Nano-medical approach for effective targeting of nimodipine in the ischeamic brain  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Bari, Ferenc
Title in Hungarian Hatékony nimodipin terápia az ischemiás agykárosodások mérséklésére nanopartikulumok alkalmazásával
Title in English Nano-medical approach for effective targeting of nimodipine in the ischeamic brain
Keywords in Hungarian fokális és előagyi ischemia, pH-tól függő gyógyszer aktiváció, fotodinámiás hatóanyag leadás, manomedicina
Keywords in English focal and forebrain ischemia, pH-dependent drug release, photodinamic drug release, nanomedicine
Neurology, cerebrovascular disorders, psychiatry and mental health (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)70 %
Ortelius classification: Neurology, Psychiatry
Experimental pharmacology, drug discovery and design (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)20 %
Ortelius classification: Clinical pharmacology
Cardiovascular system (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)10 %
Ortelius classification: Cardiovascular system
Panel Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology
Department or equivalent Department of Medical Physics and Informatics (University of Szeged)
Participants Farkas, Eszter
Frank, Rita
Hopp, Béla
Janovák, László
Lückl, János
M.Tóth, Orsolya
Makra, Péter
Menyhárt, Ákos
Mérai, László
Smausz Kolumbán, Tamás
Tóth, Réka
Starting date 2020-10-01
Closing date 2025-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 47.917
FTE (full time equivalent) 13.80
state running project

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