Flox phenomena in liquid crystals  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Éber, Nándor
Title in Hungarian Áramlási jelenségek folyadékkristályokban
Title in English Flox phenomena in liquid crystals
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Complex Fluids Dept. (Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics Hung. Acad. Sci.)
Participants Buka, Ágnes
Starting date 2002-01-01
Closing date 2006-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 7.440
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Standard homeotróp nematikus folyadékkristályokban kimértük az elektrokonvekciós mintázatok jellemzőit. Feltérképeztük a szuperponált mágneses tér ill. nyíróáramlás hatását a mintázat jellemzőire. Kidolgoztuk a mintázat lebomlásának precíz elméleti leírását, amivel a relaxációs idő hullámszámfüggését diffrakcióval megmérve kíváló egyezést találtunk. Meghatároztuk a szmektikus fázissal is rendelkező nematikusokban megfigyelt standard és nemstandard elektrokonvekciós mintázatok jellemzőit. Megmutattuk, hogy banán nematikus folyadékkristályban is fellép elektrokonvekció. Feltártuk a nematikus anizotrópiái, orientációja és az elektrokonvekciós mintázatok kialakulása és morfológiája közötti kapcsolatot. Egy általunk kidolgozott új mérési módszerrel bizonyítottuk, hogy a banán nematikus flexoelektromos együtthatója kb. 1000-szerese a hagyományos nematikusokénak.
Results in English
We measured the characteristics of electroconvection patterns in standard homeotropic nematic liquid crystals. We explored the effect of superposed magnetic field or shear flow on the patterns. We worked out a rigorous theoretical description for the decay of patterns which had an excellent agreement with the wavenumber dependence of the relaxation times measured by diffraction. We determined the characteristics of the standard and nonstandard electroconvection patterns observed in nematics with smectic phases. We showed that electroconvection exists in banana nematics too. We explored the relation between the anisotropies and orientation of nematics and the existence and morphology of electroconvection patterns. We worked out a new measuring method by which we proved that the flexoelectric coefficient of a banana nematic is about 1000 times bigger than in usual nematics.
Full text http://real.mtak.hu/169/


