Serch for supersymmetric particles in high energy proton-proton collisions  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Tóth, József
Title in Hungarian Szuperszimmetrikus részecskék keresése nagyenergiájú proton-proton ütközésekben
Title in English Serch for supersymmetric particles in high energy proton-proton collisions
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent High Energy Physics Department (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Participants Boldizsár, László
Debreczeni, Gergely
Manno, István
Urbán, László
Starting date 2002-01-01
Closing date 2006-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 9.976
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A Genf székhelyű, összeurópai finanszírozású Európai Részecskefizikai Központban (CERN) épülő új gyorsító, az LHC előreláthatólag 2008-ban - a világon elsőként -14 TeV energiájú proton-proton ütközéseket szolgáltat. Ezzel lehetővé válik, hogy az elemi részecskék közötti kölcsönhatásokat és az azokban megnyilvánuló szimmetria tulajdonságokat minden eddiginél magasabb energiatartományban kísérletileg is tanulmányozhassuk. Ennek érdekében a Marseillei Részecskefizikai Központ (CPPM) kutatóival együtt részt vettünk a mintegy 150 laboratórium 1600 fizikusát egyesítő ATLAS kollaboráció épülő detektora elektromágneses kalorimétere záróegységeinek megépítésében: az ezt alkotó modulok összeszerelésében, elektronikus tesztjeiben, különböző részecskenyalábokkal történő besugárzásában és az így nyert adatok kiértékelésében. Létrehoztuk a záróegységek működését leíró számítógépes programrendszer számos elemét. Modelleztük a detektorban lejátszódó elektromágneses folyamatokat, új algoritmust definiáltunk a sokszoros Coulomb szórás leírására. Vizsgáltuk a záróegységek fizikai tulajdonságait, így pl. energia- és térfelbontó képességüket. Megállapítottuk, hogy ezek összhangban vannak a tervezett paraméterekkel, ami lehetővé teszi, hogy a záróegységeket mind a precíziós mérésekben, mind pedig a proton-proton ütközésekben keletkező események energiaegyensúlyának kiértékelésében eredményesen használhassuk
Results in English
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is under construction at the Organization Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), Genf, Switzerland. It is going to provide world highest energy proton-proton collisions of 14 TeV in 2008. This makes a unique possibility to study experimentally the interactions and symmetry features of the elementary particles in a not yet studied energy region. Together with the physics group of the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), we participated in several aspects of the construction of the endcaps of the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMEC) of the Atlas collaboration, an organization including about 1500 physicists of 150 laboratories around the world. We contributed to the assembly, electrical tests, data recording and analysis taken at the CERN's test beam irradiation of the EMEC modules. We worked out several items of the EMEC simulation software. Computer models of the electromagnetic interactions taking place in the material of the detector were studied and improved. A new algorithm to describe the multiple Coulomb scattering was created and implemented into the Geant4 simulation software. Physics performance (energy and space resolution, particle identification capability etc.) of EMEC modules was proven to be compatible with the design specifications. This makes possible to use these detectors, as part of the Atlas detector complex, in high precision measurements and measuring energy balance of the future p-p collisons at LHC.
Full text


List of publications

Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Single Top Production at LEP, Phys Lett B 549:290-300, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Colour Reconnection Effects in e+e- -> W+W- -> hadrons through Particle-Flow Studies at LEP, Phys Lett B 561:202-121, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Exclusive rho zero rho zero Production in Two-Photon Collisions at High Q2 at LEP, Phys Lett B 568:11-22, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Branching Fractions of Tau Hadronic Decays, CERN-EP/2003-019, submitted. to Eur.Phys.J.C., 2003
ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson at LEP, Phys Lett B 565:61-75, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Inclusive Jet Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 602:157-166, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Charged Higgs Bosons at LEP, Phys Lett B 575:208-220, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Excited Leptons at LEP, Phys Lett B 568:23-34, 2003
Ivantchenko VN; Urbán L; et al.: Overview and New Developments in GEANT4 Electromagnetic Physics, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Rome, Italy, 16-22 Oct. 2004, 2005
Agostinelli S;Urbán L; et al.: GEANT4, a Simulation Toolkit, Nucl Inst Meth A 506:250-303, 2003
