Serch for supersymmetric particles in high energy proton-proton collisions
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Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Single Top Production at LEP, Phys Lett B 549:290-300, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Colour Reconnection Effects in e+e- -> W+W- -> hadrons through Particle-Flow Studies at LEP, Phys Lett B 561:202-121, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Exclusive rho zero rho zero Production in Two-Photon Collisions at High Q2 at LEP, Phys Lett B 568:11-22, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Branching Fractions of Tau Hadronic Decays, CERN-EP/2003-019, submitted. to Eur.Phys.J.C., 2003 | ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson at LEP, Phys Lett B 565:61-75, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Inclusive Jet Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 602:157-166, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Charged Higgs Bosons at LEP, Phys Lett B 575:208-220, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Excited Leptons at LEP, Phys Lett B 568:23-34, 2003 | Ivantchenko VN; Urbán L; et al.: Overview and New Developments in GEANT4 Electromagnetic Physics, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Rome, Italy, 16-22 Oct. 2004, 2005 | Agostinelli S;Urbán L; et al.: GEANT4, a Simulation Toolkit, Nucl Inst Meth A 506:250-303, 2003 | Urbán L;: Latest Developments in MSC., Presentation on GLAST Collaboration Meeting, SLAC, USA, 10.09.2003, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Doubly-Charged Higgs Bosons at LEP, Phys Lett B 576:18-28, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Z-boson mass using Z gamma events at centre-of-mass energies above the Z pole, Phys Lett B 585:42-52, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Single- and Multi-Photon events with Missing Energy in e+e- Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 587:16-32, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Flavour Independent Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons at LEP, Phys Lett B 583:14-27, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Production of Single W Bosons at LEP and Measurement of WW gamma Gauge Coupling Parameters., Phys Lett B 547:151-163, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: The e+ e- -> Z gamma gamma -> q qbar gamma gamma Reaction at LEP and Constraints on Anomalous Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings., Phys Lett B 540:43-51, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Genuine Three-Particle Bose-Einstein Correlations in Hadronic Z Decay., Phys Lett B 540:185-198, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Bose-Einstein Correlations in e+e- -> W+W- Events at LEP, Phys Lett B 547:139-150, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al: Search for Neutral Higgs bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in e+e- Interactions at Sqrt(s) up to 209 GeV, Phys Lett B 545:30-42, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of Spin and Decay-Plane Correlations of W Bosons in the e+e- ->W+W- Process at LEP, Eur Phys J C40:333-342, 2004 | ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-EP/2002-091, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for a Higgs Boson Decaying to Weak Boson Pairs at LEP, Phys Lett B 568:191-204, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of the e+e- -> Ze+e- Process at LEP, Phys Lett B 561:73-81, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Inclusive Charged Hadron Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 554:105-114, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of W Polarisation at LEP, Phys Lett B 557:147-156, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Proton-Antiproton Pair Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 571:11-20, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Colour Singlet and Colour Reconnection Effects in Hadronic Z Decays at LEP, Phys Lett B 581:19-30, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Z Boson Pair-Production at LEP, Phys Lett B 572:133-144, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Scalar Leptons and Scalar Quarks at LEP, Phys Lett B 580:37-49, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Muon-Pair and Tau-Pair Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 585:53-62, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Inclusive Lambda Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 586:140-150, 2004 | Urbán L;: Developments in Multiple Scattering, Presentation on GEANT4 Collaboration