Elucidating the regulatory role of innate lymphoid cells in reconstitution of immune system after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and in prevention of acute graft-versus-host disease
Az innate limfoid sejtek szabályozó szerepének tisztázása az immunrendszer hemopoetikus őssejt-transzplantációt követő regenerálódásában és az akut graft-versus-host betegség megelőzésében
Title in English
Elucidating the regulatory role of innate lymphoid cells in reconstitution of immune system after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and in prevention of acute graft-versus-host disease
Keywords in Hungarian
innate limfoid sejtek, ILC, hemopoetikus őssejt-transzplantáció, akut graft versus host betegség, aGVHD, hypogammaglobulinaemia, B sejtek, regulációs B sejtek
Keywords in English
innate lymphoid cells, ILC, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, HSCT, acute graft-versus-host disease, aGVHD, hypogammaglobulinemia, B cells, regulatory B cells
Haematology, immunology, thrombosis, infectious diseases (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)
35 %
Ortelius classification: Haematology
Biological basis of immunity related disorders (e.g. autoimmunity) (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)
35 %
Immunology (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)
30 %
Ortelius classification: Immunology
Immunity, Cancer and Microbiology
Department or equivalent
Dept. of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology (Semmelweis University)
Balogh, Péter Gopcsa, László Hirschberg, Andor Kállay, Krisztián Krenács, Tibor Kriván, Gergely Liktor, Balázs Molnár-Érsek, Barbara Müller, Veronika Pós, Zoltán Sebestyén, Anna