Multi-parameter analyses for investigating the excited states of ions, atoms and molecules using electronspectroscopy
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Ricz S., Sankari R., Kövér Á. , Jurvansuu M., Varga D. , Nikkinen J., Ricsóka T. , Aksela H., Aksela S.: Strong nondipole effect created by multielectron correlation in 5s photoionization of xenon., Physical Review A 67 (2003) 012712, 2003 | Sankari R., Ricz S., Kövér Á. , Jurvansuu M., Varga D. , Nikkinen J., Ricsóka T., Aksela H., Aksela S.: Angular distribution of Xe 5p spin-orbit components at 100-200-eV photon energies, Physical Review A 69 (2004) 012707, 2004 | Schippers S., Müller A., Ricz S., Bannister M. E., Dunn G. H., Bozek J., Schlachter A. S., Hinojosa G., Cisneros C., Aguilar A., Covington A. M., Gharaibeh M. F., Phaneuf R. A: Photoionization of Sc2+: Experimental link with photorecombination of Sc3+ by application of detailed balance, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.in Phys. Res. B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 205 (2003) 297, 2003 | Knopp H., Böhme C., Jacobi J., Ricz S., Schippers S., Müller A: Electron-impact multiple ionization of Ba q+ ions (1, Nucl. Instrum. Meth.in Phys. Res. B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 205 (2003) 433, 2003 | Schippers S., Müller A. , Ricz S., Bannister M. E., Dunn G. H., Schlachter A. S., Hinojosa G., Cisneros C., Aguilar A., Covington A. M., Gharaibeh M. F., Phaneuf R. A: Polarization of Sc2+ ions by synchrotoron radiation: Measurements and absolute cross sections in the photon energy range 23-68 eV., Physical Review A 67 (2003) 032702, 2003 | Kövér Á ,Arcidiacono C., Laricchia G.: Differential ionisation experiments on positron-atom scattering, 12th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Physics. Sandbjerg, Denmark, 19-21 July, 2003, 2003 | Tóth L., Ricz S., Takács E., Sulik B., Végh J., Kádár I.: Experimental study of coherence and correlation in the anisotropy of Ne KL-LLL satellite Auger decay, Physical Review A 69 (2004)062708, 2004 | Kövér Á.: The electron capture to continuum process, Rippon Professorship Endowment Lecture.Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. Kolkata, India, 20 Jan.,2003, 2003 | Shipers S., Müller A., Ricz S., Bannister M. E., Dunn G. H., Bozek J., Schlachter A. S., Hinojosa G., Cisneros C., Aguilar A., Covington A. M., Gharaibeh M. F., Phaneuf R. A.: Link of Sc2+photoionization with Sc3+ photorecombination: an application of detailed balance in unique atomic system, 23rd International Conference on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions. ICPEAC 2003. Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 July, 2003(Book of abstr.: Th003), 2003 | Kövér Á.: High energy and angular resolution photoelectron spectroscopy at MAX-II synchrotron, National Conference on Theoretical Physics. TP 2003. Kolkata, India, 21-24 Jan., 2003, 2003 | Kövér Á., Arcidiacono C., Laricchia G.: Differential ionization experiments on positron-atom scattering, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Phys. Res. B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 221 (2004)56, 2004 | Kövér Á: Final state interaction at particle/antiparticle impact ionization, Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina, 7 Nov. 2003, 2003 | Müller A., Schippers S., Aguilar A., Alvarez I., Bannister M. E., Bozek J., Cisneros C., Covington A. M., Dunn G. H., Gharaibeh M. F., Hinojosa G., Ricz S., Schlachter A. S., Phaneuf R. A: Time-reversal studies in photorecombination and photoionization experiments with ion beams., 17th Int Conf on the Appl of Acc in Res and Ind. Denton, Texas, USA, 12-16 Nov., 2002. Proc. Eds: J.L. Duggan, I.L. Morgan. New York, AIP (AIP Conference proceedings), 2002 | Arcidiacono C., Kövér Á. , Laricchia G: Electron ejection from collisions of positrons with helium, 12th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Physics. Sandbjerg, Denmark, 19-21 July, 2003, 2003 | Lugosi L., Barna I. F., Tőkési K., Kövér Á: Elastic scattering of positron from helium above the first excitation threshold, 12th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Physics. Sandbjerg, Denmark, 19-21 July, 2003 (Book of abstr.)., 2003 | Ricz S., Sankari R., Kövér Á., Jurvansuu M., Varga D., Nikkinen J., Ricsóka T., Aksela H., Aksela S: Nondipole effect created by multielectron correlation in 5s photoionization of Xe, 23rd International Conference on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions. ICPEAC 2003. Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 July, 2003 (Book of abstr.: Tu006), 2003 | Arcidiacono C., Kövér Á. , Laricchia G.: Electron ejection from collisions of positrons with helium, 8th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions, Debrecen 1-3 Sept, 2004 pp82, 2004 | Ricz S., Sankari R., Kövér Á., Jurvansuu M., Varga D., Nikkinen J., Ricsóka T., Aksela H., Aksela S.: Measurement of dipole and nondipole anisotropy parameters of spin-orbit components of Xe 5p shell in 65-200 eV photon energy range, 23rd International Conference on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions. ICPEAC 2003. Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 July, 2003(Book of abstr.: We007), 2003 | Ricz S.: The ESA-22 electronspectrometer and measurements on the beamline I411, Max-Lab University of Lund. Lund, Sweden, 10 March, 2004, 2004 | Ricsóka T., Ricz S., Kövér Á., Sankari R., Nikkinen J., Varga D., Aksela S.: Higher-order effects in the photoionization of 3p shell of argon, 8th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions, Debrecen 1-3 Sept, 2004 pp54, 2004 | Kövér Á.: Final state interaction at particle/antiparticle impact ionization, National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics. NCAMP XIV. Shantiniketan, India, 28 Jan. - 1 Feb, 2003 | Ricz S.: Uj eredmények a fotoelektronok szögeloszlásában, MTA közgyüléshez kapcsolódó előadás , Budapest, 2004. május. 3., 2004 | Sankari R., Ricz S., Kövér Á. , Jurvansuu M., Varga D. , Nikkinen J., Ricsóka T., Aksela H., Aksela S.: Strong nondipole effectcreated by multielectron correlation in 5s photoionization of xenon, Max-Lab Activity Report 2002, pp.202, 2002 | Ricz S., Nikkinen J., Sankari R., Ricsóka T., Kövér Á. , Varga D. , Fritzsche S. , Aksela H., Aksela S.: Interference effects in the angular distribution of Ar 3p photoelectrons across the 2p -> ns/md resonances., Physical Review A 72(2005) 014701, 2005 | Arcidiacono C., Kövér Á. , Laricchia G.: Energy-sharing asymmetries in ionozation by positron impact, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95(2005)223202, 2005 | Arcidiacono C., Kövér Á. , Pesic Z., Beale J., Laricchia G.: Positron Impact Ionization, 3rd Conf. Elementary Proc. in Atomic Systems. CEPAS'05, Aug31-Sept 2, 2005, Miskolc Hungary, 2005 | Ricsóka T., Ricz S., Nikkinen J., Sankari R., Kövér Á. , Varga D. , Fritzsche S. , Aksela H., Aksela S.: Interference effects in the photoionization of Ar 3p, 3rd Conf. Elementary Proc. in Atomic Systems, CEPAS'05, Aug31-Sept 2, 2005, Miskolc, Hungary, 2005 | Ricsóka T., Ricz S., Nikkinen J., Sankari R., Kövér Á. , Varga D. , Fritzsche S. , Aksela H., Aksela S.: Interference effects in the photoionization of Ar 3p, 24th Int Conf Photonic, electronic and Atomic Coll. 20-26 July, 2005, Rosaio, Argentina, 2005 | Sankari R., Ricz S., Nikkinen J., Kövér Á. , Ricsóka T., Aksela H., Aksela S.: Non-dipole effects in low photon energy photoionization of Ar and Xe atoms, 24th Int Conf Photonic, electronic and Atomic Coll. 20-26 July, 2005, Rosaio, Argentina, 2005 | Ricz S., Ricsóka T., Gervasoni J., Kövér Á. , Varga D.: Plasmon excitation in amorphous silicon by electron impact dependence of the surface and bulk plasmon yield on the angle of incidence, 24th Int Conf Photonic, electronic and Atomic Coll. 20-26 July, 2005, Rosaio, Argentina, 2005 | Ricsóka T., Ricz S., Kövér Á. , Sankari R., Nikkinen J., Varga D. , Aksela S.: Higher-order effects in the photoionization of 3p shell of Ar, Nordic and European summer school in synchrotron radiation science, Lund Sweden, 13-20 June,2005, 2005 | Ricsóka T., Ricz S., Kövér Á. , Sankari R., Nikkinen J., Varga D. , Aksela S.: Interferencia effektusok az argon 3p héjak fotoionizációjában, Tavaszi Szél 2005, Debrecen, 2005. május. 5-8, 2005 | Kövér Á., Arcidiacono C., Laricchia G.: Differential ionization of molecules by positron impact, Abstact of EIPAM06 Second annual meeting, Valletta.Malta 16-2ö September 2006, 2006 | Arcidiacono C., Kövér Á., Pesic Z.D., Beale J., Laricchia G.: Double-differential ionization cross-section for H2O, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 76 (2007) 421-435, 2007 | Ricz S., Ricsóka T., Kövér Á. , Varga D. , Huttula M., Urpelainen S., Aksela H., Aksela S.: Observation of left-right asymmetry in outer s-shell photoionization, Physical Review Letter beküldve, 2007 |




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