Workshop, CERN, 1.Oct.2002, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Triple-Gauge-Boson Couplings of the W Boson at LEP, Phys Lett B 586:151-166, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Anomalous Couplings in the Higgs Sector at LEP, Phys Lett B 589:89-102, 2004 | ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-EP/2003-091, 2003 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of the e^+e^- -> Z gamma Process at LEP and Limits on Triple Neutral-Gauge-Boson Couplings, Phys Lett B 597:119-130, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Exclusive rho+rho- Production in High-Q^2 Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Phys Lett B 597:26-38, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Branons at LEP, Phys Lett B 597:145-154, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Studies of Hadronic Event Structure in e+e- Annihilation from 30 GeV to 209 GeV with the L3 Detector, Phys Rep 399:71-174, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Cross Section of W-boson pair production at LEP, Phys Lett B 600:22-40, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Exclusive rho^0 rho^0 Production in Mid-Virtuality Two-Photon Interactions at LEP, Phys Lett B 604:48-60, 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for an Invisibly-Decaying Higgs Boson at LEP, Phys Lett B 609:35-48, 2005 | ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-EP/2004-069, 2004 | Gergely Debreczeni: Muon Pair Production in two photon collisions., Presentation on the L3 Collaboration Meeting, 23.06.2003,CERN, 2003 | Debreczeni G; Tóth J;: Simulation of charge collection in EMEC, Presented on the ATLAS Software Workshop,CERN, 09.09.2003, 2003 | Aubert B; ... ;Tóth J; et al.: Performance of the Atlas Electromagnetic Calorimeter Barrel Module 0, Nucl Inst Meth A 500:202-231, 2003 | Aubert B; ... ;Tóth J; et al.: Performance of the Atlas Electromagnetic Calorimeter End-Cap Module 0, Nucl Inst Meth A 500:178-201, 2003 | Aubert B; ... ;Tóth J; et al.: Erratum to \''Performance of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter barrel module 0\'' [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 500 (2003) 202–231], Nucl Inst Meth A 517:399-402, 2004 | Cojocaru C; Tóth J; et al.: Hadronic calibration of the ATLAS liquid argon end-cap calorimeter in the pseudorapidity region 1.6<|ç|<1.8 in beam tests, Nucl Inst Meth A 531:481-514, 2004 | Tóth J;: On some aspects of EMEC simulation, Presentation on LAr working group meeting at CPPM, Marseille, France,06.10.2003, 2003 | Tóth J;: Status of charge collection code for EMEC, presentation on ATLAS Liquid Argon Software Working Group’s meeting at CERN on 23.03.2004., 2004 | Monnier E;Soukharev A;Tóth J;: EMEC simulation, presentation on ATLAS Liquid Argon Software Working Group’s meeting at CERN on 08.09.2004, 2004 | Serfon C;Soukharev A;Tóth J;: Status of GEANT4 Simulation of ATLAS EMEC Calorimeter, presentation on ATLAS Liquid Argon Software & Performance Working Group’s meeting at CERN on 17.11.2004., 2004 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Atmospheric Muon Spectrum from 20 to 3000 GeV, Phys Lett B 598:15-32, 2004 | Urbán L;: Multiple Scattering Model in GEANT4, CERN-OPEN-2002-070, 2002 | Grichine VM; Urbán L; et al.: Upgrade of the GEANT4 ''Standard'' Electromagnetic Package, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Rome, Italy, 16-22 Oct. 2004, 2005 | Urbán L;: Multiple Scattering, Presentation on GEANT4 User Workshop, CERN, 13.Nov.2002, 2002 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the photon structure function F2gamma with the L3 detector at LEP, Physics Letters B 622:249-264, 2005 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Z-boson production with two unobserved, back-to-back, hard photons at LEP, Physics Letters B 613:118-127, 2005 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Compton Scattering of Quasi-Real Virtual Photons at LEP, Physics Letters B 616:145-158, 2005 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Cross Section for Open-Beauty Production in Photon-Photon Collisions, Physics Letters B 619:71-81, 2005 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Exclusive rho+rho- Production in Mid-Virtuality Two-Photon Interactions and Study of the gamma gamma* to rho rho Process at LEP, Physics Letters B 615:19-30, 2005 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Neutral-Current Four-Fermion Production in e+e- Interactions at LEP, Physics Letters B 616 (2005) 159-173, 2005 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Running of the Electromagnetic Coupling at Large