Geographical Dimensions of Understanding the Notion of Best Place within the Context of Total Tourism  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Michalkó, Gábor
Title in Hungarian A jó hely értelmezésének földrajzi dimenziói a totális turizmus kontextusában
Title in English Geographical Dimensions of Understanding the Notion of Best Place within the Context of Total Tourism
Keywords in Hungarian turizmus, desztináció, innováció, versenyképesség, földrajz
Keywords in English tourism, destination, innovation, competitiveness, geography
Social geography: interactions between the environment and the society (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)100 %
Panel Complex Spatial Sciences
Department or equivalent Geographical Institute (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences)
Participants Irimiás, Anna Rita
Miskolczi, Márk
Rátz, Tamara
Starting date 2020-12-01
Closing date 2026-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 26.916
FTE (full time equivalent) 9.75
state running project


Events of the project

2023-03-28 12:06:10
Résztvevők változása

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