk, F. Gourbilleau, J. Heitmann: Whether Ge-Rich ZrO2 and Ge-Rich HfO2 Materials Have Similar Reaction on Annealing Treatment?, ECS Transactions 97 (2020) 49, 2020
A. Saftics, B. Türk, A. Sulyok, N. Nagy, E. Agócs, B. Kalas, P. Petrik, M. Fried, N. Q. Khánh, A. Prósz, K. Kamarás, I. Szekacs, R. Horvath, S. Kurunczi: Dextran-based Hydrogel Layers for Biosensors, In: Prakash, R; Chandra, P (szerk.) Nanobiomaterial Engineering Singapore, Szingapúr : Springer Singapore (2020) 139, 2020
P. Petrik: Optical Characterization of Oxide-Based Materials Using Ellipsometry, In: Savkina, Rada; Khomenkova, Larysa (szerk.) Oxide-Based Materials and Structures Boca Raton (FL), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : CRC Press, (2020) 5, 2020
S. Soleimani, B. Kalas, Z. E. Horváth, Z. Zolnai, Z. Czigány, A. Németh, P. Petrik, J. Volk: Optimization of co-sputtered CrxAl1−xN thin films for piezoelectric MEMS devices, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31 (2020) 8136, 2020
T. Lohner, E. Szilágyi, Z. Zolnai, A. Németh, Z. Fogarassy, L. Illés, E. Kótai, P. Petrik, M. Fried: Determination of the Complex Dielectric Function ofIon-Implanted Amorphous Germanium bySpectroscopic Ellipsometry, Coatings 10 (2020) 480, 2020
J. Stoever, J. E. Boschker, S. Bin Anooz, M. Schmidbauer, P. Petrik, J. Schwarzkopf, M. Albrecht, K. Irmscher: Approaching the high intrinsic electricalresistivity of NbO2 in epitaxially grown films, Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 182103, 2020
Z. Labadi, B. Kalas, A. Saftics, L. Illes, H. Jankovics, É. Bereczk-Tompa, A. Sebestyén, É. Tóth, B. Kakasi, C. Moldovan, B. Firtat, M. Gartner, M. Gheorghe, F. Vonderviszt, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Sensing Layer for Ni Detection in Water Created by Immobilizationof Bioengineered Flagellar Nanotubes on Gold Surfaces, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 6 (2020) 3811, 2020
L. Juhász, B. Parditka, P. Petrik, C. Cserháti, Z. Erdélyi: Continuous tuning of the plasmon resonance frequency of porous gold nanoparticles by mixed oxide layers, Journal of Porous Materials 27 (2020) 1583, 2020
M. Chelu, H. Stroescu, M. Anastasescu, J. M. Calderon-Moreno, S. Preda, M. Stoica, Z. Fogarassy, P. Petrik, M. Gheorghe, C. Parvulescu, C. Brasoveanu, A. Dinescu, C. Moldovan, M. Gartner: High-quality PMMA/ZnO NWs piezoelectric coating on rigid andflexiblemetallic substrates, Applied Surface Science 529 (2020) 147135, 2020
L. Khomenkova, K. Makasheva, P. Petrik, Z. Tsybrii, O. Melnichuk, L. Melnichuk, I. Balberg, F. Gourbilleau, N. Korsunska: Spectroscopic characterization of phase transformation in Ge-rich Al2O3films grown by magnetron co-sputtering, Materials Letters 277 (2020) 128306, 2020
P. Petrik, A. S. Racz, M. Menyhard: Complementary physicochemical analysis by ellipsometry and Auger spectroscopy of nano-sized protective coating layers, Applied Surface Sciencce 534 (2020) 147593, 2020
B. Kalas, Z. Zolnai, G. Sáfrán, M. Serényi, E. Agocs, T. Lohner, A. Nemeth, N. Q. Khánh, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Micro-combinatorial sampling of the optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous Si1−xGex for the entire range of compositions towards a database for optoelectronics, Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 19266, 2020
