In the Spirit of Abandonment and Coping Mechanisms. Cultural and Social Historical Deep Drillings for a Comparative Historical Analysis of Protestant Cultural Regions (between 16th and 19th centuries)
A magára hagyottság és a megküzdés jegyében. Művelődés- és társadalomtörténeti mélyfúrások a protestáns kultúrrégiók összehasonlító történeti elemzéséhez (16-19. század)
Title in English
In the Spirit of Abandonment and Coping Mechanisms. Cultural and Social Historical Deep Drillings for a Comparative Historical Analysis of Protestant Cultural Regions (between 16th and 19th centuries)
denomination history, pastoral archontology, religious geography, pastoral literacy
History (Council of Humanities and Social Sciences)
80 %
Literature (Council of Humanities and Social Sciences)
20 %
Department or equivalent
Department of Cultural Heritage and Information Science (University of Szeged)
Csepregi, Zoltán Csorba, Dávid Dienes, Dénes Éliás, János Katona, Tünde Oláh, Róbert Szabadi, István Tasnádi, István Ugrai, János Zsigmond, Attila Zvara, Edina