Virological, bacteriological, and parasitological survey of free-ranging rat populations of livestock farms and human settlements (with special attention to zoonoses and ongoing epidemics).
Állattartó telepek és emberi települések patkánypopulációinak virológiai, bakteriológiai és parazitológiai felmérő vizsgálata különös tekintettel a zoonózisokra és aktív járványainkra.
Title in English
Virological, bacteriological, and parasitological survey of free-ranging rat populations of livestock farms and human settlements (with special attention to zoonoses and ongoing epidemics).
Keywords in Hungarian
emberi települések, állattartó telepek, patkány, microbiológiai felmérés, parazitológia
Keywords in English
human settlements, livestock species, free-ranging rat populations, microbiological survey, parasites
Epidemiology, veterinary microbiology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)
70 %
Veterinary parasitology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)
20 %
Microbiology: virology, bacteriology, parasitology, mycology (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)
10 %
Ortelius classification: Microbiology
Plant and animal breeding
Department or equivalent
Veterinary Medical Research Institute
Dénes, Béla Juhász, Alexandra Lang, Zsolt Locsmándi, Gabriella Makrai, László Sellyei, Boglárka Szmolka, Annamária Tarján, Zoltán László