D. Nesheva, Z. Fogarassy, M. Fabian, T. Hristova-Vasileva, A. Sulyok, I. Bineva, E. Valcheva, K. Antonova, P. Petrik: Influence of fast neutron irradiation on the phase composition and optical properties of homogeneous SiOx and composite Si–SiOx thin films, Journal of Materials Science 56 (2021) 3197, 2021
B. Kalas, K. Ferencz, A. Saftics, Z. Czigany, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Bloch surface waves biosensing in the ultraviolet wavelength range – Bragg structure design for investigating protein adsorption by in situ Kretschmann-Raether ellipsome, Applied Surface Science 536 (2021) 147869, 2021
Juhász Laura, Parditka Bence, Petrik Péter, Erdélyi Zoltán, Cserháti Csaba: Porózus arany nanorészecskék optikaitulajdonságainak kevert fém-oxidrétegekkeltörténõ hangolása, Fizikai Szemle 2020/9 309, 2020
R. Nagy, M. Kiraly, P. Petrik, Z. Hozer: Infrared observation of ballooning and burst of nuclear fuel cladding tubes, Nuclear Engineering and Design (2021), 2021
A. Romanenko, B. Kalas, P. Hermann, O. Hakkel, L. Illés, M. Fried, P. Fürjes, G. Gyulai, P. Petrik: Membrane-Based In Situ Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: A Study on the Membrane Affinity of Polylactide-co-glycolide Nanoparticulate Systems, Analytical Chemistry (2021), 2021
L. Khomenkova, K. Makasheva, P. Petrik, C. Bonafos, N. Ratel-Ramond, O. Melnichuk, L. Melnichuk, I. Balberg, F. Gourbilleau, and N. Korsunska: Thermally Stimulated Evolution of Optical and Structural Properties of Germanium-Doped Alumina Films, ECS Transactions 97, 81, 2020
L. Khomenkova, D. Lehninger, E. Agocs, P. Petrik, X. Portier, N. Korsunska, O. Melnichuk, F. Gourbilleau, J. Heitmann: Whether Ge-Rich ZrO2 and Ge-Rich HfO2 Materials Have Similar Reaction on Annealing Treatment?, ECS Transactions 97, 49, 2020
A. Saftics, B. Türk, A. Sulyok, N. Nagy, E. Agócs, B. Kalas, P. Petrik, M. Fried, N. Q. Khánh, A. Prósz, K. Kamarás, I. Szekacs, R. Horvath, S. Kurunczi: Dextran-based Hydrogel Layers for Biosensors, In: Prakash, R; Chandra, P (szerk.) Nanobiomaterial Engineering Singapore, Szingapúr : Springer Singapore 139, 2020
P. Petrik: Optical Characterization of Oxide-Based Materials Using Ellipsometry, In: Savkina, Rada; Khomenkova, Larysa (szerk.) Oxide-Based Materials and Structures Boca Raton (FL), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : CRC Press, 5, 2020
S. Soleimani, B. Kalas, Z. E. Horváth, Z. Zolnai, Z. Czigány, A. Németh, P. Petrik, J. Volk: Optimization of co-sputtered CrxAl1−xN thin films for piezoelectric MEMS devices, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31, 8136, 2020
T. Lohner, E. Szilágyi, Z. Zolnai, A. Németh, Z. Fogarassy, L. Illés, E. Kótai, P. Petrik, M. Fried: Determination of the Complex Dielectric Function ofIon-Implanted Amorphous Germanium bySpectroscopic Ellipsometry, Coatings 10, 480, 2020
J. Stoever, J. E. Boschker, S. Bin Anooz, M. Schmidbauer, P. Petrik, J. Schwarzkopf, M. Albrecht, K. Irmscher: Approaching the high intrinsic electricalresistivity of NbO2 in epitaxially grown films, Applied Physics Letters 116, 182103, 2020
