Detection of structural materials' degradation by electromagnetic nondestructive methods
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Y. Le Bihan, J. Pávó, C. Marchand: Calculation of the ECT signal of a minute crack by a FEM-BIM hybrid method, EPJ Applied Physics vol. 28 no. 3. (2004) pp. 355-360, 2004 | H. Tsuboi, Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó, I. Sebestyén: Defect Reconstruction in Eddy Current Testing Using Optimized Mesh Database, Annual Meeting Record, IEE Japan (japán nyelven), vol. 5, pp. 325-326, 2005 | Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó: Qualification of the inverse problem of defect reconstruction using optimized mesh database, COMPEL, vol. 24, pp. 436-442, 2005 | H. Tsuboi, N. Seshima, I. Sebestyén, J. Pávó, Sz. Gyimóthy, A. Gasparics: Transient eddy current analysis of pulsed eddy current testing by finite element method, IEEE T Magnetics, vol. 40, pp. 1330-1333, 2004 | Gy. Kádár, Zs. Szabó, G. Vértesy: Product Preisach model parameters from measured magnetization curves, Physica B, vol. 343, pp. 137-140, 2004 | J. Füzi, G. Kádár: A micromagnetic nanoparticle model of multaxis anisotropy, Physica B, vol. 343, pp. 293-296, 2004 | J. Pávó, A. Gasparics: Quantitative measurement of spatially strongly inhomogeneous magnetic fields, Proc. ENDE 2001 Conference, Kobe, Japan, (Ed.: F. Kojima) pp. 67-68, 2001 | Sz. Gyimóthy, A. Vágvölgyi, I. Sebestyén: Application of optimally distorted finite elements for field calculation problems of electromagnetism, Proceedings of the 13th COMPUMAG conference (I), Evian (France), July 2-5, 2001, pp. 200-201, 2001 | I. Sebestyén and J. Pávó: Flaw detection using DC magnetic field measurement, Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, (Eds.: T. Takagi), Proc 10th Int Symp Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp. 531-532, 2001 | A. Zelenáková, P. Kollár Z. Vértesy, M. Kuzminski, D. Ramin, W. Rieheman: Influence of small circular holes on the coercivity and domain structure of finemet, Scripta Mater., vol. 44 , pp. 613-617, 2001 | J. Pávó, O. Bíró and K. Hollaus: Calculation of the field map from the measurement date of the fluxset sensor, COMPEL, vol. 20, pp. 404-416, 2001 | J. Pávó: Reconstruction of the Shape of Thin Metal Deposit on Plate Specimen, Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (Eds.: T. Takagi, M. Uesaka), Proc. 10th Int Symp Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanism, p. 483-484, 2001 | Sz. Gyimóthy, I. Sebestyén, J. Pávó, A. Gasparics, H. Tsuboi: Comparison of some transient eddy-current codes and measured data, Proceedings of the 13th COMPUMAG conference (II), Evian (France), pp. 212-213., 2001 | A. Vágvölgyi, Á. Böröczki, Sz. Gyimóthy, I. Sebestyén: Acoustic resonance in high pressure discharge lamp arc chambers, Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (Eds.: T. Takagi, M. Uesaka), Proc 10th Int Sym Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp. 214-212, 2001 | Sz. Gyimóthy, A. Vágvölgyi, I. Sebestyén: Application of optimally distorted finite elements for field calculation problems of electromagnetism, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 38, pp. 365-368, 2002 | J. Pávó: Numerical Calculation Method for Pulsed Eddy Current Testing, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 38 , pp. 1169-1172, 2002 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomás, Z. Vértesy: On the temperature dependence of domain wall pinning field in soft, uniaxial magnetic materials, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 35, pp. 625-630, 2002 | J. Pávó, I. Sebestyén, Sz. Gyimóthy, O. Bíró: Approximate Prediction of Losses in Transformer Plates, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 22. pp. 689-702, 2003 | A. Zelenakova, P. Kollár, M. Kuzminski, Z. Vértesy, W. Rieheman: Magnetic properties and domain structure investigation of laser treated Finemet, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., vol. 254-255, pp. 152-154, 2003 | J. Füzi, Gy. Kádár: Frequency dependence in the product Preisach model, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., vol. 254-255 pp. 278-280, 2003 | G. Vértesy, A. Gasparics: Fluxset sensor analysis, J. Electrical Engineering, vol. 53 pp. 53-55, 2002 | G. Vértesy, A. Gasparics: Nondestructive Material Evaluation by Novel Electromagnetic Methods, Mat. Sci. Forum, 414 