Infrared studies of the galactic and extragalactic backround radiation
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del Burgo; Laureijs RJ; Ábrahám P; Kiss Cs: Far-infrared colours of high-latitude dust regions, ESA Special Publications Series 511: 195-198, 2003 | Leinert Ch; Ábrahám P.; Acosta-Pulido JA; Lemke D; Siebenmorgen R: Mid-infrared spectrum of the zodiacal light observed with ISOPHOT, Astron Astrophys 393: 1073-79, 2002 | Koch-Miramond L; Ábrahám P; Fuchs Y; Bonnet-Bidaud J-M; Claret A: A 2.4-12 mu m spectrophotometric study with ISO of Cygnus X-3 in quiescence, Astron Astrophys 396: 877-884, 2002 | Kiss Cs; Ábrahám P; Klaas U; Lemke U; Héraudeau Ph; del Burgo C; Herbstmeier U: Small-scale structure of the galactic cirrus emission, Astron Astrophys 399: 177-185, 2003 | del Burgo C; Laureijs RJ; Ábrahám P; Kiss Cs: The far-infrared signature of dust in high-latitude regions, Mon Not R Astron Soc 346: 403-414, 2003 | Przygodda F; van Boekel R; Melnikov SY; Ábrahám P; Waters LBFM; Leinert Ch: Evidence for grain growth in T Tauri disks, Astron Astrophys 412: L43-46, 2003 | Ábrahám P; Moór A; Kiss Cs; Héraudeau Ph; del Burgo C: Circumstellar dust around main-sequence stars: what can we learn from the ISOPHOT archive?, ESA Special Publications Series 511: 129-132, 2003 | Kiss Cs; Ábrahám P; Klaas U; Lemke D; Héraudeau Ph; del Burgo C: An archive survey of cirrus structures with ISOPHOT, ESA Special Publications Series 511: 189-194, 2003 | Ábrahám P: ISOPHOT observations of the circumstellar environment of young stars, Comm. from the Konkoly Obs. 103: 85-92, 2003 | Kóspál Á; Ábrahám P; Kun M; Csizmadia Sz; Verdugo E: Long-Term Evolution of FU Ori-Type Stars at Infrared Wavelengths, Astrophys Space Sci 292: 547-551, 2004 | Ábrahám P; Kun M: ISOPHOT-S spectral atlas of young stellar objects, Baltic Astronomy 13: 464-469, 2004 | Kóspál Á; Ábrahám P; Csizmadia Sz: Long-term evolution of FU ORI type stars at infrared wavelengths, Baltic Astronomy 13: 518-521, 2004 | Könyves V; Moór A; Kiss Cs; Ábrahám P.: Young Stellar Objects in L 1188, Baltic Astronomy 13: 470-473, 2004 | Ábrahám P; Kóspál Á; Csizmadia Sz; Moór A; Kun M; Stringfellow G: The infrared properties of the new outburst star IRAS 05436-0007 in quiescent phase, Astron Astrophys 419: L39-L42, 2004 | Kiss ZT; Kiss Cs; Ábrahám P; Tóth LV: Determination of dust temperature and emissivity from IRAS and ISO observations, Publ Astron Dept Eötvös Univ 14: 113-118, 2004 | Kóspál Á; Ábrahám P; Csizmadia Sz; Kun M; Moór A; Prusti T: The long-term evolution of 7 FU Orionis-type stars at infrared wavelengths, Publ Astron Dept Eötvös Univ 14: 119-125, 2004 | Kóspál Á; Ábrahám P; Csizmadia Sz; Kun M; Moór A; Prusti T: The long-term evolution of 7 FU Orionis-type stars at infrared wavelengths, Publ Astron Dept Eötvös Univ 14: 119-125, 2004 | Ábrahám P; Kiss Cs; Csizmadia Sz; Moór A: Analyses of the ISO/ISOPHOT database in preparation to the Herschel mission, ESA Special Publications Series 577: 319-320, 2004 | Balázs LG; Ábrahám P; Kun M; Kelemen J; Tóth LV: Star count analysis of the interstellar matter in the region of L1251, Astron Astrophys 425: 133-141, 2004 | Ábrahám P; Kóspál Á; Csizmadia Sz; Kun M; Moór A; Prusti T: Long-term evolution of FU Orionis objects at infrared wavelengths, Astron Astrophys 428: 89-97, 2004 | Kiss Cs; Klaas U; Lemke D.: Determination of confusion noise for far-infrared measurements, Astron Astrophys 430: 343-353, 2005 | Kiss Cs: The infrared sky structure and the ISO Data Archive, Publ Astron Dept Eötvös Univ 14: 89-100, 2004 | Kun M; Prusti T; Nikoliæ S; Johansson LEB; Walton NA: The IC 2118 association: New T Tauri stars in high-latitude molecular clouds, Astron Astrophys 418: 89-98, 2004 | Kun M; Wouterloot JGA; Tóth LV: Probing the structure of a birthplace of intermediate-mass stars: Ammonia cores in Lynds 1340, Astron Astrophys 398: 169-180, 2003 | Müller TG; Ábrahám P; Crovisier J: Comets, Asteroids and Zodiacal Light as seen by ISO, Space Sci Rev. 119-141, 2005 | Mosoni, L., Ratzka, T., Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á., Henning, T.: First AU-scale observations of V1647 Ori: The outbursting young star in the McNeil's Nebula, Astron. Nachr. 326, 565-565, 2005 | Kiss Cs.; Ábrahám P; Laureijs, R.J., Birkmann, S., Kiss Z.T.: Constrains on the nature of dust particles by far-infrared observations, to be submitted to Monthly Notices of the RAS, 2005 | Hamilton, C.M., Herbst, W., Vrba, F.J., Ibrahimov, M.A., Mundt, R., Bailer-Jones, C.A.L., Filippenko, A.V., Li, W., Bejar, V.J.S., Ábrahám, P., Kun, M., Moór, A., Benkő, J., Csizmadia, S.: The Disappearing Act of KH 15D: Photometric Results from 1995 to 2004, Astron. Journal 130, 1896-1915, 2005 | Kiss Cs.; Pál A.; Müller, Th.; Ábrahám P: An asteroid model of the mid- and far-infrared sky, to be submitted to PADEU, 2005 |
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