Z. Labadi, B. Kalas, A. Saftics, L. Illes, H. Jankovics, É. Bereczk-Tompa, A. Sebestyén, É. Tóth, B. Kakasi, C. Moldovan, B. Firtat, M. Gartner, M. Gheorghe, F. Vonderviszt, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Sensing Layer for Ni Detection in Water Created by Immobilizationof Bioengineered Flagellar Nanotubes on Gold Surfaces, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 6, 3811, 2020
L. Juhász, B. Parditka, P. Petrik, C. Cserháti, Z. Erdélyi: Continuous tuning of the plasmon resonance frequency of porous gold nanoparticles by mixed oxide layers, Journal of Porous Materials 27, 1583, 2020
M. Chelu, H. Stroescu, M. Anastasescu, J. M. Calderon-Moreno, S. Preda, M. Stoica, Z. Fogarassy, P. Petrik, M. Gheorghe, C. Parvulescu, C. Brasoveanu, A. Dinescu, C. Moldovan, M. Gartner: High-quality PMMA/ZnO NWs piezoelectric coating on rigid andflexiblemetallic substrates, Applied Surface Science 529, 147135, 2020
L. Khomenkova, K. Makasheva, P. Petrik, Z. Tsybrii, O. Melnichuk, L. Melnichuk, I. Balberg, F. Gourbilleau, N. Korsunska: Spectroscopic characterization of phase transformation in Ge-rich Al2O3films grown by magnetron co-sputtering, Materials Letters 277, 128306, 2020
P. Petrik, A. S. Racz, M. Menyhard: Complementary physicochemical analysis by ellipsometry and Auger spectroscopy of nano-sized protective coating layers, Applied Surface Sciencce 534, 147593, 2020
B. Kalas, Z. Zolnai, G. Sáfrán, M. Serényi, E. Agocs, T. Lohner, A. Nemeth, N. Q. Khánh, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Micro-combinatorial sampling of the optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous Si1−xGex for the entire range of compositions towards a database for optoelectronics, Scientific Reports 10, 19266, 2020
D. Nesheva, Z. Fogarassy, M. Fabian, T. Hristova-Vasileva, A. Sulyok, I. Bineva, E. Valcheva, K. Antonova, P. Petrik: Influence of fast neutron irradiation on the phase composition and optical properties of homogeneous SiOx and composite Si–SiOx thin films, Journal of Materials Science 56, 3197, 2021
B. Kalas, K. Ferencz, A. Saftics, Z. Czigany, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Bloch surface waves biosensing in the ultraviolet wavelength range – Bragg structure design for investigating protein adsorption by in situ Kretschmann-Raether ellipsome, Applied Surface Science 536, 147869, 2021
R. Nagy, M. Kiraly, P. Petrik, Z. Hozer: Infrared observation of ballooning and burst of nuclear fuel cladding tubes, Nuclear Engineering and Design 371, 110942, 2021
A. Romanenko, B. Kalas, P. Hermann, O. Hakkel, L. Illés, M. Fried, P. Fürjes, G. Gyulai, P. Petrik: Membrane-Based In Situ Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: A Study on the Membrane Affinity of Polylactide-co-glycolide Nanoparticulate Systems, Analytical Chemistry 93, 981, 2021
K. Bukovinszky, M. Szalóki, I. Csarnovics, A. Bonyár, P. Petrik, B. Kalas, L. Daróczi, S. Kéki, S. Kökényesi, C. Hegedűs: Optimization of Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticle Concentration in Green LED Light Active Dental Photopolymer, Polymers. 13, 275, 2021
G. Dobrik, P. Nemes-Incze, B. Majérus, P. Süle, P. Vancsó, G. Piszter, M. Menyhárd, B. Kalas, P. Petrik, L. Henrard, L. Tapasztó: Large-area nanoengineering of graphene corrugations for visible-frequency graphene plasmons, Nature Nanotechnology, 2021