pp. 343-353, 2003 | G. Vértesy, A. Gasparics, A. Süveges: Inspection of the welded parts of aluminium plates by Fluxset type ECT probe, Proc. EUROSENSORS XVI Conf., Praha, pp. 507-508, 2002 | G. Vértesy: New way for nondestructive evaluation of ferromagnetic materials, The First International Workshop on Hierarchical Life Cycle Evaluation of Complex Systems, Sendai, Japan, 2002 | A. Gasparics, G. Vértesy, J. Pávó: Fluxset Sensors in Non-destructive Material Evaluation, CNRS Tematic School: High sensitivity magnetometers, Portbail, Franciaország, 2002 | G. Vértesy, A. Magni: Frequency dependence of coercive properties, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., vol. 265/1 pp. 7-12, 2003 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomás: Temperature dependence of exchange parameter and domain wall properties, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 93 pp. 4040, 2003 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomás: Effect of heat treatment on domain wall pinning sites in magnetic garnet films, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., vol. 264/2-3 pp. 214-220, 2003 | I. Sebestyén: Electric Field Calculation for HV Insulators Using Domain Decomposition Method, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 38 pp. 1213-16, 2002 | J. Pávó, A. Gasparics , I. Sebestyén, G. Vértesy: Calibration of Fluxset sensors for the measurement of spatially inhomogeneous magnetic fields, Sensor and Actuators A, vol. 110 pp. 105-111, 2004 | M.J. Donahue, G. Vértesy, M. Pardavi-Horvath: Defect related switching field reduction in small magnetic particle arrays, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 93 pp. 7038-7040, 2003 | Vértesy Gábor, Ivan Tomás: Ferromágneses anyagok roncsolásmentes vizsgálata új módszerrel, Anyagvizsgálók Lapja, 13. évf. 2. szám, 61. old., 2003 | G. Vértesy, J. Pávó, A. Gasparics: A linear approach towards the calibration of magnetic field sensors for eddy current testing, MENDEL 2003 9th International Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 315-320, 2003 | A. Gasparics, G. Vértesy: Magnetic field sensor application for the measurement of insulation layer thickness, EUROSENSORS XVII. Conf. Proc., Guimaraes, Portugal, pp. 582-583, 2003 | A. Gasparics, G. Vértesy, H. Huang, T. Takagi: Experimental studies on Fluxset probe for deep defects detection, Proc. of 9th ENDE Conf., Saclay, France, 2003 | G. Vértesy, J. Pávó: Shape optimisation of the ferromagnetic core of Fluxset magnetometer, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Soft Computing, Kunovice, Czech Republic, pp. 221-228, 2004 | Zs. Szabó, I. Tugyi, G. Kádár: Identification procedures for Scalar Preisach Model, Physica B, vol. 343 pp. 256-59, 2004 | Gy. Kádár, Zs. Szabó: Magnetization process as a combined function of field and temperature in the product model of hysteresis, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, vol. 272-276, pp. E547-549, 2004 | J. Pávó, I. Sebestyén, Sz. Gyimóthy, O. Bíró: Approximate Prediction of Losses in Transformer Plates, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 22. No. 3, pp. 689-702, 2003 | Vértesy Gábor, Gasparics Antal, Pávó József: Elektromágneses roncsolásmentes anyagvizsgálat nagyérzékenységű mágneses térmérő szenzor alkalmazásával, Anyagvizsgálók Lapja, 15. évf. 2. szám, pp. 46-47, 2005 | A. Gasparics, G. Vértesy, I. Sebestyén, D. Roger, T. Takagi: Performance analysis of the Fluxset based ECT probe on JSAEM Inconel 600 benchmark tube specimens, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (V), Eds: J. Pávó, G. Vértesy, T. Takagi and S.Udpa, IOS Press, pp. 317-324, 2001 | I. Sebestyén, J. Pávó, Sz. Gyimóthy and O. Bíró: Modeling of Nonlinear Material with Linear Inhomogeneous Medium for Loss Prediction of Transformer Cores, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol 19, pp. 427-431, 2004 | I. Sebestyén: Optimization for High Voltage Composite Insulators Using Experimental Design Theory, Proc XI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering (ISEF 2003) , Maribor, Slovenia vol.2, pp. 709-712, 2003 | J. Pávó, I. Sebestyén, Sz. Gyimóthy, O. Bíró: Approximate Prediction of Losses in Transformer Plates, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 22. pp. 689-702, 2003 | J. Pávó: Approximate methods for the calculation of the ECT signal of a crack in a plate coated by