The dog as a model for studying attentional bias in humans  Page description

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Details of project

Type PD
Principal investigator File-Bolló, Henrietta
Title in Hungarian Humán figyelmi torzítások modellezése kutyákon
Title in English The dog as a model for studying attentional bias in humans
Keywords in Hungarian figyelmi torzítás, neglekt, oldalpreferencia, pszichofiziológia, transzlációs modell
Keywords in English attentional bias, neglect, side bias, psychophysiology, translational modelling
Psychology (Council of Humanities and Social Sciences)100 %
Panel Psychology and Education
Department or equivalent Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology (Research Center of Natural Sciences)
Starting date 2022-12-01
Closing date 2025-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 28.341
FTE (full time equivalent) 2.40
state running project

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