H. Jankovics, P. Szekér, É. Tóth, B. Kakasi, Z. Lábadi, A. Saftics, B. Kalas, M. Fried, P. Petrik, F. Vonderviszt: Flagellin-based electrochemical sensing layer for arsenic detection in water, Scientific Reports. 11, 3497, 2021
N. Hegedüs, R. Lovics, M. Serényi, Z. Zolnai, P. Petrik, J. Mihály, Z. Fogarassy, C. Balázsi, K. Balázsi: Examination of the Hydrogen Incorporation into Radio Frequency-Sputtered Hydrogenated SiNx Thin Films, Coatings. 11, 54, 2021
L. Pósa, G. Molnár, B. Kalas, Z. Baji, Z. Czigány, P. Petrik, J. Volk: A Rational Fabrication Method for Low Switching-Temperature VO2, Nanomaterials. 11, 212, 2021
G. Dobrik, P. Nemes-Incze, B. Majérus, P. Süle, P. Vancsó, G. Piszter, M. Menyhárd, B. Kalas, P. Petrik, L. Henrard, L. Tapasztó: Large-area nanoengineering of graphene corrugations for visible-frequency graphene plasmons, Nature Nanotechnology 17, 61, 2022
M. Zaharescu, M. Anastasescu, H. Stroescu, J.M. Calderon-Moreno, N. Apostol, S. Preda, C.M. Vladut, S. Mihaiu, P. Petrik, M. Gartner: Comparative study of the dopants (Mn vs. V) influence on the properties of sol-gel ZnO films, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 104, 67, 2022
A. Romanenko, E. Agócs, Z. Hózer, P. Petrik, M. Serényi: Concordant element of the oxidation kinetics—Interpretation of ellipsometric measurements on Zr, Applied Surface Science 573, 151543, 2022
J.B. Renkó, A. Romanenko, P.J. Szabó, A. Sulyok, P. Petrik, A. Bonyár: Analysis of structural and chemical inhomogeneity of thin films developed on ferrite grains by color etching with Beraha-I type etchant with spectroscopic ellipsometry an, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 18, 2822, 2022
P. Petrik, M. Fried: Mapping and imaging of thin films on large surfaces, physica status solidi (a), 219, 2100800, 2022
A. Pálinkás, G. Kálvin, P. Vancsó, K. Kandrai, M. Szendrő, G. Németh, M. Németh, Á. Pekker, J.S. Pap, P. Petrik, K. Kamarás, L. Tapasztó, P. Nemes-Incze: The composition and structure of the ubiquitous hydrocarbon contamination on van der Waals materials, Nature Communications 13, 6770, 2022
T. Lohner, A. Németh, Z. Zolnai, B. Kalas, A. Romanenko, N.Q. Khánh, E. Szilágyi, E. Kótai, E. Agócs, Z. Tóth, J. Budai, P. Petrik, M. Fried, I. Bársony, J. Gyulai: Disorder and cavity evolution in single-crystalline Ge during implantation of Sb ions monitored in-situ by spectroscopic ellipsometry, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 152, 107062, 2022
B. Kalas, T. Defforge, G. Gautier, A. Chaix, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Development of advanced sensing materials and interface structures for in-situ bioellipsometry, SPIE Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing 11972, 112, 2022
B. Kalas, G. Sáfrán, M. Serényi, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Scanning-resonance optical sensing based on a laterally graded plasmonic layer—optical properties of AgxAl1− x in the range of x= 0 to 1, Applied Surface Science 606, 154770, 2022
N. Hegedüs, R. Lovics, M. Serényi, Z. Zolnai, P. Petrik, C. Balázsi, K. Balázsi: Interpretation of hydrogen incorporation into radio frequency sputtered amorphous silicon based on Berg modelling, Vacuum 202, 111164, 2022
