Consortional main: Determination of physico-chemical parameters describing indoor air quality for the development of a simulation environment  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Mészáros, Róbert
Title in Hungarian Konzorcium, fő p.: A beltéri levegőminőséget leíró fizikai-kémiai paraméterek meghatározása szimulációs környezet fejlesztéséhez
Title in English Consortional main: Determination of physico-chemical parameters describing indoor air quality for the development of a simulation environment
Keywords in Hungarian beltéri levegőminőség, mérések, modell szimulációk
Keywords in English indoor air qualty, measurements, model simulations
Air chemistry, atmospheric composition, air pollution (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)50 %
Meteorology, atmospheric physics and dynamics (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)50 %
Panel Earth sciences 2
Department or equivalent Department of Meteorology (Eötvös Loránd University)
Participants Barcza, Zoltán
Lagzi, István László
Leelőssy, Ádám
Varga-Balogh, Adrienn
Starting date 2024-01-01
Closing date 2027-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 23.764
FTE (full time equivalent) 3.60
state running project

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