Benthic algal composition-extreme climatic events' relations in the Carpathian Basin  Page description

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Details of project

Type FK
Principal investigator Bácsiné Béres, Viktória
Title in Hungarian Szélsőséges klíma-események bentikus algaközösségekre gyakorolt hatása
Title in English Benthic algal composition-extreme climatic events' relations in the Carpathian Basin
Keywords in Hungarian alföldi és dombvidéki kiszáradó kisvízfolyások, bentikus kovaalga, funkcionális diverzitás, ökológiai állapotértékelés
Keywords in English small lowland and hilly intermittent streams, benthic diatoms, functional diversity, ecological status assessment
Hydrobiology, ecological status assessment, applied ecology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)100 %
Ortelius classification: Hydrobiology
Panel Ecology and evolution 1
Department or equivalent Institute for Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Centre for Ecological Research)
Participants Bácsi, István
Borics, Gábor
Csabai, Zoltán
Lukács, Áron
Mecseiné Bolgovics, Ágnes
Stenger-Kovács, Csilla
Török-Krasznai, Enikő
Várbíró, Gábor
Starting date 2019-12-01
Closing date 2024-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 39.061
FTE (full time equivalent) 10.82
state running project


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2024-04-12 11:34:41
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