Ostpolitik of the Vatican and Hungary: Central European Strategies of the Holy See Between 1944–1964  Page description

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Details of project

Type FK
Principal investigator Fejérdy, András Tamás
Title in Hungarian A vatikáni Ostpolitik és Magyarország: szentszéki stratégiák Közép-Európában 1944–1964 között
Title in English Ostpolitik of the Vatican and Hungary: Central European Strategies of the Holy See Between 1944–1964
Keywords in Hungarian Katolikus egyház, pápaság, Kelet-Közép Európa, kommunizmus, hidegháború, enyhülés, szovjet érdekszféra
Keywords in English Catholic Church, papacy, East-Central Europe, communism, Cold War, Détente, Soviet Bloc
History (Council of Humanities and Social Sciences)100 %
Ortelius classification: History of the Christian church
Panel History
Department or equivalent Institute of History (Research Centre for the Humanities)
Participants Balogh, Margit
Baráné Szeles, Mária Éva
Kalotai, Noémi
Szabó, Csaba
Starting date 2020-12-01
Closing date 2025-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 39.894
FTE (full time equivalent) 9.78
state running project


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2023-01-09 16:09:53
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