Momentum-Transfer at LEP, Physics Letters B 623:26-36, 2005 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of Hadron and Lepton-Pair Production in e+e- Collisions at root(s)=192-208GeV, Eur Phys J C47:1-19, 2006 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Mass and Width of the W boson at LEP, European Physical Journal C45:569-587, 2006 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Analysis of the pi^+pi^-pi^+pi^- and pi^+pi^0pi^-pi^0 Final States in Quasi-Real Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, Physics Letters B638:128-139, 2006 | ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Precision Electroweak Measurements on the Z Resonance, Physics Reports 427:257-454, 2006 | ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-PH-EP/2005-051, November 9, 2005, 2005 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Measurement of the Shadowing of High-Energy Cosmic Rays by the Moon: A Search for TeV-Energy Antiprotons, Astroparticle Physics 23:411-434, 2005 | Urbán L; et al.: Latest Developments in the Standard Electromagnetic Physics, presentation on GEANT4 Workshop, Catania,Italy, 07.10.2004, 2004 | Urbán L;: Multiple Scattering in GEANT4, Presentation on GEANT CollaborationWorkshop,TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada, 04.09.2003, 2003 | Urbán L: A Model for Multiple Scattering in GEANT4, Presentation on Geant4 Collaboration Workshop, Bordeaux (France) ,7-10 November,2005, 2005 | Urbán L: A Model for Multiple Scattering in GEANT4, Presentation on Monte Carlo 2005 Topical Meeting, Chattanooga(Tenessee,USA),17-21 April, 2005., 2005 | ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Search for Neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons at LEP, Eur. Phys. J .C47:547, 2006 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of Resonance Formation in the Mass Region 1400-1500MeV through the Reaction gamma gamma to KsKpi, CERN-PH-EP/2006-041, to appear in JHEP, 2006 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: Study of Inclusive Strange-Baryon Production and Search for Pentaquarks in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP, CERN-PH-EP/2006-028, To appear in the European Physical Journal C, 2006 | ALEPH; DELPHI; L3; OPAL;incl. Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model, CERN-PH-EP/2006-042, 2006 | Achard P;Boldizsár L;Debreczeni J;Tóth J; et al.: A Search for Flaring Very-High-Energy Cosmic gamma-ray Sources with the L3+C Muon Spectrometer, Astroparticle Physics 25:298-310, 2006 | BOGDANOV AM, URBAN L et al: Geant4 simulation of production and interaction of muons, IEEE T NUCL SCI 53:513-519, 2006 | ALLISON J, URBAN L et al.: Geant4 developments and applications, IEEE T NUCL SCI 53:270, 2006 | AMAKO K, URBAN L et al.: Geant4 and its validation, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 150:44-49, 2006 | Colas J; Tisserant S; Tóth J et al.: Position resolution and particle identification with the ATLAS EM calorimeter, Nucl Inst Meth A 550:96-115, 2005 | E.Monnier, B.Dekhissi, V.Niess, J.Toth, C.Serfon, A.Soukharev et al.,: Status of EMEC simulation, presentation on the LAr Calorimeter Performance meeting at CERN on 17.11.2005, 2005 | E.Monnier, V.Niess, J.Toth: Endcap status, presentation on the LAr Calorimeter Simulation group meeting at CERN on13.02.2006, 2006 | B.Dekhissi, E.Monnier, V.Niess, A.Soukharev, J. Toth: H6 EMEC standalone TB: Simulation and analysis update, presentation on the LAr Calorimeter Simulation group meeting at CERN, on 21. June,2006, 2006 | J. Boudreau, E.Monnier, J.Toth et al.: LAr Simulations, Status & Plans, at the Atlas Software Workshop at CERN, September 6,2006, 2006 | ATLAS Electromagnetic LAr Calorimeter group, including J.Toth: Construction, assembly and test of the ATLAS electromagnetic end-cap Calorimeter, article in preparation, to be submitted to NIM, 2007 | M.Aharrouche....S.Tisserant....J.Toth et al.: Response uniformity of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter, article in preparation, to be submitted to NIM, 2007 | J. Boudreau, E.Monnier, J.Toth et al.: Specification for a detailed description of the liquid Argon calorimeter of Atlas, article in preparation, 2007 | B.Dekhissi, E.Monnier, V.Niess, C.Serfon, A.Soukharev, J. Toth: Test Beam Monte Carlo comparisons, presentation on the Hadron Calibration Workshop, Munich 3-5 May, 2006, 2006 | Urban L. et al.: Geant4 Physics Reference Manual, http://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/UserDocumentation/UsersGuides/PhysicsReferenceManual/html, 2006 |




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