Predictable alteration of algal phenotypes using synthetic phycospheres  Page description

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Details of project

Type PD
Principal investigator Shetty, Prateek
Title in Hungarian Algafenotípusok megjósolható változása szintetikus alga mikrobiomok segítségével
Title in English Predictable alteration of algal phenotypes using synthetic phycospheres
Keywords in Hungarian mikroalgák, mikrobiom, bioüzemanyagok, biostimulánsok, víz újrafelhasználása
Keywords in English microalgae, microboime, biofuels, biostimulants, water reuse
Microbial ecology and evolution (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)60 %
Bioinformatics (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)40 %
Panel Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Department or equivalent Institute of Plant Biology (HUN-REN Biological Research Centre Szeged)
Starting date 2024-01-01
Closing date 2028-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 27.600
FTE (full time equivalent) 3.20
state running project

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