The tradition of “sensus communis” in the Hungarian thought: Philosophy and the public realm; public philosophy, national philosophy, national characterology
A „sensus communis” hagyománya a magyar gondolkodásban: A filozófia és a nyilvánosság tere; nyilvános filozófia, nemzeti filozófia, nemzetkarakterológia
Title in English
The tradition of “sensus communis” in the Hungarian thought: Philosophy and the public realm; public philosophy, national philosophy, national characterology
Keywords in Hungarian
magyar filozófiatörténet, sensus communis, nemzeti filozófia, nyilvánosságtér, nyilvános filozófia, nemzetkarakterölógia
Keywords in English
history of the Hungarian philosophy, sensus communis, national philosophy, public realm, public philosophy, national characterology
Philosophy (Council of Humanities and Social Sciences)
100 %
Ortelius classification: Philosophy
Department or equivalent
Institute of Philosophy (Research Centre for the Humanities)
Benedek, András Bogdanov, Edit Gángó, Gábor Guba, Ágoston Kovács, Gábor Smrcz, Ádám Szabados, Bettina Székely, László