Paleosol carbonate-based clumped isotope temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the Paleocene-Eocene global warming period in northern Spain  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Kele, Sándor
Title in Hungarian Talajkarbonát kapcsolt izotóp hőmérsékletek és légköri CO2 koncentrációk a paleocén-eocén globális meleg periódus során észak-spanyolországi őstalajokból
Title in English Paleosol carbonate-based clumped isotope temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the Paleocene-Eocene global warming period in northern Spain
Keywords in Hungarian talajkarbonát, kapcsolt izotóp paleotermometria, paleocén-eocén határ, légköri CO2
Keywords in English soil carbonate, clumped isotope thermometry, Paleocene-Eocene boundary, atmospheric CO2
Geochemistry (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)50 %
Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)30 %
Sedimentology, Pedology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)20 %
Panel Earth sciences 1
Department or equivalent Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences)
Participants Rinyu, László
Újvári, Gábor
Starting date 2021-12-01
Closing date 2025-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 33.373
FTE (full time equivalent) 3.40
state running project

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