Complex ecological comparison of continuous cover and rotation forestry systems in native forests of the submontane region of Hungary  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Ódor, Péter
Title in Hungarian A folyamatos erdőborítást fenntartó gazdálkodás és a vágásos üzemmód komplex ökológiai összehasonlítása hegyvidéki őshonos fafajú erdőkben
Title in English Complex ecological comparison of continuous cover and rotation forestry systems in native forests of the submontane region of Hungary
Keywords in Hungarian erdőökológia, multi-taxon biodiverzitás, erdőgazdálkodás, mikroklíma, faállomány-szerkezet, erdei életközösségek
Keywords in English forest ecology, multi-taxon biodiversity, forest management, microclimate, stand structure, forest communities
Biodiversity, conservation biology and genetics, invasion biology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)70 %
Forestry (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)15 %
Community ecology, systems ecology, ecosystem services (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)15 %
Panel Ecology and evolution 1
Department or equivalent Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Centre for Ecological Research)
Participants Aszalós, Réka
Bölöni, János
Elek, Zoltán
Geml, József
Horváth, Csenge Veronika
Kovács, Bence
Samu, Ferenc
Tinya, Flóra
Veres, Katalin
Starting date 2022-12-01
Closing date 2026-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 47.990
FTE (full time equivalent) 7.27
state running project


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2023-07-11 10:52:48
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