Exploring the effects of fine-scale canopy openings of continuous cover forestry on the understory vegetation – the investigation of skid trails and gaps  Page description

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Details of project

Type FK
Principal investigator Tinya, Flóra
Title in Hungarian A folyamatos erdőborítást fenntartó gazdálkodás finom léptékű beavatkozásainak aljnövényzetre gyakorolt hatása – közelítőnyomok és lékek vizsgálata
Title in English Exploring the effects of fine-scale canopy openings of continuous cover forestry on the understory vegetation – the investigation of skid trails and gaps
Keywords in Hungarian aljnövényzet, erdőökológia, fenntartható erdőgazdálkodás, fény, finom léptékű bolygatások, közelítőnyom, lék
Keywords in English fine-scale disturbances, forest ecology, gap, light, skid trail, sustainable forestry, understory vegetation
Biodiversity, conservation biology and genetics, invasion biology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)80 %
Forestry (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)20 %
Panel Ecology and evolution 1
Department or equivalent Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Centre for Ecological Research)
Starting date 2024-01-01
Closing date 2027-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 43.997
FTE (full time equivalent) 3.20
state running project

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