Towards understanding how more environmentally realistic exposure modulates the toxicity of graphene oxide in the aquatic ecosystem  Page description

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Details of project

Type PD
Principal investigator Fekete-Kertész, Ildikó
Title in Hungarian Hogyan befolyásolja a környezeti szempontból reálisabb expozíció a grafén-oxid toxicitását a vízi ökoszisztémában?
Title in English Towards understanding how more environmentally realistic exposure modulates the toxicity of graphene oxide in the aquatic ecosystem
Keywords in Hungarian grafén-oxid, környezeti hatás, vízi ökoszisztéma, trófikus lánc
Keywords in English graphene oxide, environmental impact, aquatic food chain, trophic transfer
Environmental biology, ecotoxicology (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)60 %
Material Science and Technology (chemistry) (Council of Physical Sciences)20 %
Molecular biology (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)20 %
Panel Ecology and evolution 1
Department or equivalent Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Starting date 2024-01-01
Closing date 2026-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 30.000
FTE (full time equivalent) 2.40
state running project

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