Novel microbioreactors for expanding the chemical space of flexible chiral amines  Page description

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Details of project

Type SNN
Principal investigator Poppe, László
Title in Hungarian Új mikrobioreaktorok a flexibilis királis aminok kémiai terének bővítésére
Title in English Novel microbioreactors for expanding the chemical space of flexible chiral amines
Keywords in Hungarian királis amin, biokatalízis, áramlásos reaktor, új enzimek, királis fragmenskönyvtár
Keywords in English chiral amine, biocatalysis, flow reactor, new enzymes, chiral fragment library
Organic, Biomolecular, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Council of Physical Sciences)80 %
Structural biology (crystallography and EM) (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)10 %
Chemical Engineering (Council of Physical Sciences)10 %
Panel Chemistry 2
Department or equivalent Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Ábrányi-Balogh, Péter
Alács, Bálint
Bódai, Viktória
Csuka, Pál
Fausto Macgyver, Wanderley Gouveia Silva
Honvári, Máté Gergő
Hornyánszky, Gábor
Laurinyecz, Máté
Molnár, Zsófia Klára
Szemes, József
Vértessy G., Beáta
Starting date 2024-01-01
Closing date 2026-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 36.000
FTE (full time equivalent) 16.90
state running project

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