List of publications

Éber N; Rozanski SA; Németh Sz; Buka Á; Pesch W; Kramer L: Decay of Spatially Periodic Patterns in a Nematic Liquid Crystal, Phys. Rev. E 70: 061706/1-8, 2004
Éber N; Németh Sz; Rossberg A; Kramer L; Buka Á: Magnetic field effect on the thresholds of a sequence of transitions in the electroconvection of a homeotropic nematic, Phys. Rev. E 66: 036213/1-8, 2002
Vajda A; Kaspar M; Hamplova V; Bubnov A; Fodor-Csorba K; Éber N: Phase diagrams and physical properties of binary ferroelectric mixtures based on a series of chiral a-cyanocinnamate derivatives, Liquid Crystals 29:1347-1354, 2002
Vajda A; Fodor-Csorba K; Éber N; Jákli A; Obadovic D; Garic M; Wen J; Galli G: Miscibility studies on bent-core mesogens, XV. Conference on Liquid Crystals CLC2003, Zakopane, 13-17 October: poszter B29, 2003
Toth-Katona T, Cauquil-Vergnes A, Éber N, Buka Á: Non-standard electroconvection with Hopf-bifurcation in a nematic with negative electric anisotropies., Phys. Rev. E: benyújtva, 2007
Vajda A; Bubnov A; Lhotáková Y; Hamplová V; Kaspar M; Nagamani SA; Yelamaggad CV; Fodor-Csorba K; Éber N: Miscibility studies of bent core mesogens, 20th International Liquid Crystal Conference, ILCC 2004, Ljubljana, 4 - 9 July: poszter SYN-P102, 2004
Kochowska E; Éber N; Otowski W; Buka Á: Square patterns and their dynamics in electroconvection, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 435: 243-253, 2005
Éber N; Buka Á: Electroconvection in homeotropic nematic liquid crystals., Phase Transitions 78: 433-442, 2005
D. B. Wiant , J. T. Gleeson , N. Éber , K. Fodor-Csorba , A. Jákli , T. Toth-Katona: Non-Standard Electroconvection in a Bent Core Nematic., Phys. Rev. E 72: 041712/1-12, 2005
Buka A; Éber N; Pesch W; Kramer L: Convective patterns in liquid crystals driven by electric field. An overview of the onset behavior, In. Self-Assembly, Pattern Formation and Growth Phenomena in Nano-Systems. Ed. A. Golovin, A. A. Nepomnyashchy, NATO Science Series II, Mathematica, Physics and Chemistry, 2006
Qin Ch; Rong G; Wen J; Vajda A; Éber N: Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of cholesteryl p-2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5-octafluoropentoxybenzoate., Liquid Crystals 31: 1677-1679, 2004
Bényei Gy; Jalsovszky I; Slugovc C; Trimmel G; Pelzl G; Vajda A; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K: Structure and properties of new liquid crystalline cubane-1,4-dicarboxlic acid derivatives, Liquid Crystals 32: 197-205, 2005
Éber N; Jákli A; Mbanga B; Gleeson J; Wiant D; Fodor-Csorba K: Flexoelectricity and electroconvection in a banana nematic, 10th Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, Stare Jablonki, 12 - 17 September, 2005: meghívott előadás I10, 2005
Éber N: Folyadékkristályok az alkalmazott- és alapkutatásban; túl az ezredfordulón, „Szilárdtestkutatás és fizikai anyagtudomány 2005. Lágy anyagok”, MTA XI. Osztály Szilárdtestfizikai Bizottsága, Budapest, 2005. május 5., előadás, 2005
Buka Á: Orientational Dynamics in Anisotropical Fluids, Understanding and Teaching Nonlinear Dynamics, Saint-Étienne de Tinée, 13 Augustus-8 October: meghívott előadás, 2005
Buka Á: Anisotropic and isotropic electroconvection, A Newton Institute Workshop, Pattern Formation in Fluid dynamics, Cambridge, 12-16 December: meghívott előadás, 2005
Pesch W, Kramer L, Éber N, Buka N: The Role of Initial Conditions in the Decay of Spatially Periodic Patterns in a Nematic Liquid Crystal, Phys. Rev. E, 73, 061705/1-10, 2006
Zhou S-Q, Éber N, Buka Á, Pesch W, Ahlers G: Onset of electro-convection in homeotropically aligned nematic liquid crystal., Phys. Rev. E, 74, 046211/1-14, 2006
Harden J, Mbanga B, Éber N, Fodor-Csorba K, Sprunt S, Gleeson JT, Jákli A: Giant flexoelectricity of bent-core nematic liquid crystals., Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 157802/1-4, 2006
Éber N, Jákli A, Harden J, Gleeson JT, Wiant D, Sprunt S, Fodor-Csorba K, Tóth-Katona T, Buka Á: Flexoelectricity and Electroconvection in a Banana Nematic, International Conference on Liquid Crystals, Mumbai, 5 - 8 December, plenáris előadás PT2, 2006
Éber N, Jákli A, Harden J, Gleeson JT, Wiant D, Sprunt S, Fodor-Csorba K, Tóth-Katona T, Buka Á: Flexoelectricity and Electroconvection in a Banana Nematic, Proceedings of the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, Mumbai, 5 - 8 December, beküldve, 2007
Toth-Katona T, Cauquil-Vergnes A, Éber N, Buka Á: Non-standard electroconvection with Hopf-bifurcation in a nematic with negative electric anisotropies., electronic-Liquid Crystals Communications: http://www.e-lc.org/docs/2006_12_15_06_27_48, 2006
Vajda A; Obadovic DZ; Stojanovic M; Fodor-Csorba K; Jákli A; Éber N: Studies on binary mixtures of bent core and calamitic compounds, International Conference on Physics of Optical Materials and Devices, ICOM 2006, Herceg Novi, 31 August - 2 September: poszter, 2006
Obadovic DZ; Stojanovic M; Jovanovic Santa S; Lazar D; Vajda A; Éber N: The influence of new D-seco-estrone derivatives on the behaviour of the cholesteric liquid crystals binary mixtures, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 20:2999-3013, 2006, 2006
Obadovic DZ; Garic M; Jovanovic Santa S; Lazar D; Vajda A; Éber N: The influence of some D-seco-estrone derivatives onto the phase transitions of binary mixtures of cholesteric liquid crystals, J. Res. Phys. 30:131-137, 2006, 2006
Buka Á; Éber N; Pesch W; Kramer L: Anisotropic and isotropic electroconvection, Phys. Rep.: benyújtva, 2007
Kochowska E; Németh Sz; Pelzl G; Buka Á: Electroconvection with and without the Carr-Helfrich effect in a series of nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 70: 011711/1-9, 2005, 2004
Éber N; Jákli A; Harden J; Mbanga B; Gleeson J; Wiant D; Fodor-Csorba K: Flexoelectricity and electroconvection in a banana nematic, 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference, Keystone, 2 - 7 July, 2006: meghívott előadás I10, 2006
Buka Á: Convection everywhere, Physbio2006, Stochastic processes, fluctuation and noise, Saint-Étienne de Tinée, 13 Augustus-8 October 2006: előadás, 2006
Vajda A; Bubnov A; Hamplova V; Ka¹par M; Gariæ M; Obadoviæ DZ; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K: Evolution of mesomorphic properties on binary mixture systems of bent core and calamitic compounds, XVII Czech-Polish Seminar, Structural and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions, Znojmo, Czech Republic, May 22-26, 2006: poszter 64, 2006

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