Urbán L;: Latest Developments in MSC., Presentation on GLAST Collaboration Meeting, SLAC, USA, 10.09.2003, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Doubly-Charged Higgs Bosons at LEP, Phys Lett B 576:18-28, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Z-boson mass using Z gamma events at centre-of-mass energies above the Z pole, Phys Lett B 585:42-52, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Single- and Multi-Photon events with Missing Energy in e+e- Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 587:16-32, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Flavour Independent Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons at LEP, Phys Lett B 583:14-27, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Production of Single W Bosons at LEP and Measurement of WW gamma Gauge Coupling Parameters., Phys Lett B 547:151-163, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: The e+ e- -> Z gamma gamma -> q qbar gamma gamma Reaction at LEP and Constraints on Anomalous Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings., Phys Lett B 540:43-51, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Genuine Three-Particle Bose-Einstein Correlations in Hadronic Z Decay., Phys Lett B 540:185-198, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Bose-Einstein Correlations in e+e- -> W+W- Events at LEP, Phys Lett B 547:139-150, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al: Search for Neutral Higgs bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in e+e- Interactions at Sqrt(s) up to 209 GeV, Phys Lett B 545:30-42, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of Spin and Decay-Plane Correlations of W Bosons in the e+e- ->W+W- Process at LEP, Eur Phys J C40:333-342, 2004
ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-EP/2002-091, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for a Higgs Boson Decaying to Weak Boson Pairs at LEP, Phys Lett B 568:191-204, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of the e+e- -> Ze+e- Process at LEP, Phys Lett B 561:73-81, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Inclusive Charged Hadron Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 554:105-114, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of W Polarisation at LEP, Phys Lett B 557:147-156, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Proton-Antiproton Pair Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 571:11-20, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Colour Singlet and Colour Reconnection Effects in Hadronic Z Decays at LEP, Phys Lett B 581:19-30, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Z Boson Pair-Production at LEP, Phys Lett B 572:133-144, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Scalar Leptons and Scalar Quarks at LEP, Phys Lett B 580:37-49, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Muon-Pair and Tau-Pair Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 585:53-62, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Inclusive Lambda Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 586:140-150, 2004
Urbán L;: Developments in Multiple Scattering, Presentation on GEANT4 Collaboration Workshop, CERN, 1.Oct.2002, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Triple-Gauge-Boson Couplings of the W Boson at LEP, Phys Lett B 586:151-166, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Anomalous Couplings in the Higgs Sector at LEP, Phys Lett B 589:89-102, 2004
ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-EP/2003-091, 2003
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of the e^+e^- -> Z gamma Process at LEP and Limits on Triple Neutral-Gauge-Boson Couplings, Phys Lett B 597:119-130, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Exclusive rho+rho- Production in High-Q^2 Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 597:26-38, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Branons at LEP, Phys Lett B 597:145-154, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Studies of Hadronic Event Structure in e+e- Annihilation from 30 GeV to 209 GeV with the L3 Detector, Phys Rep 399:71-174, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Cross Section of W-boson pair production at LEP, Phys Lett B 600:22-40, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Exclusive rho^0 rho^0 Production in Mid-Virtuality Two-Photon Interactions at LEP, Phys Lett B 604:48-60, 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for an Invisibly-Decaying Higgs Boson at LEP, Phys Lett B 609:35-48, 2005
ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-EP/2004-069, 2004
Gergely Debreczeni: Muon Pair Production in two photon collisions., Presentation on the L3 Collaboration Meeting, 23.06.2003,CERN, 2003
Debreczeni G; Tóth J;: Simulation of charge collection in EMEC, Presented on the ATLAS Software Workshop,CERN, 09.09.2003, 2003
Aubert B; ... ;Tóth J; et al.: Performance of the Atlas Electromagnetic Calorimeter Barrel Module 0, Nucl Inst Meth A 500:202-231, 2003
Aubert B; ... ;Tóth J; et al.: Performance of the Atlas Electromagnetic Calorimeter End-Cap Module 0, Nucl Inst Meth A 500:178-201, 2003
Aubert B; ... ;Tóth J; et al.: Erratum to \''Performance of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter barrel module 0\'' [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 500 (2003) 202–231], Nucl Inst Meth A 517:399-402, 2004
Cojocaru C; Tóth J; et al.: Hadronic calibration of the ATLAS liquid argon end-cap calorimeter in the pseudorapidity region 1.6<|ç|<1.8 in beam tests, Nucl Inst Meth A 531:481-514, 2004
Tóth J;: On some aspects of EMEC simulation, Presentation on LAr working group meeting at CPPM, Marseille, France,06.10.2003, 2003
Tóth J;: Status of charge collection code for EMEC, presentation on ATLAS Liquid Argon Software Working Group’s meeting at CERN on 23.03.2004., 2004
Monnier E;Soukharev A;Tóth J;: EMEC simulation, presentation on ATLAS Liquid Argon Software Working Group’s meeting at CERN on 08.09.2004, 2004
Serfon C;Soukharev A;Tóth J;: Status of GEANT4 Simulation of ATLAS EMEC Calorimeter, presentation on ATLAS Liquid Argon Software & Performance Working Group’s meeting at CERN on 17.11.2004., 2004
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Atmospheric Muon Spectrum from 20 to 3000 GeV, Phys Lett B 598:15-32, 2004
Urbán L;: Multiple Scattering Model in GEANT4, CERN-OPEN-2002-070, 2002
