Investigation of frequency- and density-dependent evolution in sexual and asexual populations
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Scarelli A; Varga Z: Controllability of selection-mutation systems, BIOSYSTEMS 65, No 2-3, 113-121, 2002 | Garay J: Many Species Partial Adaptive Dynamics, BIOSYSTEMS 65 No 1,19-23, 2002 | Garay BM; Garay J: Total separation and asymptotic stability, UNIV. IAGELL. ACTA Mathematica. Fasc. XL, 126-136., 2002 | Garay J; Varga Z: Coincidence of ESAD and ESS in Dominant-recessive Hereditary Systems, J THEOR BIOL 222 , No. 3, 297-305, 2003 | Cressman R; Garay J; Varga Z: Evolutionarily Stable Sets in the Single-Locus Frequency-Dependent Model of Natural Selection, J MATH BIOL 47 , No. 5, 465-482, 2003 | Varga Z; Scarelli A; Shamandy A: State monitoring of a population system in changing environment, COMMUNITY ECOLOGY 4, No. 1, 73-78, 2003 | Cressman R; Garay J: Evolutionary stability in Lotka-Volterra system, J THEOR BIOL 222 , 233-245, 2003 | Gámez M; Carreño R; Kósa A; Varga Z: Observability in strategic models of selection, BIOSYSTEMS 71, No 3, 249-255, 2003 | Garay J: When Does the Variance of Replicators Fitness Decrease?, J MATH BIOL 47, No. 5, 457 - 464, 2003 | Garay J; Cressman R; Varga Z: Optimal behaviour of honey bees based on imitation at fixed densities, COMMUNITY ECOLOGY 4 , No. 2, 219-224, 2003 | López I; Gámez M; Carreño R: Observability in dynamic evolutionary models, BIOSYSTEMS 73 No. 2, 99-109, 2004 | Cressman R; Garay J: Stablility N-species coevolutionary systems, THEOR POP BIOL 64, No. 4,, 2003 | Cressman R; Krivan V; Garay J: Ideal free distributions, evolutionary games, and population dynamics in multiple-species environments, AM NAT 164 (4): 473-489, 2004 | Cressman R; Garay J; Scarelli A; Varga Z: The dynamic stability of coalitionist behaviour for two-strategy bimatrix games, THEORY AND DECISION 56(1-2): 141-152, 2004 | López I; Gámez M; Varga Z: Equilibrium, observability and controllability in selection-mutation models, BIOSYSTEMS Vol. 81, No1, 65-75., 2005 | Garay J: Több fajra vonatkozó evolúciós stabilitási fogalmak, közlésre elfogadva: Magyar Tudomány, 2005/4 390-399., 2005 | López I; Gámez M; Carreño R; Varga Z: Recovering genetic processes from phenotypic observation, In: Capasso V (ed.) Mathematical Modelling & Computing in Biologyand &Medicine, Milan: MIRIAM, 2003, pp. 356-361, 2003 | López I; Gámez M; Carreño R; Varga Z: Optimization of mean fitness of a population via artificial selection, In: Bars R (ed.) Control Applications of Optimisation, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003, pp. 147-150, 2003 | López I: Observabilidad y Controlabilidad en Modelos de Evolución, 2003 (tesis doctoral, Universidad de Almería, Servicio de Publicaciones España), CD, Depósito Legal Al-387-2003, ISBN: 84-8240-683-3, 2003 | Garay,J: Partial change in mean fitness versus relative advantage in fundamental theorem of natural selection. Proceedings of ECMTB 2005, European Conference On Mathematical and Theoretical Biology), lektorált teljes cikk (2006, megjelenés alatt), Proceedings of ECMTB 2005, European Conference On Mathematical and Theoretical Biology), lektorált teljes cikk (megjelenés alatt), 2006 | Garay J: Genetical Reachability, Workshop on Mathematical Population Genetics and Statistical Physics at Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, 16-20 December, 2002., 2002 | Garay J: Genetical reachability: When does a sexual population realize all phenotypic states in linkage equilibrium?, ECMTB2002 Milan, Italy. Abstracts, 247, 2002 | Szigeti F; Vera C; Varga Z: Nonlinear system inversion applied to ecological monitoring, IFAC2002 Barcelona, Spain. Abstracts, 210, 2002 | Cressman R; Garay J: A game–theoretical model for punctuated equilibrium: species invasion and stasis through coevolution. BioSystem 84: 1-14, BioSystem 84: 1-14, 2006 | Scarelli A; Garay J; Varga Z: Evolutionary Dynamics for the Behaviour in a Cooperative, SING 2 – Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory14-17 June, 2006, Foggia / Italy. Abstracts, 61., 2006 | Varga Z; Carreño R; Gámez M; López I: Extensión del teorema fundamental de Fisher sobre la selección natural. 27 Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. 8 -11 April 2003, Lleida, Spain. (pp 1-8, full paper in electronic version), 27 Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. 8 -11 April 2003, Lleida, Spain. (pp 1-8, full paper in electronic version), 2003 | Varga Z; Carreño R; Gámez M; López I: Controllability of population systems, 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Ecology 5 � 9 Sept. 2003. Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Abstracts No. Pos-Var-a, 2003 | Garay J.; Cressman R; Varga Z: A game-theoretical model of a two-species foraging problem concerning bee populations, Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics. Trento, Italy, June 21-25, 2004. Abstracts 39, 2004 | López I; Gámez M; Carreño R; Varga Z: Optimización de la varianza de la aptitud marginal en un modelo de selección artificial, XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa SEIO�04. Cádiz, España, 25-29 de Oct. 2004. Resúmenes en forma electrónica: http://www.uca.es/ba, 2004 | López I; Gámez M; Garay J; Varga Z: Monitoring in a Lotka-Volterra model, BioSystems (in press), 2006 | Shamandy A; Scarelli A; Varga Z: Observability of simple ecosystems, 10th Spanish Conference on Biometrics. Oviedo, Spain, May 25-27, 2005 Resúmenes, 161., 2005 | López I, Gámez M ; Varga Z: Observer design for phenotypic observation of genetic processes. International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM 2006, 22-30 August, 2006, Madrid / Spain (accepted), ICM 2006, Intl. Congress of Mathematicians, 22-30 August, 2006, Madrid / Spain (accepted), 2006 | Garay J; Scarelli A; Cressman R; Varga Z: Dynamic game model for a marketing cooperative with penalty for unfaithfulness, XXX AMASES (Italian Association of Mathematics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences) National Congress. 4-7 September, 2006, Trieste, Italy (accepted), 2006 | Garay J: An ecological game-theoretical model for the foraging problem of bees, BIRS Workshop on Evolutionary Games Dynamics, 2006, Banff, Canada. (invited speaker), 2006 |




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