Consortional assoc.: Test of the Standard Model and search for exotic phenomena at the CMS experiment  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Veszprémi, Viktor
Title in Hungarian Konzorcium, társ p.: A Standard Modell ellenőrzése és egzotikus jelenségek keresése a CMS kísérletben
Title in English Consortional assoc.: Test of the Standard Model and search for exotic phenomena at the CMS experiment
Keywords in Hungarian új fizika keresése, standard modell, szuperszimmetria, nyomkövető detektorok, pixel detektor
Keywords in English physics beyond the Standard Model, Standard Model, supersymmetry, charged particle tracking detectors, pixel detector
Particle Physics (Council of Physical Sciences)100 %
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent High Energy Physics Department (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Participants Balázs, Tamás
Bartók, Márton
Hajdu, Csaba
Horváth, Dezso
Karátsony, Tibor
Kiss, Tivadar
Márton, Krisztina
Siklér, Ferenc
Vámi, Tamás Álmos
Starting date 2022-10-01
Closing date 2026-09-30
Funding (in million HUF) 23.964
FTE (full time equivalent) 14.57
state running project


Events of the project

2025-01-07 19:57:42
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