Problems in approximation theory. Classical and weighted cases.
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Szabados, J.: Orthogonal polynomials, A Panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in the Twentieth Century I., Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, Vol.14, Springer, (2005), 55-71., 2005 | Benko D; Erdélyi T; Szabados J: The full Markov--Newman inequality for Müntz polynomials on positive intervals, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131: pp. 2385-2391, 2003 | Szili L; Vértesi P: On summability of weighted Lagrange interpolation. I, Acta Math. Hugar. 101: 323-344, 2003 | Szabados J; Erdélyi T: Bernstein inequalities for polynomials with constrained roots, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 68: 163-178, 2002 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Vértesi P: One sided convergence condition of Lagrange interpolation based on generalized Jacobi type weights, Acta Math. Hugar. 99: 329-350, 2003 | Szabados J; Gal SG: Partial shape preserving approximation by interpolation operators, In: Functions, Series, Operators, Alexits Memorial Conference (Budapest, 1999), 2002, pp. 225-246, 2002 | Vértesi P: On the Lebesgue function and the Lebesgue constant, In: A tribute to Paul Erdős, Bolyai Society Math. Studies, 2002. pp. 705–728, 2002 | Kroó, A; Szabados, J: On density of homogeneous polynomials on convex and star-like surfaces, East J. Approx., 11 (2005), 381-404, 2005 | Szili L; Vértesi P: On uniform convergence of sequences of certain linear operators, Acta Math. Hungar. 91: 159–186, 2001 | Brutman L; Gopengauz I; Vértesi P: On the domain of divergence of Hermite-Fejér interpolating polynomials, J. Appr. Theory 106: 287–289, 2000 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Vértesi P: Uniform convergence of Hermite-Fejér interpolation based on generalized Jacobi nodes, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 68: 389–405, 2000 | Vértesi P: On classical (unweighted) and weighted interpolation, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 68: 185–202, 2000 | Vértesi P: Problems in approximation theory (Hungarian), In: MTA Közgyűlési Előadások I, 2000. pp. 127–129, 2000 | Gróf J: Uniform approximation on the whole real line, Department of Mathematics and Computing, University of Veszprém, Preprint No. 097, October 2002, 2002 | Mastroianni G; Szabados J: Polynomial approximation on infinite intervals with weights having inner zeros, Acta Math. Hungar. 96: 221-258., 2002 | Sharma A; Szabados J: A multivariate extension of Walsh\'s overconvergence theorem, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 68 (2002), 797-803., 2002 | Kroó A; Szabados J: Tangential Bernstein--Markov inequalities for bivariate polynomials on curves, East J. Approx. 8: 261-278, 2002 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Szabados J: Approximation with exponential weights in [-1,1], J. Math. Anal. Appl. 272: 1-18, 2002 | Erdélyi T; Szabados J: On a generalization of the Bernstein-Markov inequality, Algebra i Analiz, 14: 36-53, 2002 | Szili L; Vértesi P: On summability of weighted Lagrange interpolation.II,, Acta Math. Hungar. 103: 1-17, 2004 | Szili L; Vértesi P: On summability of weighted Lagrange interpolation.III, Acta Math. Hungar. 104: 39-62, 2004 | Vértesi P: In memoriam Lev Brutman (1939 – 2001), J. of Approx. Th. 124: 1-6, 2003 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Szabados J: Weighted approximation of functions with inner singularities by iterated exponential weights, in [-1,1], Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz., 24: 181-194., 2003 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Szabados J: Weighted approximation of functions with endpoint or inner singularities by iterated exponential weights, East J. Approx., 9: 214-227., 2003 | Szabados J: Inequalities for polynomials with weights having infinitely many zeros ont he real line, In: Buhmann, Mache D.H. (ed.) Advanced problems in Constructive Approximation, ISNM Vol. 142, Birkhäuser, 2003. pp. 223-236, 2003 | Vértesi P; Xu Y: Mean convergence of orthogonal Fourier series and interpolating polynomials, Acta Math. Hungar. 107: 125-154, 2005 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Szabados J: Weighted approximation of functions with endpoint or inner singularities by Bernstein operators, Acta Math. Hungar. 103: 19-41, 2004 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Szabados: Weighted approximation of functions on the real line by Bernstein polynomials, J. Approx. Theory, 127: 223-239, 2004 | Vértesi, P.: Classical (unweighted) and Weighted Interpolation, A Panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in the Twentieth Century I., Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, Vol.14, Springer, (2005), 71-117., 2005 | Mastroianni, G.; Vértesi, P.: Fourier sums and Lagrange interpolation, Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation (A. Sharma Memorial Volume) (megjelenés alatt), 2005 | Szabados, J.: A strong converse result for approximation by weighted Bernstein polynomials on the real line, Trends and Application in Constructive Approximation (eds. M.G.de Bruin, D.H.Mache and J. Szabados), ISNM, Birkhauser Verlag, 247-258, 2005 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Vértesi P: Exact order of the Lebesgue constants for bivariate Lagrange interpolation at certain node-systems, Sudia Math. Hungar., 2007 | Vértesi, P.: Results on Interpolation of Hungarian Mathematicians in the Twentieth Century, NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPROXIMATION THEORY PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPROXIMATION THEORY NAAT 2006, CLUJ-NAPOCA, p. 1-18., 2006 | Della Vecchia B; Mastroianni G; Szabados J: Weighted approximation of functions by Szász-Mirakyan-type operators, Acta Math. Hungar., 325-345., 2006 | Szabados, J: Discrete linear interpolatory operators,, Surveys in Approximation Theory, 63-60., 2006 | Mastroianni, G.; Szabados, J: Direct and converse polynomial approximation theorems on the real line with weights having zeros, Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation (A. Sharma Memorial Volume), 287-306., 2006 | Jakimovski, A.; Sharma, A; Szabados, J: Walsh Equiconvergence of Complex Interpolating Polynomials, Springer Math. Monograph Series, 2006 |




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