Grichine VM; Urbán L; et al.: Upgrade of the GEANT4 ''Standard'' Electromagnetic Package, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Rome, Italy, 16-22 Oct. 2004, 2005
Urbán L;: Multiple Scattering, Presentation on GEANT4 User Workshop, CERN, 13.Nov.2002, 2002
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the photon structure function F2gamma with the L3 detector at LEP, Physics Letters B 622:249-264, 2005
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Z-boson production with two unobserved, back-to-back, hard photons at LEP, Physics Letters B 613:118-127, 2005
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Compton Scattering of Quasi-Real Virtual Photons at LEP, Physics Letters B 616:145-158, 2005
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Cross Section for Open-Beauty Production in Photon-Photon Collisions, Physics Letters B 619:71-81, 2005
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Exclusive rho+rho- Production in Mid-Virtuality Two-Photon Interactions and Study of the gamma gamma* to rho rho Process at LEP, Physics Letters B 615:19-30, 2005
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Neutral-Current Four-Fermion Production in e+e- Interactions at LEP, Physics Letters B 616 (2005) 159-173, 2005
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Running of the Electromagnetic Coupling at Large Momentum-Transfer at LEP, Physics Letters B 623:26-36, 2005
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Hadron and Lepton-Pair Production in e+e- Collisions at root(s)=192-208GeV, Eur Phys J C47:1-19, 2006
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Mass and Width of the W boson at LEP, European Physical Journal C45:569-587, 2006
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Analysis of the pi^+pi^-pi^+pi^- and pi^+pi^0pi^-pi^0 Final States in Quasi-Real Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Physics Letters B638:128-139, 2006
ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Precision Electroweak Measurements on the Z Resonance, Physics Reports 427:257-454, 2006
ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-PH-EP/2005-051, November 9, 2005, 2005
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Shadowing of High-Energy Cosmic Rays by the Moon: A Search for TeV-Energy Antiprotons, Astroparticle Physics 23:411-434, 2005
Urbán L; et al.: Latest Developments in the Standard Electromagnetic Physics, presentation on GEANT4 Workshop, Catania,Italy, 07.10.2004, 2004
Urbán L;: Multiple Scattering in GEANT4, Presentation on GEANT CollaborationWorkshop,TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada, 04.09.2003, 2003
Urbán L: A Model for Multiple Scattering in GEANT4, Presentation on Geant4 Collaboration Workshop, Bordeaux (France) ,7-10 November,2005, 2005
Urbán L: A Model for Multiple Scattering in GEANT4, Presentation on Monte Carlo 2005 Topical Meeting, Chattanooga(Tenessee,USA),17-21 April, 2005., 2005
ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons at LEP, Eur. Phys. J .C47:547, 2006
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of Resonance Formation in the Mass Region 1400-1500MeV through the Reaction gamma gamma to KsKpi, CERN-PH-EP/2006-041, to appear in JHEP, 2006
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of Inclusive Strange-Baryon Production and Search for Pentaquarks in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, CERN-PH-EP/2006-028, To appear in the European Physical Journal C, 2006
ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-PH-EP/2006-042, 2006
Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Search for Flaring Very-High-Energy Cosmic gamma-ray Sources with the L3+C Muon Spectrometer, Astroparticle Physics 25:298-310, 2006
BOGDANOV AM, URBAN L et al: Geant4 simulation of production and interaction of muons, IEEE T NUCL SCI 53:513-519, 2006
ALLISON J, URBAN L et al.: Geant4 developments and applications, IEEE T NUCL SCI 53:270, 2006
AMAKO K, URBAN L et al.: Geant4 and its validation, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 150:44-49, 2006
Colas J; Tisserant S; Tóth J et al.: Position resolution and particle identification with the ATLAS EM calorimeter, Nucl Inst Meth A 550:96-115, 2005
E.Monnier, B.Dekhissi, V.Niess, J.Toth, C.Serfon, A.Soukharev et al.,: Status of EMEC simulation, presentation on the LAr Calorimeter Performance meeting at CERN on 17.11.2005, 2005
E.Monnier, V.Niess, J.Toth: Endcap status, presentation on the LAr Calorimeter Simulation group meeting at CERN on13.02.2006, 2006
B.Dekhissi, E.Monnier, V.Niess, A.Soukharev, J. Toth: H6 EMEC standalone TB: Simulation and analysis update, presentation on the LAr Calorimeter Simulation group meeting at CERN, on 21. June,2006, 2006
J. Boudreau, E.Monnier, J.Toth et al.: LAr Simulations, Status & Plans, at the Atlas Software Workshop at CERN, September 6,2006, 2006
ATLAS Electromagnetic LAr Calorimeter group, including J.Toth: Construction, assembly and test of the ATLAS electromagnetic end-cap Calorimeter, article in preparation, to be submitted to NIM, 2007
M.Aharrouche....S.Tisserant....J.Toth et al.: Response uniformity of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter, article in preparation, to be submitted to NIM, 2007
J. Boudreau, E.Monnier, J.Toth et al.: Specification for a detailed description of the liquid Argon calorimeter of Atlas, article in preparation, 2007
B.Dekhissi, E.Monnier, V.Niess, C.Serfon, A.Soukharev, J. Toth: Test Beam Monte Carlo comparisons, presentation on the Hadron Calibration Workshop, Munich 3-5 May, 2006, 2006
Urban L. et al.: Geant4 Physics Reference Manual,, 2006

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