Effects of natural and anthropogenic stresses on cyst formation and storage accumulation of algae  Page description

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Details of project

Type FK
Principal investigator Bácsi, István
Title in Hungarian Természetes és antropogén eredetű stressz hatása algák kitartó képlet képzésére és raktározott anyag felhalmozására
Title in English Effects of natural and anthropogenic stresses on cyst formation and storage accumulation of algae
Keywords in Hungarian szalinizáció, tápanyagéhezés, cianotoxin, Haematococcus, cisztaképzés
Keywords in English salinisation, nutrient depletion, cyanotoxin, Haematococcus, cyst formation
Hydrobiology, ecological status assessment, applied ecology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)70 %
Ortelius classification: Hydrobiology
Environmental biology, ecotoxicology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)30 %
Ortelius classification: Ecotoxicology
Panel Ecology and evolution 1
Department or equivalent Department of Hidrobiology (University of Debrecen)
Participants Bácsiné Béres, Viktória
Kundrát-Simon, Edina
Márton, Kamilla
Starting date 2019-12-01
Closing date 2024-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 38.260
FTE (full time equivalent) 6.10
state running project


Events of the project

2020-11-24 08:49:15
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