conducting deposit, IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 40 pp. 659-662, 2004 | P. Urban, B. Idzikowski, S. Kostyrya, Z. Vértesy, and B. Andrzejewski: Grain size distribution and thermal stability of surfactant stabilized Fe3O4 magnetic fluid, Czech. J. Phys. vol. 54, pp. D683-686, 2004 | J. Pávó and Sz. Gyimóthy: Design method for optimal database used for inverse problems in ECT, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, IOS Press: Amsterdam (Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 24, Eds. T. Solier et al.) pp. 69-76, 2004 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomás: Coercive properties of epitaxial magnetic garnet films after heat treatment in reducing atmosphere, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), vol. 1 pp. 1800-1804, 2004 | G. Vértesy, I. Mészáros, I. Tomás: Non-destructive indication of plastic deformation of cold-rolled stainless steel by magnetic minor loops measurement, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., vol. 285/3 pp. 335-342, 2005 | Z. Kalincsák, J. Takács, G. Vértesy, A. Gasparics: Local domain structure on the surface of carbon-steels in the vicinity of laser marking, Czech. J. Phys. vol. 54, pp. D687-690, 2005 | G. Vértesy, A. Gasparics: Magnetic Field Sensor Application for the Measurement of Insulation Layer Thickness, The First International Symposium on Intelligent Artifacts and Bio-systems (1st INABIO), Sendai, Japan, 2004 | G. Vértesy, T. Uchimoto, T. Takagi, I.. Tomás, O. Stupakov and J. Pávó: Characterization of cast iron by magnetic minor hysteresis loops measurements, 2DM Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 2004 | I. Sebestyén, Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó, O. Bíró: Calculation of losses in laminated ferromagnetic materials, IEEE T Magnetics, vol. 40, pp. 924-927, 2004 | M. Bensetti, Y. Le Bihan, C. Marchand, J. Pávó: Deposit characterization by eddy current nondestructive evaluation, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 19 pp. 537-540, 2004 | J. Pavo, D. Lesselier: Calculation of eddy current probe signal with global approximation, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, közlésre elfogadva, 2006 | G. Vértesy, T. Uchimoto, T. Takagi, I. Tomá¹, O. Stupakov, I. Mészáros, J. Pávó: Minor hysteresis loops measurements for characterization of cast iron, Physica B, vol. 372 pp. 156-159, 2006 | G. Vértesy, B. Idzikowski: Amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe-Ni-Zr-B ribbons as sensing elements in magnetic field sensors, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., vol. 299 pp. 112-119, 2006 | J. Pavo, L. Maurice, D. Premel, D. Lesselier: On the calculation of ECT signals due to thin cracks in a plate using a global approximation of the dipole density, International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems, Bad Gastein, Austria , pp. 292-293, 2005 | Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó, H. Tsuboi: Conceptual evaluation of inversion models used for layered structures, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (publikációóra elfogadva), 2005 | Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó: Optimized NDT database for training neural networks, Intl Symp Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems, Bad Gastein, Austria, pp. 428-429., 2005 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomá¹, I. Mészáros: Nondestructive indication of plastic deformation of cold-rolled stainless steel by magnetic adaptive testing, J. Magn. Magn. Mater, (publikációra beadva), 2006 | Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó: Optimized NDT database for training neural networks, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (publikációra beadva), 2006 | G. Vértesy: Pulse position type fluxgate sensors, Encyclopedia of Sensors, Ed. C.A.Grimes, American Scientific Publishers, 2006 | G. Vértesy: Optimization of material characterization by adaptive testing, Third International Conference on Soft Computing, Kunovice, Czech Republic, 2006 | A. Gasparics, G. Vértesy, A. Gilányi, K. Morishita: Measurement of plastically deformed A533B specimen by Fluxset sensor applying DC and AC methods, Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (Eds.: T. Takagi and M. Uesaka), JSAEM, Tokyo, pp. 633-634, 2001 |




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