Charters of the Angevin Era  Page description

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Details of project

Type MEC_K
Principal investigator Almási, Tibor
Title in Hungarian Anjou-kori oklevéltár
Title in English Charters of the Angevin Era
Keywords in Hungarian Az Anjou-kori Magyar Királyság teljes oklevélhagyatékának feldolgozása, oklevélregeszták, diplomatika
Keywords in English Processing of all the charters datingng from the Angevin period of the Hungarian Kingdom; excerpts of charters; diplomatics
History (Council of Humanities and Social Sciences)100 %
Panel Science Patronage - subprogram 4
Department or equivalent Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences (University of Szeged)
Starting date 2022-06-01
Closing date 2025-01-31
Funding (in million HUF) 7.350
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state running project

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