M. Gartner, M. Anastasescu, J.M. Calderon-Moreno, M. Nicolescu, H. Stroescu, C. Hornoiu, S. Preda, L. Predoana, D. Mitrea, M. Covei, V.-A. Maraloiu, V.S. Teodorescu, C. Moldovan, P. Petrik, M. Zaharescu: Multifunctional Zn-Doped ITO Sol–Gel Films Deposited on Different Substrates: Application as CO2-Sensing Material, Nanomaterials 12, 3244, 2022
T. Defforge, A. Chaix, B. Kalas, M. Fried, P. Petrik, G. Gautier: Development of silicon nanoparticles for plasmonic sensing, SPIE Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications XVII, 11977, 35, 2022
J. Budai, Z. Pápa, P. Petrik, P. Dombi: Ultrasensitive probing of plasmonic hot electron occupancies, Nature Communications 13, 1, 2022
S. Bin Anooz, Y. Wang, P. Petrik, M. de Oliveira Guimaraes, M. Schmidbauer, J. Schwarzkopf: High temperature phase transitions in NaNbO3 epitaxial films grown under tensile lattice strain, Applied Physics Letters 120, 202901, 2022
Z. Baji, Z. Fogarassy, A. Sulyok, P. Petrik: Investigation of the Tetrakis(dimethylamino)hafnium and H2S ALD Process: Effects of Deposition Temperature and Annealing, Solids 3, 258, 2022
T. Lohner, E. Szilágyi, Z. Zolnai, A. Németh, Z. Fogarassy, L. Illés, E. Kótai, P. Petrik, M. Fried: Determination of the Complex Dielectric Function of Ion-Implanted Amorphous Germanium by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Coatings 10, 480, 2020
Noor Taha Ismaeel, Zoltán Lábadi, Peter Petrik, and Miklós Fried: Investigation of Electrochromic, Combinatorial TiO2-SnO2 Mixed Layers by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Using Different Optical Models, Materials 16, 4204, 2023
D. Mukherjee, P. Petrik: Real-Time Ellipsometry at High and Low Temperatures, ACS Omega 8, 3684, 2023
D. Mukherjee, B. Kalas, S. Burger, G. Safran, M. Serenyi, M. Fried, P. Petrik: Nanostructures for in-situ surface-enhanced Kretschmann-Raether ellipsometry, PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING 12428, 206, 2023
D G Merkel, K Sájerman, T Váczi, S Lenk , G Hegedűs, S Sajti , A Németh, M A Gracheva, P Petrik, D Mukherjee, Z E Horváth, D L Nagy and A Lengyel: Laser irradiation effects in FeRh thin film, Materials Research Express 10, 076101, 2023
G. Alkhalil, J. A. Burunkova, A. Csík, B. Donczo, M. Szarka, P. Petrik, S. Kokenyesi, N. Saadaldin: Photoinduced structural transformations of Au-As2S3 nanocomposite impregnated in silica porous glass matrix, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 610, 122324, 2023
B. Nugusse, G. Juhász, C. Major, P. Petrik, S. Kálvin, Z. G. Horváth, M. Fried: Multi-color ellipsometric mapping tool from cheap parts, PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING 12428, 134, 2023
G. Sáfrán, P. Petrik, N. Szász, D. Olasz, N. Q. Chinh, and M. Serényi: Review on High-Throughput Micro-Combinatorial Characterization of Binary and Ternary Layers towards Databases, Materials, 16, 3005, 2023
Z. Zolnai, P. Petrik, A. Nemeth, J. Volk, M. Bosi, L. Seravalli, R. Fornari: Atomic structure and annealing-induced reordering of ε-Ga2O3: A Rutherford backscattering/channeling and spectroscopic ellipsometry study, Applied Surface Science 636, 157869, 2023


Events of the project

2021-11-18 16:41:14
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2021-08-23 14:22:45
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